A Higher Power for Everyone
Our teaching, the Secret to Immortality, is designed for people of all religions, no religion, agnostics and atheists. It helps to have a Higher Power.
A Higher Power might be God, a greater resource within you, Self, the feeling you get in nature … simply something larger and greater than you.
The Secret to Immortality has no dogma or religious beliefs you must follow, simply things to do and practice over time.
The ideas and exercises we present are here for you to use and discover their value for you. The proof is in doing the exercises, reading the books and taking the courses … and the results you get.
The Reason You’re Here
You’re here, we hope, because you want more from life; you want more for yourself and those you love.
This hope for improvement is what the Secret to Immortality addresses.
For me, the greatest hope is to eliminate human suffering, needless death and the destruction of our planet.
A Higher Power
The Secret to Immortality is finding a Higher Power within ourselves, an Eternal Presence that we manifest in the physical world.

My own experience with a Higher Power, or God, dates back to my earliest years where I felt this Power in me and in the world, as life itself. Today I would describe my experience as this:
God is within me as who I am, yet God is more than I am as a unique and individuated being, apart from me. God is within me as the love of a parent that helps me grow. I am not my father, yet I carry the love of my father as my own.
I talk about a Greater Power, Greater Self, Higher Power or God, all of whom I do not define beyond my own experience.
I experience my Higher Power as a boundless love, a greater mind and power that’s more than my own. This Power is within me as who I am, a seeming paradox, yet an experiential reality.
With the Secret to Immortality, I am becoming that Power and Love, which is my core and essential identity in physical form.
When we access, express and live out our Eternal Love, we are immortal; this is the Secret to Immortality.
In Truth, there Is No Name

The name you call this Higher Power does not matter.
What matters is that you nurture the Presence of this Power in your life.

As I enter the Presence of my Higher Power in meditation, prayer and writing to you, as I do now, I’m enhanced and improved; I’m made more than I have been.
With this Presence, I have a greater connection, power and ease with all of life.

In the Presence of my Higher Power, I experience healing, strength and calm.
In the Presence this Good, I am more my Greater Self.

You can have this too, a Higher Power of your own design and understanding.
Simply seek something greater than yourself within yourself, something more that you need, want and desire.

Are You Ready for Immortality?
To get going today with the Secret to Immortality, we suggest the following (with links):
- Read our Blog
- Learn Qi Gong
- Watch our Videos
- Take the Course
If you want further insight, power and strength: you may want to try our course, “Introduction to Immortality.”
Have the best day of your life.
You ARE immortal now!