The Wonder of It All
The word, “God,” can be emotionally charged: evoking good feelings, bad feelings or indifference.
Many have suffered, been hurt and abused in the name of “God.” Wars have been fought and slavery justified.
There is little wonder why the word, God, can evoke discomfort in so many. Yet many have been saved, comforted and warmly held by their faith.
What is the truth then, about a Higher Power we define for ourselves?
A Higher Power Experience?
National surveys show that about 50% of the population say they have a direct experience of God.
I’m one of those 50% who have always had a Higher Power connection.
As a child, I felt a beautiful presence of God within me, and in the world.
This Higher Power was a warm and sustaining reality.
This was my personal experience. I didn’t really have a belief; I simply had a strong and comfortable experience of a Benevolent Force in life.
In My Teens
As I grew, life had its challenges.
In my teens, my brain and nervous system were injured in a way that left me in agonizing pain, stress and fear.
With the use of personal will, I pushed forward and endured.
After a year of living in discomfort, it became impossible to continue. I could not further live with the pain.
An Earnest Prayer
I asked for help.
I prayed an earnest prayer from the depth in me: I asked for help.
At the end of what I could endure of pain, with my life at stake, I went to the core of myself … at a depth I had not before known. With impossible pain and discomfort, I asked for help.
Immediate Help Came
The instant I asked for help, I found myself in a “burning bush” experience. I was taken to the center of existence, a place beyond form — it seemed like heaven or nirvana, and I suspect it was.
In this heavenly state, I was fully myself as I had always been … before birth, time and physical creation. There was no time or space, yet this place was more real and far more present than anything on earth. In this heaven, I was also on earth and did not leave my body in any way.
Creator, Father, Higher Power
I was simply with my Creator/Father, a definite being. I was as my creator/father — one and the same.
Yet, I was unique and my own self. My creator/father was unique and his own self. We were two distinct individuals yet fully in union, sharing the same presence and energy.
If We Ask, We Receive
…the reflexive design of creation
I will not call this experience God, but let you decide for yourself; perhaps the “God” word is not for you … and that’s Ok. There’s nothing you’ll miss. This is not about terminology, belief or religion — the Secret to Immortality is about the power in you, and who you really are. This is for you to discover and define.
If you ask for help, in a deep and earnest way, you’ll get help: it’s the reflexive design of creation, nature and your brain.
If we ask, we receive. We need to ask for the help we need.
Not asking leaves our greatest human ability unused, and we suffer as a result. We’re left out, and it’s hard to succeed when we don’t ask for what we need.
When we give others an opportunity to help us, all the world benefits by our asking. It’s actually selfish to not ask for the help we need. When we don’t ask, everyone loses a bit, and we stay disconnected
We benefit by helping those who truly want a hand.
Everyone benefits when we ask for help.
Perfect Love and Peace
In this heavenly place or consciousness, in my teens, I was perfect love, peace and bliss.
I had no injury or pain. I was fully in union with my father/creator and all of existence.
We shared the same consciousness and being, yet were two separate, individual and unique persons.
A Full Connection
I was complete and healed …
As I focused back to my earthly life, this full God connection came with me.
As I thought of this world, wherever my attention went, the full force of God and heaven flowed.
To every stress, need or problemed person I would think about, this perfect love came forth.
By this experience, I was complete and healed about 33%.
Spontaneous Union
Today, decades later, I would describe this experience as cataclysmic connection or spontaneous union: a sudden coming together with all-that-is, an immediate experience of peace, love and healing.
If you’re a regular reader of my posts, you know I describe health and immortality as being connected within ourselves and to the world.
My experience in my teens was a massive reconnecting experience.
Today, I have a strong reconnection practice via meditation, writing and Qi Gong. You too can have a healing and reconnecting experience … read on.
[Related Article: “How Qi Gong Saved My Life”]
I describe disease, suffering and death as disconnection.
When we’re separated from ourselves, disconnected and isolated from life … we suffer, dissociate and die.
[Definition of dissociate: “to sever the association of (oneself); separate”]
The opposite of dissociation is union, belonging and connection.
The experience in my teens was one of spontaneous union: fully myself and fully joined with all of life.
Wise men and wise women, of all times, speak of this state I describe: fully connected, in union and at peace.
Regarding this unified state, “Yoga” is not a current trend, but an historical wisdom practice dating back thousands of years. The meaning of the word, Yoga, is union … and that’s no mistake!
An Incredible Healing Experience
I could see the purpose of life on earth …
When I had my amazing healing experience, decades ago, I could see the purpose of life was to live as heavenly bodies in the physical world, fully connected to a perfect love that underlied and sustained existence.
At this moment of spontaneous union, I knew my life purpose was to heal an additional 66%, learn and understand the secret to life … and teach it to the world. So everyone could have their full ability of peace, love and happiness — health and immortality.
I understood, in my teens, this learning/healing process would take about 40 years. I could see the road ahead, the purpose of my condition and where it would lead … if I walked the path of recovery and fully knew myself.
It was to be a learning/healing journey, turning me into the teacher I am today, writing for you this moment.
The path of recovery – for us all – is to uncover and know our immortal soul, expressing this core self in the physical world.
The Grand Result
We evolve and gain everything by peace, strength and love.
The result today is that I’m here with you — teaching about connecting, healing and coming together.
The grand result is that I’m teaching you the way to human immortality, peace and happiness.
My experience has shown me there is no place for pain, suffering and death; these are not teachers or lessons to be learned, but mistakes, hinderance and troubled consequences.
We evolve and gain everything by peace, strength and love.
All that I Write
Everything I write, speak and describe … is to bring you to your own connection within yourself.
Everything I write, speak and describe … is to help you heal, be strong and at peace with the world.
You can be everything you imagine and more, but a little effort is required — a gentle, calm and consistent try.
To find your own connection of peace and belonging: I suggest prayer, meditation and Qi Gong. I’ll help you with all of these.
I don’t suggest a belief or dogma. Instead, I offer a proven technology that will work for you, if you do the work suggested.
A Strong Suggestion
I suggest techniques for advancement and ways of living that can give you more than you may have thought possible.
I teach Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese healing art for physical immortality. I’m a Qi Gong Master with more than 20 years experience.
In addition to Qi Gong, I write articles to inspire, motivate and help you with your life. I also write books such as “Qi Going and Spiritual Growth.”
I offer courses like “Introduction to Immortality” to give you control, power and direction — teaching you the exact techniques and mental practices you’ll need to progress.
If a life of peace, strength and infinite love sounds good to you … read some of my past blog posts. Look at my book and course:
- Blog Articles
- Book: “Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth”
- Qi Gong Videos for Strength and Calm
The Way to Immortality
The way to immortality is the way to your eternal soul — your core of love, strength and happiness.
The way to immortality is the way to become all you can be, the way to have all you can have, plus more.
A Three Part Path
The path to immortality has three parts:
- Mindfulness
- Qi Gong
- Mentorship
To start your three-part-practice: Read more blog articles. See our book and try Qi Gong.
As you progress in this three stop process, mentorship will be offered.