There is a deep and powerful love within us. This love is eternal and gives us life. Discover how to bring this love into your body and mind. Try the exercise below, a meditative prayer, to awaken the powerful love in you.
Love Gives Us Life!

The Core of Immortality Is Love

There is a deep and powerful love at the core of our being.

There is a deep and powerful love at the core of the world.

There is kind and gracious love at the center of everything.

With eternal life, this deep and powerful love is every thought and every breath.

A Need for Calm

Deep and powerful love are the reality of immortality.

We need to calm and ease to find this love. We need peace and understanding to hold this love in every cell and fiber of our body.

With this deep and powerful love, there is immortality, wellness and joy.

Deep and powerful love are the reality of immortality.

Deep and powerful love are who we are.

woman joy sun
Love Brings Lasting Life!

What to Do for Lasting Life

  1. Love yourself
  2. Love the world
  3. Love everyone else.

Sit with the intent to love, and bring love forth. Next, standup and walk with love; talk and think with love throughout the day.

Call for love to be with you. Call to love to be in you. Call to love to be as who you are.

Have love in your day. Have love in the world. Have love in your life as the physical you.

Think of Love and Grow

If you don’t feel love, think of the word, love.

If you don’t feel love, imagine you do feel love.

Imagine you feel love, then love!

Have love in your heart; have love in your body. Have love from head to toe.

Feel love physically in all of you; in every fiber of your being, feel love.

Know that all of you is love.

Love and more love is how we live.

Love and more love is our day.

Love and more love is how we grow and live in immortality.

Perfect Love Is You

red rose of love
In Our Hearts, We Have Perfect Life.

Perfect love is our eternal soul. Ask for this soul in yourself.

Bring your perfect love to life as who you are.

Bring perfect love to your physical self.

Ask for Love

All day and night, ask for your love.

Ask that love is you, that love is who you are.

Bring your love to life; live as the eternal you.

Live your life with love. Love with all your life.

This is what immortality does, right now; it loves.

Try this “Meditative Prayer” for Loveheart-with curve

To awaken your strong and powerful love, repeat the following to yourself…

  • Love is in me now
  • Love is who I am
  • Love is in my soul

Perfect love is all of me.

Perfect love is in my life.

All of who I am is love.

(Pause 3 seconds…)

I breathe and live this love throughout my day and all the night.

I am a good and powerful perfect love. I am love today, here and now.

Right now I am love, living my life.

  1. Love yourself
  2. Love the world
  3. Love everyone else.

Love is everything I think, do and say.

All of who I am is love. Love, perfect love, is here to stay.

(Pause 3 seconds…)

I am in love on earth, as who I am.

All of me is love.

In love we all exist, as one great conscious force.

Treat yourself with love today.

Love, perfect love; a deep and powerful love is life.

Love, perfect love; a deep and powerful love is who I am.

We must give to receive. We must love to be loved.

  1. Love yourself
  2. Love the world
  3. Love everyone else.

Live in love, and sleep in peace.

(End of Meditative Prayer)

The Consequence of Loving Life

When we love — from a deep and powerful place — fear, anger and stress go away.

When we love, we awaken all of life, in ourselves and in the world.

When we love, we are as we’re designed to be, and a powerful freedom is born.

When we give perfect love to our lives, we create an immortal earth and a lasting physical body.

What to Do, Right Now!

Let love out, from the deep and powerful place in you.

Let love out, in all you do.

Love as you live, in every way.

Love and rest peacefully with your love.

Rest … and love again. Hold your love in place.

yin-and-yang-transparentHow Qi Going Helps

Qi Gong can help you discover the core of who you are.

Qi Going can help you find a Powerful Love that is you.

For more about Qi Gong, try this article and free video.



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Until next week, immortal blessings for your life!

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master