You are immortal now! Discover how with this article, podcast and video. Get going today on your best possible life!

Born to Live Forever!

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  • The world is not designed for killing, death and hardship; but love and lasting life.
  • We’re living in heaven now, the Garden of Eden, but we’ve altered it by disrespecting life.
  • We can turn things around, from hardship and death, to joy and eternal bliss.
  • Watch the video to understand your own immortality and the good it has for you.
  • To make progress today, see our course with Qigong and step-by-step instruction.

A Benevolent Creation

Part of the Secret to Immortality is this: we suggest that forms-of-life aren’t in existence to kill and eat other forms-of-life. It can seem that evolution is designed to be this way. But I promise you, it’s not. Not at all.

By kindly sharing who we are, we create a greater good — our needs are met, and life is enhanced.

We live in a beloved creation if we act with kindness and cooperation — not hunt each other down to kill and eat. Even single celled animals hunt and kill, as well as bacteria and viruses. We need to end this habit, and transform the way life interacts.

My suggestion is we don’t have to struggle and live in a world that behaves this way. Instead, we can lead the way, turning death around to lasting life.

Better than Suffering and Death

We should be horrified by the wrong of life, the flawed design of it, and how it takes place.

We need something better, and can have it. We can redesign a harsh creation.

The force of death creates an endless cycle, of unconscious pull, we really don’t need.

The “Circle of Life” is a cartoon fantasy that denies the harsh reality of this world. Let’s end this denial and improve our situation.

Certainly, evolution happens every second life exists, regardless of hardship. I suggest there’s growing consciousness with any type of life process.

Every experience has value — but let’s change the way life takes place for us, the nature and quality of it .

… physical immortality and heaven on earth.

Let’s take the suggestion of our good spiritual friends, through the ages, who say the way to happiness is physical immortality and heaven on earth.

What Is the “Secret to Immortality”?

We teach the Secret to Immortality, right here, on this website. You’re making progress this very moment, as you interact with this blog post.

After decades of work, pursuit and practice; we designed a simple program anyone can do to activate and strengthen their own immortality.

There are three parts:

  1. Mindfulness for Immortality
  2. Qigong for Lasting Life
  3. Immortality Coaching

Explore this website for all the powerful ways you can improve your life, enliven you spirit and have the joy of your eternal self.

A Qigong Master

Hello, I’m John F. Harrigan: Author, Qigong Master and founder of the website where we teach the Secret to Immortality, Qigong and Personal Growth.

With the Secret to Immortality, we can lead you to a life of benevolence and grace — every day. You’ll discover a wonderful world and make this lifetime fully count.

Discover the Secret to Immortality

To begin a path of eternal life on earth, go to and read the blog; see our book; try the course; listen to the podcast and join Immortality LAB!

  1. Blog
  2. Book
  3. Course
  4. Podcast
  5. Immortality LAB

You are immortal now!

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Watch the videos on our YouTube channel.

Join us on Facebook,  Instagram and Twitter; where you can participate with our community. Every day we post “immortality quotes” to instruct, assist and help you with your life!

Try Our Powerful New Course

To begin today with the Secret to Immortality, we suggest our new course with a simple approach to our best ideas and techniques.

You’ll discover twenty amazing videos covering all aspects of building an immortal life of character, grace and goodwill.

In addition, there’s full instruction on powerful Qigong techniques that lay the foundation for this lasting way.

Quotes for Happiness and Immortal Life

[All quotes are from our social media accounts.]

Full Transcript

[Volunteers please! This transcript is not fully edited due to time constraints. If you have experience editing, we’d love to have your help and tell you about volunteer benefits. For more info, please contact us today.]

Unknown Speaker 0:00
Hello, this is John Harrigan, author and founder of the website immortal, where we teach the secret to immortality.

And what exactly is the Secret to Immortality? Well, it’s how we create this reality: our body, our mind, our feelings and lives; by what we think, what we say — words are powerful — and what we physically do.

It’s nothing original to me. The secret to immortality has been around forever, immortal Taoists in the mountains of China; and that’s come over to the United States … I’ve been practicing and taught that for the last 23 years. And even in Christianity, we have Jesus talking about what? — immortal physical life in the body, on this planet.

If we do certain things, act certain ways — with love, compassion, Understanding .– the secret to immortality is just a modern version of wisdom of the ancients.

That really we’re living in heaven now or in the Garden of Eden right now we’ve messed it up a bit by our behavior, by killing. by doing harm to others and ourselves … where life form after life form, is chasing after other life forms to consume and eat it.

