We Can Live Forever
Death, suffering and disease are not preordained or hardwired into Creation. No one has to die, suffer or be distraught. Happiness and immortality, instead, can be our fate.
As we work together with better thoughts of immortality and good; as we love, forgive and behave with compassion — our bodies change; the physical world realigns to support immortal life.
Physical Immortality Is a Fact
We acknowledge our immortality to bring it to life.
We’re born to live forever: the original design of our body does not include illness and death. Physical immortality is a fact we can live in this life.
We’re perfect as we are. For eternal physicality, no sainthood or rarefied attainment are required. Minor changes sustained over time are all that’s needed.
We Create by Our Thoughts, Words and Actions
Our thoughts, words and actions create our lives and form the world. These thoughts and actions have the power to create an immortal life of grace, or a path toward death and a harsh physical world.
As we take hold of our thought and behavior, moving from death toward lasting life — all of Creation transforms to match how we live, returning our goodness tenfold.
Thoughts of Death Produce Death
We create everything by what we do and think — thoughts of death, as the inevitable outcome of life, produce death. Thoughts of joy and immortality produce eternal physicality.
For eternal physical life: move from death, harm and unawareness toward compassion, love and immortal intent.
Rehearse the thoughts and behaviors that portray the life you want. Activate your best by thinking the best human thoughts you can. Think big; be humble. Rehearse and repeat.
For human immortality, perfection is never required, simply progress.
Practice who you want to be, and watch the video below.
Compassion Creates Eternal Physicality
As creators of ourselves and this natural world, we’re in control and making life what it is.
To kill and harm anything, kill us first … inside.
When we act to harm, we are harmed. When we act with compassion and immortal intent, our bodies and the world respond.
Killing, hate and hopelessness make us victims to these crimes. Love, compassion and acts of lasting life keep the world alive.
To be immortal now, try this short video:
“Born to Live forever”
Did You Like this Blog Post?
If you found the post helpful and want to be immortal now, we recommend our book and course below:
Our Book: “Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth”
Take a look.. HERE.
Our Course: “Introduction to Immortality”
Our Course: “Introduction to Immortality”
Learn exactly what to do for immortality in a simple step by step manner.
Take a look.. HERE.
Our Best Suggestion
To have peace, strength and physical immortality, we suggest you read our blog, study the book and take our course.
When you’ve finished our course and have read the book, mentoring and Immortality Coaching will be offered.
We wish you well. Be happy and immortal now!