Simple and Easy Video Tool
In the last couple weeks of blog posts, we talked about the power of “asking for what we want” in Step 7 of The 12 Steps to Immortality.
Step 7: Humbly asked our greater Power to remove our shortcomings.
This week’s blog gives you a simple and easy video tool you can use to ask for what you want, and get it.
As you watch this short video today, discover and strengthen your core of perfect love and immortality.
Learn to ask for what you want.
Good luck! Try the video.
[Related Post: Step 7 to Immortality, Time to Ask]
[Related Post: How to Ask for What You Want]
Short and Powerful

To make the meditative video below work for you, listen to the music and read the words.
As you watch, relax and take it easy. Don’t stress or strain to understand.
Listen in a meditative way. Watch and listen to the video again, several times.
Let yourself synchronize with the message and process the video presents.
Use the video to guide you to your immortal core of goodness, love and eternal life.
Discover Power, Strength and Ease

Watch the video. Listen to the music, and repeat.
Repeat listening to the video as many times and as often as you can, until you feel the message and process of the video have finished its work, work within you.
Return at a later date. Watch the video again, and see what you think?
Let your immortal self respond, and rise to the video’s call.
A Meditative Tool

Use this video as a meditative tool to train your brain to activate the perfect love in you … to gather strength and establish calm.
Listen to the video. Know yourself.
Discover who you are.
Find ease and peace.
Ask for what you want.
The Video: “Step 7 and Asking for What You Want”
Video Transcript
In Step 7, we use our “Gift of Asking” to make something great and wonderful happen!
We ask our Greater Power to remove our shortcomings, our habits and reactions that are holding us back from success, happiness and PHYSICAL IMMORTALITY.
Step 7: Humbly asked our Greater Power to remove our shortcomings.
We ask for help with troubles that are keeping us from physical immortality and immortal love.
By asking for immortality… by requesting the perfect love of our soul come alive, we set the universe in motion.
A simple heartfelt request gets a reaction.
When we make a request with all the life within us, the universe and all of life RESPOND.
[Related Post: Step 7 to Immortality, Time to Ask]
[Related Post: How to Ask for What You Want]