And part of the secret to immortality is … we teach; we suggest to you that forms of lives aren’t in existence to eat other forms of lives. It can seem that evolution is designed that way. But I promise you, it’s really not. Not at all. It’s a much more Beloved, benevolent and productive creation and world, and physical body, if we act with kindness, cooperate and work together, to evolve and grow, not hunt each other down, kill and eat … even, single cell animals do that, bacteria and viruses. And my suggestion is we don’t have to do that.

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That really is the force of death of death, rebirth, death, rebirth, death, rebirth, kind of an endless cycle of horror and hardship. And for sure, evolution happens every second that life exists. I suggest and presume to you all that there is a growing consciousness. But let’s change all that. Let’s take this suggestion of our good spiritual friends through the ages that suggests the way to really live is a life of physical immortality of heaven on earth,

in our website immortal now calm teaches the secret to immortality, which is exactly how do you do that on a day to day basis? How do you live joy, happiness to freedom? And how do you transform into physical immortality and I suggest you, we don’t transform at all. We just stop the trouble we’re making. We stop twisting creation into this death grip this death force. We kind of let go of this this hellish death and killing and consuming. We kind of let go of it into love, into peace, into compassion and let the eternal self express itself in our physical bodies on the planet. And that’s the secret to immortality that it’s not a secret at all. It kind of looks and it can seem to us We’re born into this contraption and into this mechanized world where everything is chasing after everything else to eat it and kill it and consume it, where we have to compete in, be aggressive and knock out our neighbor to get a place in the world. We don’t have to do that at all.

As an example, think of your own human body. Our body is a beautiful example of immortality of how eternal life works. Our body is designed to live forever, even in modern medicine. Researchers and doctors, they don’t consider death a natural outcome of life at all because it isn’t. They consider death to be a disease, a disease something wrong, because it is wrong. But let’s say we could have a mortal physical life and you become convinced that Immediately or shortly after hearing me talk. Well, what kind of world do you want to live in? If you’re going to live forever, and I suggest we do, I suggest none of us have a choice but to live forever. So why don’t we make it all a nice place? Why don’t we have joy, happiness, a feeling of freedom, love, compassion and goodness. It’s something that everybody wants. Even people that are rudl, maybe they’ve been treated poorly growing up, maybe they have some problems with their development. Even people that act brutal, are greedy and self centered. They’re still in need. They’re still in want of something. They’re still pursuing something. I suggest you both troubled people, and the greatest among us are pursuing their soul. They’re they want something good when I post on social media or when I write articles on Our blog and we have a podcast when ever I talk about love, people love it.

People want to hear about love. They want to feel love at any age because that’s who we are. That’s the secret to immortality, thoughts of love words of love, actions of love. I don’t mean foolish, foolish actions of love, foolish words of love. I mean, respectful acts of love, respectful words of love, that respect your life, and who you are. There are ways to be conned. If we’re out in public and shopping somewhere and somebody’s rude, maybe the most compassionate thing we can do is simply not to react to them. You know, we don’t have to get out and kiss their feet. And we don’t have to give up our dignity. But we don’t have to join into their terror when people are terrorizing us. A small way and public over a parking space are in reality. They’re the ones living in terror. And we don’t have to join them in terror. When trying to remember, as I speak to you, that the camera, the camera is right there, the cameras over to the left. So I’ll try to look into the camera when I speak. When you speak in before you speak, according to the secret to immortality, pause for a second in look into your heart and ask yourself am I speaking from my soul? So often we don’t have to say anything.

