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The Best Use of Will
A gentle use of will is best.
Willpower is an excellent tool when used at the right time and place.
Willpower is basically an emergency response, narrowing our focus and creating instant action. Used this way, willpower can save our lives and preserve the good we have.
Use Willpower Lightly
The gentle use of will can help us tend a task.
Willpower, used lightly, can initiate and maintain good habits, with better thoughts and actions.
The gentle use of will, over time, can get us what we want.
Overuse of Will
Overuse of will can limit our possibilities and diminish our personal competence.
Using our will too much, and too intensely, can take us out of sync with life and put us at odds with the world.
Self-will Creates Mistakes
The overuse of will can cut us off from life.
Too much will can hurt us by:
- Restricting our view
- Diminishing awareness
- Sabotaging opportunity
- Creating errors and mistakes
- Limiting life’s flow and vibrancy
Willpower works well in limited situations. Overuse of will can cut us off from our soul and the source of life.
A Better Way to Do Things
A greater will and consciousness to find …
There’s a better way to think and get things done than using self-will all the time.
There’s a greater will and consciousness within us that can outdo self-will every time.
More Power than Willpower
I’ve found Qigong to be more powerful than willpower.
Qigong helped me discover a more useful state of mind than the use of will alone.
Qigong has taken me to a steady state of being where all things arise, where everything is possible.
For you, Qigong may do the same.
[Related: Qigong Power]
Our Human Superpower
The most powerful part of our being does not employ will at all.
Self-will can short-circuit the full use of our brain.
We have a brain and “being” far more powerful than the limited use of willpower.
In times of crisis, willpower can give an instant response to life-threatening situations, and that’s Ok.
Willpower, used briefly, can save our lives. Yet the overuse of will, when we’re not in crisis, can shorten our lives by cutting us off from the flow that animates our flesh.
The most powerful part of our being does not employ will at all.
Our true human superpower is calm, accepting and bright — a perfect love and peace.
Self-will Can Be Like Drug Dependence
The overuse of will can be like a drug addiction!
The way we feel, using willpower in a big way, is not who we are and is not real strength — it’s a drug induced emergency state that short-circuits our best human qualities.
The overuse of will can create an aggrandized and hyper vigilant frame-of-mind, that limits us.
This condition of willfulness may feel at first, intense and satisfying, distracting us from fear; but in time, we wear out.
When we’re over dependent on self-will, we deplete and expire.
A constant state of will is not our true self, but a false identity causing chaos and misdirection.
Relax and Be Yourself
To reduce your dependence on willpower, relax and be yourself. This will take you closer to your true human consciousness.
To be yourself, without toxic will:
- Get into nature
- Find a sport you enjoy
- Join others with a hobby
- Be friends with people who like you
Get “out of yourself” if you’re using willpower too much.
When we get out of ourselves, we connect with a greater good within that’s more humane and effective than our will alone.
There Is a Greater Power
There is a greater power than willpower; this greater power is the eternal presence at our core.
Find your greater power — get calm, relaxed and stable. Go for a walk; read a good book. Meditate, sleep more; eat well and exercise.
Everything Gets Better
As we care for ourselves, the world and others care more for us, giving help and assistance.
As we care for ourselves, we’re better able to care for others.
As we care for others, with authentic goodwill, the world transforms and so do we … everything gets better!
Willpower Spoils the Party
No one wants to tangle with your willpower.
Willpower in a relationship can be a type of assault, large and small. Understanding and cooperation are more effective.
With too much self will, we trouble people and step on their toes … without meaning to.
Willpower is not considerate of others, it acts in blindness.
Self-will often runs too fast and and goes too far.
Willpower supports harm and greed.
Self-will rarely gives.
Be Careful with the Use of Will
Be cautious and careful with your will.
Willpower can get us out of a threatening jam; but overuse of will can be like drug dependence that undoes our lives.
The Will to Love
Use your will lightly to love and let go … to move toward a greater good and better ability within you.
Get calm, relaxed and find peace. Discover your greater power, a power greater than willpower.
To find the greater power within yourself, I suggest Qi Gong and have found it helpful myself. I’ve practiced Qi Going over 20 years and am a Qigong Master.
A Book to Calm Your Will, and Give You Power
I’ve written a simple yet powerful book that can give you ease, comfort and strength.
In this book, you’ll discover the Secret to Immortality and a greater power that does far more than willpower alone.
You’ll discover the secret to a strength and power that belongs to you.
Take a look at our book — discover the Secret to Immortality and an amazing power of your own!
A Book for You…
“Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth”
Take a look here.