Welcome to Chapter Four!
What this chapter has for you:
- Our Responsive Universe and How It Works
- The World Gives Back the Good We Do
- How to Use the Secret Power of Reality
- A Compliment Can Change Our Lives
- Where to Look for what You Need

In the image above, Adam reaches out to a Person with Eternal Life who gives Adam life. As Adam reaches out, he is transformed. We are the same as Adam; life responds as we extend ourselves.
Eternal Life transforms us as we seek Eternal Life.
In this chapter you’ll learn how life responds to what you say and do. You’ll see how every thought, word and deed have a consequence … how this consequence is good if you act with good intent.
Discover how the world works with us as we improve our lives. Know that nothing is set in stone: that our bodies, brains and lives respond to what we do.
This chapter will show you there really is a genie in the bottle, where the bottle is the universe, and the genie is you. You’ll see how your actions, thoughts and words give instructions to the world.
Read each short section below. Pause, meditate and think — consider what you’ve read. Wait, then move on to the next reading. Let each section bring your immortality to life.
The Readings
Our Responsive Universe
We live in a responsive universe; our bodies and the world respond to what do.
We are choosing our lives, world and bodies by doing what we do. So why not choose something good like compassion, bliss and eternal life? Why not take control and give something great to the world?
Every day we affect each other by how we act. We’re part of the equation of life. We all have influence upon the world. There are no unimportant behaviors or thoughts.
Everything happening, both large and small, effects everything else in life. Consequently, all of life is related.
Be deliberate in how you live. Make a better world. Do something good. Be immortal now.
Every decision we make is important. The smallest things add up to be the greatest part of life.
Where We Find Our Power
An immortal body is sustained by powerful love and eternal compassion.
Our power is in the little things we do, our moment to moment decisions. Often, a small compliment or smile can move the day toward something great that otherwise would never have happened.
Improve your life with compliments: say something nice to yourself; speak kindly to a friend.
Kindness and compassion are essential for immortality. We can’t thrive and grow without love and good deeds.
An immortal body is sustained by powerful love and compassion.
Positive Words Transform
Give a compliment, and you’ll be gifted by your own intent.
Think of something good about someone you like, and tell this person what you admire about them.
Find someone not-so-nice, and speak to them with love. Say something honest and good. Everyone, good or bad, has something positive about themselves. We can put this into words and compliment their lives.
Find something you like about a specific person, and tell that person what you like.
We’re Given what We Give
Kind thoughts and compliments, that we give away, improve both our lives and the person we have helped.
On the path to immortality, we compliment ourselves and others. We find the positive in life and focus on this force. We do good things. We help the best in every person to express.
Immortality is foremost love. We share this love. We encourage this love. We act with love as our primary motive each day.
Nothing dies in perfect love.
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