Heaven Is Here
We don’t need to die to go to heaven; we can have it now, with a little effort and work. If we know heaven is ours—if we act with goodwill and love, heaven becomes who we are and heaven takes place upon earth.
We have all the ability we need to bring heaven about—as we choose good thoughts, good words and deeds.
A World at Peace
All of life points us toward one thing—heaven in our soul. Heaven is a world where we’re at peace—with a mind, a purpose and will toward good.
Dreams Come True
All our dreams come true in a world that’s heaven. Life naturally gives forth what is good when we act toward life in a good and decent manner.
All the world can be heaven now—the infirm can walk; the sick can be healed; war may end, and all can be fed. How and when heaven comes is our choice? We’re the ones who must act with goodness of heart, goodness of mind and deed—to make this happen. We can do this, give heaven to earth, as we try a little each day and build upon our efforts.
Heaven Is a Choice
Heaven is a conscious choice. When will we say enough to what’s harmful in life? When will we know we are here to be happy and well?

We Have Something Good
Heaven comes to earth as we make heaven here, as we usher heaven in with our minds, hearts and souls. As we come to be in sync with life and what’s good, all of heaven appears. We are the one’s who have heaven to give.
Heaven Will Apprear
Heaven will come as we desire and make it so, as we use our will for good. Heaven is the gift of life, a loving thought and smile!
Let heaven appear by thought, word and deed. Let heaven happen now. With all you think, say and do… make it good. Heaven will appear.
For more about heaven and how to have it in your life, see www.ImmortalNow.com and www.LessonsInLove.com.