“There is a place for everyone. We all can survive and thrive
in mystery and wonder, forever, with every need met as we
focus on the process of life.”

“Immortality is the process of living, taken one step farther
than death.”

Life is a journey of personal growth, a process of living where we become who we are.

  • The process of living gives us what we need.
  • The process of living gives us what we want.
  • The process of living takes us where we need to be.

Pay attention to the process of life, and it will give you what you need. Attention, focus and awareness bring the process of life and immortality alive in our lives.

There is a part of our brain designed to get what we want at the time we want it. If we are in danger, we need to get out of danger “right now.” If we are hunting for food, we must survive and be successful. In finding a berry, a nut or a fish to eat… we must act quickly to get what we want.

Most of life, however, can be accomplished with ease and no hurry, as a process of living. If we are in the right place, at the right moment, doing the right thing… the process of living will provide what is needed.

What is the process of living, the process of life? It is life in motion, all about us and inside us all.

Life is happening all around us, and there is intelligence to it all. This intelligence is our own that we share with the world. This intelligence will provide us all with need: health, happiness, freedom… provided we cooperate with life, with how we are designed.

And how are we designed? We are designed to be healthy, happy and free… and last forever. But we must treat ourselves well. We must be good to others and good the world in which we live. At its best, life is simple.

Most of us know what to do for wellness, how to be good to ourselves and others… So why don’t we do this? It is a matter of habit. All of life is a form of habits, some good and some bad. Death is a habit, something we don’t have to do. We can chose to live.

To allow life to work well for us, we must act in a manner good for ourselves, good for others and good for the world in which we live. This means eating well and exercising, of course. It means doing the work to have good and supportive friends. It means getting all our healthy human needs met, and we are the one’s to do this. We are the ones to make it happen as we chose how to live.

To have the process of life work for us, we have to be good to ourselves and good to world. This creates a habit of giving and receiving where life goes well.

Life is simple. There are no secrets, and the truth is not complex.

When our needs are not met, when we are not able to give… We have fallen out of balance. We have fallen out of grace, and the good nature of the world has difficulty finding us.

Understanding our needs, getting them met, working toward well-being in a way that benefits ourselves, others and the world—all of this allows the process of life to help us—good things happen and fall into place. Happiness gathers. Life becomes good.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master