We’re All Related
We are related to everyone on earth.
We are related to everyone who has ever lived.
We’re related to everyone in the future, right now.
We’re related to everyone in creation who will ever exist.
We are living all of life: past, present and future all at once, in relationship to everything.
The Reach of Our Soul
Within, we are whole and contain all creation.
We’re the beginning and end of time, the middle and everything inbetween.
We are all-of-time living in one moment, now, as ourselves complete.
There is nothing to do but be ourselves, as who we are, in the one moment that exists.
Within, we are whole and contain all creation. Contemplate and honor this fact. What does this mean? How are you enhanced and made strong by this fact?
We are everything in one immortal “now” as we are honest with ourselves and the world.
Never Alone
We’re never alone, but are a network of living humanity, a network of life and beyond life.
Reaching into the past and future, at the same time, we are all of life living at once.
We’re related to everything. We and all-of-life are a unified state of mind, individual yet growing and unique.
We are one and complete. We understand and know as we become our Highest Good.
God Ignites as We Know Ourselves
God is the consciousness of everything in union, aware and full, of life complete.
God is connection and relatedness, the power of everything belonging to itself.
We can see this God/Union in all of life, from the smallest things on earth to the galaxies beyond.
The fullness of God is within us and conscious as who we are. The fullness of God is the natural world apparent, the mountains and the seas.
At our core, we are the fundamental state of everything together, knowing what it is.
At our core, we have the consciousness of everything in union with itself — this is who we are.
In Tune and Balance
We are in tune and in balance when we’re connected — mind, body and soul — to life. Union of this type has spontaneous stability, strength and joy.
Union or integration of our minds with our hearts and the world … has God awareness, the awareness of more than we are.
Qi Gong shows you exactly how to be balanced and connected in a universal way, with immortality.
[Related: Here’s a Qi Gong video.]
Qi Gong and Awareness
You can get to a place of union with Qi Gong. Qi Gong is God-derived practice that brings out our best.
God is life in union, connected.
The God/human state is love.
Our soul is love evolved and knowing.
Our soul is compassion expressing into life.
[Again, we suggest this free Qi Gong Video: How to do Qi Gong]
The All of Everything
There is one soul and being that contains all souls and everything-that’s-been or will be. This one soul is our soul, yet a shared reality.
In this soul of all that is, our soul resides unique yet belonging, individual yet in union with all souls, all of life and all being.
This soul of ours and everything could be called God: wholeness, full, complete and unified — a union with all that exists and all that does not exist; a union with all that will be, and all that has never been.
This soul of ours and everything could be a quality of perfect peace, stillness and strength; a nature of all knowing and of love immortal; unchanging, yet from which all life, and its forms, is derived.
Overriding Wisdom
When everything is self-aware and full of consciousness, there is an overriding wisdom — there is an absolute stability, a calm and perfect strength.
When we’re aware of immortality, eternal life comes forth.
Chaos and death are:
- Unrelatedness
- Separation
- Things torn apart
Out of union, unaware and running, we disconnect and die.
Unified, together and at one, we’re immortal, complete and absolute … in both a personal and universal manner.
Qi Gong can help us be unified and express our immortality.
[Related: How Qi Gong Save My Life]
Down to Earth

Come down to earth, now. This moment be simplified and looking ahead.
Stop your meditative mind, for a bit … and look at where you stand, or sit.
Look to your feet, then consider the following statement and questions:
We stand between two worlds — one of immortality and one of certain death.
- Which will it be?
- What will we choose?
It’s time to make a choice and walk forth as who we are upon the earth.
What Can We Do?
What can we do to live life well, to be full and complete as who we are?
We can love, remember and help each other — or we can pull apart and fight.
We can cooperate, accept and tend to each other, or kill and destroy the world.
It’s a choice we make every second, every day and year. We create the rules of life.
Will we love and care or exploit and kill?
Love Is the Path to Immortality
How would you imagine the road to immortality? What would this road be?

The path to immortality is practical love — love for ourselves and each other, love for everyone and everything there is.
Love is the path to immortality, yet this love is a practical love, not fancy or unreal.
The definition of “practical” is this:
- Of or relating to practice or action
- Adapted or designed for actual use; useful
- Concerned with ordinary activities, business, or work
We Have what We Need
We do not have to be married to walk the path to immortality.
We do not have to have a partner in life to have a perfect life.
We do not have to have agreement from anyone or anything to live as our immortal selves.
To be immortal, we can be alone or together, in any situation or condition of life.
Right where we are is where we need to be to walk the path of immortality.
Yet, we have to have a purpose, plan and direction to get anywhere.
We have to be aware.
The Purpose of Immortality

If our purpose is immortality, peace and joy: love is our destiny, our path and way.
Love is the conduit that brings our soul of eternal being to the world, into flesh.
Love is what lives forever and evolves toward better things.
We Live with All of Life
We are living with all of life — together, not alone.
We are belonging to the world, whether single, married or by ourselves. Whatever our condition or situation, we’re in union with a consciousness of love.
Look for this union in yourself and in the world.
A One-Way-Street
The path to immortality is a one-way-street that leads to love for all of life, to love in all we do.
We can love; we should love and must love to find our way and be what we can be.
We must love to be and know who we are. We must love to be immortal now.
We Are the Same
Know we’re all the same: that our struggles, success and failures are testing us in a similar manner.
Know we help each other is a very similar way.
We write the instructions for immortal life on earth.
We make the way for immortal love in ourselves and all the world.
Immortality comes as we live with eternal intention in every aspect of each day.
Immortality comes by practice and established habit.
Qi Gong helps immortality become a habit, our default thought and action.
Qi Gong helps us respond to life with eternal grace.
[Related: More about Qi Gong]