You know, people are in a hurry in the world. People are worried people are uptight. People are trying to survive because the masses think they have to get food or they’ll die. They’re thinking it that we have to have air or will die clean air. We have to have a place to live. We have To be safe, we have to have friends, and everyone’s competing. And when we compete, we actually push away what we really need. When we compete, we actually dis enable ourselves and disable society. We create a world where none of us are really able to get what we fully want need. And what we fully want in need is the secret to immortality, nothing new. Nothing special, nothing unique, but it is the wisdom of the agents. The secret to immortality that we teach on Immortal now calm and in my book she Gong and spiritual growth you can find in that website, and in our podcast, the secret to immortality, you can find a link to that podcast on our website immortal now calm, you can listen to it. This is a podcast I’m doing right now and it’s available on our podcast. fast you can get it and listen to it through Apple on Apple podcasts or Google. If you have an Android phone, you can listen to it on our website, on our blog, and you can see it. You can see me talk right here, as I’m talking on our podcast on YouTube. So what I’m speaking to you now is available on YouTube. You can find a link to YouTube on our website. It’s also available in our podcast, and we often write about it a little bit in our daily weekly blog article. So again, I’m John Harrigan author and founder of the website immortal, where we teach the secret to immortality, wisdom of the ages, nothing new. Simply we’re living in heaven now we’re in the Garden of Eden, the proverbial Garden of Eden The legendary Garden of Eden, this is it. Here I am. Here you are and we are immortal. Now. We’re not designed to get sick, to die to suffer, to have hardship, who wants to do that? And think of it what baby what toddler, what young boy or girl ever expects to die. They don’t. They know they’re not supposed to. They’re assuming they’re born into Eden if they’re treated decently in their homes, but then death comes along and shocks that child. And even if death doesn’t come along about the age of 12, abstract thinking, My background is psychology and human development. We become aware of death about the age of 12. And it is kind of a trauma and kind of a shock if you can remember it. We’re not supposed to die. And that’s why people get upset when people get sick and die. That’s why it’s harsh and horrible. It’s not the circle of life. There is no circle of life. That’s

a cartoon. And it’s a song by elton john. It’s a lot he da everything is great. Well, it’s not break. The world is suffering and dying. A lot of the world is at war, a lot of people live in brutality and a lack of safety with a lack of health. Everyone, almost everyone gets sick and died if you’ve helped anyone through that. If you’ve worked in a nursing home, been to a nursing home, that’s, in general, a horrible thing. someone’s talking to me recently about someone they knew dying of natural causes, etc. And I explained to them that whatever age anyone is that no one dies of natural causes. There’s no such thing for anyone of any age to die, something has to kill you. And it’s usually not fast, and it’s usually painful and slow. I’ve been through it a few times with family members and in nursing homes and other places. We don’t need to die. We don’t need to live in a world bereft of love, have plenty of food. We have everything we want, right here. We’re in heaven, we are immortal. Already. There’s no we don’t have to transform anything. We don’t have to jockey around our genetics, or the telomeres are our chromosomes. were designed to be immortal if we cooperate within, if we simply don’t fight ourselves, don’t fight the world, unnecessarily but find how to cooperate, to love and to live in peace. Let’s get back to the secret to immortality. What is it? And how did it happen that I, John Harrigan I’m here talking to you about physical immortality about living forever joyous, happy and free, kind of talking like a prophet. I’m not a prophet, kind of talking like Jesus talk.

I’m not

Jesus or anything like that. It’s just that all spiritual people, all people that have developed into themselves get to the same place, whether they’re an historical yoga Master, whether they’re in the Middle East, whether they’re in China, in the mountains as my teacher and his teachers are Immortals there, it doesn’t matter from whatever corner of the earth whatever time American Indians wherever you look deeper and deeper into wisdom schools, you’ll find this love, compassion, peace, immortality living forever, Judaism, Kabbalah everywhere. And I’m just voicing it today for you because I’m suggesting strongly that we are immortal now and that’s why the website is called them more till go there. There are a lot of free things to get you guys So how did I get started on all this? I can tell you just a little bit of my early story. When I was born in Dayton, Ohio, at Miami Valley Hospital, I was born into a world that I felt I had been born into hundreds and hundreds of times before. The first memory of the secret to immortality of why I’m here of my mission on Earth. My first conscious involvement in that was

about the age of six, maybe seven.

I was in our house in Dayton, Ohio, and sitting on a stairway and looking into mirror. Remember, at that time, I was just going back going deep into my soul into a timeless space into the immortal now, and I was looking at all my lifetimes and I’m not a proponent

Unknown Speaker 14:51

Unknown Speaker 14:52
reincarnation, I’m not teaching it. I’m not even suggesting that it’s a reality. I’m just saying this is my experience. Listen to it. There’s something perhaps to gain. I saw that I had lived about 1500 600 lifetimes

Unknown Speaker 15:10
about the age of six.

