How We Shape Our Lives
With the words we express, we command creation.
Every word we use is building a reality within ourselves and in the world, bit by bit or all at once.

(Image by Karolina Grabowska from Pixabay)
What Are You Building?
What are you building with your words, good or bad, throughout the day?
The words we speak give instructions to our bodies and lives, telling this creation what it should provide and the form it should take.

(Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay)
We’re in Command
With our words, we’re in command and shape our lives. Our spoken words create who we are and the physical world in which we live.
Our thoughts are the same as any word we speak.
Become aware of the spoken and unspoken dialogue in your mind. To do this, sit quietly and pay attention to what you’re thinking and what you’ve said.
When you speak, be mindful of what you’re about to say and your motive for saying it. With practice, this mindfulness gives way to the Constant Presence of benevolent intent, an unending joy and love.

Know Your Power
Know the power of your thoughts, words and speech.
- The spoken word can change the world in obvious and subtle ways.
- Conversations, attitudes and thought can travel in waves across the globe.
- One important word can be a domino that tips a million other pieces.
Before You Speak
Before you speak, ask yourself if your words will be good and helpful. Is it necessary to say what you want to say? If what you want to speak is true, do you need to be the one to say it? Will your words have value?
It may seem both impossible and ridiculous to be aware of all you think and say … but I promise, it’s actually simple and not difficult.

(Image by Image by MorningbirdPhoto from Pixabay)
Awareness of Thought
Awareness of thought and speech takes a little practice every day. As we gain this skill and our awareness grows, we get power and control. We become the captains of our ship.
With awareness, we discover how to give and receive the best of life.
“The Three C’s”: a Technique for Awareness
To get control of how you speak and form the world, we suggest the following.
As you speak, be mindful of:
- Criticism
- Complaint
- Condemnation
When you find yourself involved in speaking that falls into the Three C’s, be humble; do not criticism yourself. Ask the immortal you for help. Say “Help Me” to your deep inner self and Higher Power.
Make a gentle effort throughout the day to not speak with the Three C’s. Slowly or quickly, your speech will form to your ideal. This is not really difficult. Try it.
Say Something Good
As you practice this awareness technique, be sure to replace harsh responses with something good, such as a heartfelt compliment or kind remark. Silence is always an option.

(Image by Pezibear from Pixabay)
If you want more of a challenge, pause before you give advice. If advice is not wanted or requested, advice can be a vehicle for a “backhanded compliment” or insult.
Rarely or if ever, do we need to give advice. Ask these questions of yourself before you give advice:
- Is it really necessary or helpful?
- Does the advice need to be said?
- Do you need to be the one to say it?
Shift your dialogue to words of benevolence and care, not unconscious attack of another. Silence may be the best option.
Progress, Not Perfection
It’s simple. You can turn your speech around with the Three C’s. Before long, it’s automatic and takes little thought. The result will be that you feel better, and those around you benefit!
We create a world of eternal design by being mindful of thought and speech … a little at a time. This is “Mindfulness for Immortality.”
[Related Post: “Mindfulness for Immortality”]

(Image by Daniel Reche from Pixabay)
With Mindfulness for Immortality, unkind and harmful remarks are replaced with silent benevolence, or words of love and support.
We don’t take from the world; we add to creation.
You can do this! It’s simple and requires a small amount of gentle awareness throughout the day.
Don’t expect perfection; this isn’t realistic. Be kind with yourself, and strive for progress, not perfection.
(This is the end of the sneak preview of our book, “The Secret to Immortality.” We’ll post additional chapter samples over the following weeks. Enjoy and practice!)

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