Find your core immortal self, and live it into your body. Be joyous, happy and free!
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How We Choose
We’re immortal souls on earth, yet we choose death by how we think, speak and act … against other people, ourselves and nature itself. However, we can consciously choose life that’s eternal and good. This perfect life is at the core of who we are right now.
Creating Ourselves and the World
Moment by moment, we’re giving rise to who we are by our thoughts, words and behavior. We’re creating the physical world and ourselves.
This idea is not original at all: many modern physicists suspect this is true, by what they’re seeing in their research.
At one level, this is obvious: we create to survive, choices are made all day long. Our successes in life are what we have made, over time, what we’ve created. Failures come about the same way. Life is a mix of these, as we shape and choose ourselves into the people we are.
Problems of Our Own Making
Most human problems are self created by poor diet, lack of exercise, repeating bad habits of thought and behavior. Most of our problems, of any type, are self made by how we react to life.
Most of us realize we have some control over the world, our lives and bodies.
With the Secret to Immortality, we take this one step farther and realize we create all of reality as well as our physical selves.
We can never be who we really are, reach our full potential, if we cut ourselves short in death.
Take It One Step Farther

With the Secret to Immortality, we take awareness one step farther and realize we create all of reality, as well as our physical selves.
We can never be who we really are, reaching our full potential, if we accept death as the natural end to life. In truth, death and it’s way in the world, shuts down our largest creative ability, the bulk of knowing and becoming that is possible for us.
Give Up the Idea of Death
We created the force of death, and we can turn it around to lasting life.
Accepting death, as an inevitable outcome of life, is a personal decision with energetic and creative consequences that effect everyone.
Accepting death is an action that gives death a place in our world and bodies.
Death Is Not Inevitable
… with energetic and creative consequences.
Accepting death as an inevitable, is a personal decision with energetic and creative consequences that effect everyone, badly.
Accepting death is an action that gives death a place in our world to spin out every harm and wrong imaginable.
We’ve created the death and dying action of life, yet we wrongly assume it’s imposed upon us by an outside force.
The Harmful Effect of Accepting Death
When we’re planning death into our lives, we can never fully experience ourselves.
As we accept death; we don’t have to work, fully, through our human and worldly problems. Consequently, we never have our complete human selves at play in the world.
Death becomes a type of bailout that seemingly ends our struggle; yet with death, we never fully realize who are, what we’re capable of being, in a positive way.
A Life Lived in Union

Who we really are is a Being in Full Union. Yet, death acts counter to this as a separation, a dissociation from our unified selves. All we ever need to be can be realized on earth, yet we must join where we’re divided.
Buying into death, we remain subject to the cyclic nature of this world, of death and rebirth.
We can uncreate every aspect of the world that’s not working for us.
Death stunts our development, because it kills us. But we can turn around this seeming fact of life; we can approach death as something we’ve made, that we now reject. We can then live fully into ourselves without interruption.
Our Heartfelt Suggestion
Our suggestion is that death does not let you off the hook, in a way you might think; but can create more problems — throwing you into a state of self denial, a cyclic reality that is not much better than life on earth — because you leave a part of yourself on this planet when you die, a remaining debt that must be addressed, reclaimed and unified as your Self.
In death, we separate from ourselves and live only one side of who we are, as heavenly it may be. Human growth is gaining unity with all there is; not dissociating, separating and denying who we are; not jumping off a cliff in hopes of a better life.
Rejoining the Parts of Ourselves We Lost
In every therapeutic process, we rejoin. We join what’s been parted or fractured, finding wholeness and peace.
When we dissociate in death, at some point we must rejoin what we left of ourselves on earth. This can be a struggle, but the struggle builds something new: a greater soul, a better peace and knowing. It also transforms physical reality — as we and nature are one and the same.
As we change, nature changes. As nature changes, the universe is realigned.
Suffering comes from self denial, from being disconnected both within ourselves and from a Greater Identity.
A Higher Power can be seen as our greater self that we need to connect with and know. Once connected, we’re in a place of peace and knowing beyond creation, yet within all created form.
Spiritual Beings Having a Physical Experience?

With the Secret to Immortality, we don’t see ourselves as spiritual creatures from another realm, having a physical run. This idea, of escaping our earthly selves into a heavenly place, may be a from of denial, deferring the real work of self integration.
We see this as a dissociating thought — that we are spiritual and not really physical — a fracturing concept that invites the continuation of death. Rough talk perhaps, but true from our perspective, and a good lead in to Mindfulness for Immortality where we examine self contradictions.
Death is a self contradiction, where we deny the wholeness of being, a split off into an imagined afterlife.
This dualistic idea, of spiritual vs physical, ignores our role — present, past and future — in creating ourselves and the world.
Even if you’ve had a heavenly experience by meditation, prayer or near-death (as I have), there’s an extraordinary opportunity on earth.
Our primary purpose is to give rise to heaven on earth; to structure wholeness into our present life experience.
On this planet, we have the opportunity to integrate profoundly; to hop off the cycle of death, rebirth and infinite confusion; to become all of ourselves in physicality. We have the ability, now, to collapse our endless self divisions into one fulfilled identity.
No Need for Further Hardship and Death
We’re immortal beings in physicality: who are killing ourselves, each other and the world, needlessly.
Every act of harm we do, of killing or slighting another; divides and cuts apart creation. Yet, we never have to do this; there is something better.
Instead of death, hardship and pain; we suggest — where we give you tools and step-by-step instructions for living your immortal self, for changing your thoughts and behavior to honor your eternal physical nature.
At, we show you exactly how to stop creating death, in your body and life.
Death Is Not Natural or Right
Capitulating to the idea of death being natural — when it’s anything but natural, or right — creates a situation where we appear to be out of control; where it seems that we’re subject to laws, often cruel, beyond our making.
The Secret to Immortality suggests that we’ve created these harsh impositions of suffering, disease and death; by our own unkind acts over time.
We can turn around this creation by choosing thoughts, words and actions more carefully; by acting love and compassion into the code of reality.
Joy and Love every Day!

… unified and at peace with everything.
Infinite joy, love and happiness can be yours every day; but you may need to give up your attachment to death, as distant you may hold it.
The Secret to Immortality suggests a way out: this way is to experience your Eternal Core, living this identity into your body and world.
The result is a deep and endless bliss; a becoming and knowing, as you are unified and at peace with everything.
We show you how to do this, step-by-step, at It’s why we’re here.
Have the best day of your life.
You are immortal now!