Unknown Speaker 15:12
And I experienced them all. I experienced

Unknown Speaker 15:14
them all at the same time as though they were alive. I was in the immortal now, in a timeless, eternal space as my timeless, eternal self. Yet I was in a six year old body, looking into a mirror. And the feeling that I had was, gosh, here I am, okay. I’ve tried this life on Earth, hundreds and hundreds of times. I’ve lived about every combination of permutation, and permutation of human existence. Here I am again, and I knew with all of me, if you’ve listened to the past podcast, I knew with all of me, all of my soul, all of my being in this lifetime I was going to find out the secret to life. In every life rich, poor, sad, happy, well sick in between. I always seem to miss the meaning of life. Who are we? What is their full potential? And why are we here? I suggest to you, it’s what I teach in the secret to immortality. So I was born with this consciousness with this passion, with this sense of mission, and I slowly grew. And like a lot of people, life hasn’t been perfect for me. It hasn’t been perfect for any of you. It has its ups and downs, everybody suffers. Everybody struggles we’re all trying to survive. In this difficult world. It looks easier. If I’m looking at somebody else that may look like oh, they’re having an easier time. I used to be a counsellor and some people kind of have an easier time than others. That’s true, but everybody struggles and My, one of my big cataclysmic events was when I was about 15, turning 16 and that summer, and I was a spiritual seeker. I’d started meditating when I was 12, reading all types of books and Eastern philosophies, Yogi masters, Christianity, Christian mysticism, my mother was doing the same thing. She was my first mentor, and I watched her doing yoga, and reading books by Yogi masters, I read them to discuss them. So decades ago, PhDs at Harvard, were saying, LSD was a good way, a possibility to meet God have a spiritual experience. I tried it once. For me, it was not the way not the answer. It was interesting, but it clearly I could clearly see even the first time that I got that this was a neurotoxin, which it is. But I thought, well, maybe I’ll take At a second time, it was kind of interesting and the age of 15. I was bored that summer and I took it a second time

Unknown Speaker 18:06
when the young man nice guy that sold it to me. He saw

Unknown Speaker 18:09
me the next week. He said, john, did you have a problem with that? I said, I certainly did. He says, Well, I think there’s too much strychnine and methamphetamine in it. I know nothing about anything. Really what? That explained everything I had a very horrible experience and it was left with overwhelming anxiety. It was a very bad experience that damaged my brain and my nervous system. I was in pain every day

Unknown Speaker 18:38
had nightmares.

Unknown Speaker 18:41
PTSD, the experience on LSD. My body was torn apart by bats, eaten by insects and

Unknown Speaker 18:51
worms and everything else.

Unknown Speaker 18:53
It was it was really alive trauma. Yeah, the pain of the strychnine working with the hallucinogen and the speed. I experienced an agony and a terror. And I was very hard to live with. I was either afraid I was going to experience that, again, the memory is afraid of the memory. Just a typical PTSD maybe not as severe as some, but for me, it was such agony and pain. After about a year, I just couldn’t live with it anymore. was too painful. I couldn’t endure it. I never thought I’d get to the end of the road, but I couldn’t do or I can endure a lot. But after about a year at the age of 16, I thought, I can’t live this way anymore. So I set it for an in that prayer out of my deep desperation I I reached into a deep part of myself and I prayed God do something or I’m cashing in my chips. But it wasn’t a threat to the creative source. Perhaps it was just, it was a desperate plea. I knew I had gone as far as I could with that pain and I couldn’t live anymore. When I made that prayer. When I said that Prayer. When I reached to that inner core of me, instantly I was sitting next to what I would call my maker. I don’t want to use religious terms because you don’t have to be religious to get the secret to immortality. If you’re human, it’s in you. You don’t have to believe anything except believe that there may be a better way to live in a deeper, happier, more profoundly compassionate, loving and enjoyable you to find. That’s the secret to immortality. What I found is that I was suddenly transported I said that prayer, God do something I’m cashing in my chips. All the sudden, I didn’t leave my body was in my body, but all of a sudden, I was right next to my maker in heaven. To my literal father, maybe you don’t have one or maybe you have a mother or maybe your your higher power is the cosmos. It’s doesn’t matter. It’s your soul. And I was next to this beam that created me that to me, I call it God from a Christian background, but you don’t have to call it that you don’t have to even believe in my story. But listen to my story and maybe think about it. When I was in that perfect place, that heavenly consciousness next to the source of all consciousness, I wasn’t sick at all. I had no hardship, no pain, there was no time or space kind of like a near death experience kind of was in your death experience, but it wasn’t but similar to what you may read I was in heaven was just me and God consciousness everywhere in beside me. without beginning or and I had always been there yet I was aware of who I was on Earth where it was at the same time. I don’t know how long I sat In that infinite perfect, beautiful Nirvana heavenly pay place, but I sat there for a while in perfect peace, God consciousness me and God together, sharing the same consciousness. The same beings, the same people so to speak, but I wasn’t gonna

Unknown Speaker 22:24
I was maybe a child of God developing. And then in that perfect space, it literally was having Nirvana, no illness, nothing bad. Consciousness, no secrets, everything is known truly a heaven. Then I started to become aware of my body on earth. And I wasn’t traveling anywhere. I wasn’t in a different place. I wasn’t in another dimension. My attention was different that saw, you know, sometimes you may be watching a movie on TV or you may be reading a book in your consciousness is in that book. But you’re still perfectly aware of the room that you’re in who you are and where you are. So I kind of started to resolve in consciousness away from that heavenly place into my body that had been broken, injured by that bad drug experience. And as I started going back into my body, I had that full God consciousness, in my physical body, in my bed in my brain, and everything I thought about, I had this perfect force of God going to into the world, from from God consciousness in me from God, heaven simply at my back, flowing into the world with everything that I thought about what my sisters was having a lot of problems at that time and was stressful for everybody. When I started to think about her and her problems, anything difficult or painful on Earth, just brought this instant flow of perfect love in heaven. It was miraculous. It was pleasurable. It was divine. It was who I really was. And I understood as a resolve back into my body, I went, Oh, this is how all humans are designed to be. We’re all designed to be perfect conduits of love, no pain, no illness, divine and lovely. Working together, living in love and peace living in a physical heaven. I got it. And because I was raised in a Christian church, I just went, Oh, this is what Jesus was probably talking about. This is what he kept telling us about. We’re born to live forever. There is no death. Hey, folks, death is over. There’s perfect love and heaven right here. Now I’ve been cheated on I’ve been practicing Qigong with the Shi Gong Grandmaster from Beijing, China. For over 23 years. I’m a CI Gong master And I studied with him and I do exercises with him specifically for physical immortality for wellness health wholeness for deep human existence for strengthen body strengthen mind strengthen soul, she Gong that’s on our website, you can read about it, you can try an exercise for free on our website immortal now calm, and please go there. That’s why I’m here. I’ve got the secret to immortality. I don’t have it. But my life has led me to it in my mission is to share this beauty, divine pleasure with you life forever. It’s on the website. It’s what I do. It’s my mission. It’s here, go there, and look around. immortal. Now I’ve got the secret to immortality, joy, happiness, freedom, love, bliss, happiness on Earth. But if that has Cataclysm My experience, I was 16, a year after terrible suffering, damage to my nervous system, constant pain, fear and terror anxiety. I had that miraculous experience whereas I was found myself in heavenly consciousness on earth in my body. I experienced my physically physical body, as a perfect body as a heavenly body. But as that heavenly experience, as that what I call miracle experience at the age of 16. As I resolved back in time, into my regular consciousness, I could feel that I had been healed about a third and I understood at the age of 16, okay, this is my life mission. My life mission is to work with this sacred power to work with this divine consciousness and to make it my consciousness to marry my consciousness with this perfect consciousness. bring it into the flesh and shirt with the world and peek in and teach people how to do that.

Unknown Speaker 27:07
Because that’s who we all really already are. I suggest to you, you don’t have to become a saint, a guru, a master or anything. Just learn a few Qigong exercises for immortality. Listen to these podcasts, listen to these YouTube videos. Take a course that we offer on our website called introduction to immortality, lots of things try our book, she gone in spiritual growth. We have item after item to help you the course and we have a weekly lab a membership, where we have private lectures where we have she Gong class, two or three a month, two or three lectures a month. We have an Instagram site, a Twitter site.

Unknown Speaker 27:57
We have Facebook,

Unknown Speaker 27:58
of course. Were we put up about

Unknown Speaker 28:01
free. We put up about

Unknown Speaker 28:04
four graphics a day, morning, afternoon and evening and in between, to give you inspiration, teaching hope and instructions on the secret to immortality. Join us again every week of HOD cast attacks talk, a meditation or to some Qigong. Try our immortality lab, our monthly membership with private exercises, private talks, she Gong lessons, take our course. You pay one fee and you have access forever on the internet or you can download it. The course is introduction to immortality, and we’ll have more and more and more for you. You are immortal now. You can live forever joyous happy and and free as all the saints and sages have suggested bless you and keep you

[Volunteers please! This transcript is not fully edited due to time constraints. If you have experience editing, we’d love to have your help and tell you about volunteer benefits. For more info, please contact us today.]



John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master