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Referencing the bog article, The Power of Immortal Life, we show you how to bring your immortal core to life by awareness of thinking, speaking and behavior.
Growing awareness of your immortal core will activate this reality in every aspect of life.
From the Podcast
Who is the real you? If the real physical you is immortal, how can you be yourself if you’re planning to die, expecting death to be the natural outcome of your life?
What I’m addressing here is that consciously, and mostly unconsciously, we are all expecting to die; we’re literally planning to die.
We’re expecting death to be the natural end of life.
Our suggestion at, is that death isn’t natural at all. It’s something that we impose upon our bodies and worldly lives by doing things that don’t fully honor life!
Your Qi Gong Master
Enjoy today’s Startup and Talk with John Harrigan: Qi Gong Master and founder of where we teach the Secret to Immortality.
John will help you find the eternal love at your core.
Discover love, compassion and strength in your day.
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Complete and Unedited Podcast Transcript
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Hello, this is John Harrigan with the secret to immortality Podcast.
Today we’re going to discuss the blog article, the power of immortal life. Here we go,
who is the real you? If the real physical you is immortal, how can you be yourself if you’re planning to die, expecting death to be the natural outcome of your life.
And what I’m addressing here is that consciously and mostly unconsciously, we are all expecting to die and literally planning to die. We’re expecting death to be the natural end of life. And our suggestion at Where I’m reading from this blog article is that death isn’t natural at all. It’s something that we’ve imposed upon our bodies, our worldly lives, by basically misbehave, and doing things that don’t honor the life of ourselves. don’t honor the life of the world and don’t honor the world, the physical Earth itself.
So who is the real you to repeat? If the real physical you is immortal? How can you be yourself? If you’re planning to die? If you’re not acknowledging the eternal you if you’re not living from your core self? How can you be the real you? How can you fulfill yourself? In this lifetime? How can you be the most have the most, be your happy best, have the happy best in life? Again, in think about it, I suggest, if the real you is immortal, if you buy into that, and that’s what we’re doing here at immortal,, if the real you is immortal, how can you be yourself? How can you be the real you? If the basic fundamental, real and preponderance of you is eternal? How can you be? How can you be the real you if you’re planning to die if you’re expecting to die? If you’re participating in killing and harming other people, if you’re not self reflecting and asking yourself, do all my behaviors honor this eternal heaven on earth? Is what I’m about to say useful helpful to the person I’m about to say? Do I need to be the one to say it? If the real physical you is immortal? How can you be yourself if you’re planning to die expecting death to be the natural outcome of life, consciously or unconsciously? We buy into this every minute of the day, really, we plan on death in some way, every minute of the day. And when we have this belief, as we’re creating ourselves, as we’re creating the physical world with me have this belief in death that is so strong, unconscious conscious that is so strong, every minute of the day. It’s taking a lot of our energy and our unconscious focus, I suggest to you even if somebody is even, even if something’s unconscious, if we’re not aware of it, it may still be very active and energetic. You don’t we naturally deny a lot in this world of death and suffering. Everybody, the happiest fellow on Earth, denies quite a bit to get through the day. And with a secret to immortality at immortal
We slowly learn not to be in denial of how we’re feeling how we’re thinking, to be aware of who we really are, to be aware, to go into that core and feel that happiness, bliss and love and to be aware of it in our physical body in the world, in our behavior, and what we’re saying asking ourselves, do I really need to say this, what is my motive? We’re predators. Your brain is designed to be a predator pretty much the way a lion is. We’re designed at our best to be mammals, wonderful family, members, mothers, fathers children, hugging, caressing, encouraging, nurturing within our group within our family, that we also just like a lion have a part of our brain more internal to the brain. That is a predator. It is designed for hunting, killing and eating that kill our predatory instincts, even if we’re at work at a high tech company. Usually those predatory instincts are at our workplace. So with us in us at all times, you may feel well I have to compete to get ahead, do you really, why not just do your best and see what happens?
We are predators and a lot of the secret to immortality is becoming aware of the predator in you, and how that’s messing up your life. How that is denying your soul, your good person, how that’s keeping you from who you really want to be. And it’s not a difficult process. It’s just learning to be aware, learning to be aware as you go through your day gently aware, calmly, aware, kindly aware of what you’re thinking of what you’re saying and what you’re physically doing and what the motive is beneath that. Is it coming from predation? You can be a kind, sweet, helpful predator, trying to get what you want and trying to have things your way? Am I trying to get my way? Is this getting my way really going to help other people this other person? Sure, sure, I have the best of intentions, do you really? Are you honoring their eternal soul? Are you honoring yours? Are you acting from this immortal core? Quote, if the real physical you is immortal, how can you be yourself if you’re planning to die consciously or unconsciously planning to die buying into that benevolent kind circle of life, I suggest to you the circle of life is death, killing, suffering and hardship that we put in to the life process. No one else. The Disneyesque total denial Circle of Life is hardship, death, dying and suffering, ugliness, war, killing, predation is the circle of life, getting sick, suffering and dying. The circle of life is the most incomprehensible, horrible, sociopathic wrong, that we impose upon ourself, that we impose upon the world of physics, the physical creation, of the universe of the world that we live in. Nature acts against us and doesn’t cooperate because we don’t let it because we’re silently hating, we’re unconsciously hating. We’re unconsciously opposing, we’re unconsciously fighting everything and everyone. With the secret to immortality, we slowly back away from that, we slowly get into love, compassion, goodness and strength, find our core, know our soul. act from that. But first, before you act from that eternal, blissful, loving, compassionate soul. Just settle down and experience your own goodness. Understand that this goodness is connected to the goodness of all the world, to the goodness of every other living thing and inanimate object. I suggest you there’s goodness, in the dirt, there’s goodness in the mountains, there’s goodness in the air and water for all of us to appreciate and enjoy. With our core soul of joy, our immortal, beautiful self, the real you get to that core, get to that self experience, the bliss, the happiness, the joy, the authenticity, the identity of who you are, then stand up and walk through your day and walk into life. And see the happiness the joy, the bliss, the love and compassion that is holding you and ever present everywhere in creation. And when we honor that, love, that bliss, that eternal life when we honor that in all of life, we come alive with greater immortality and strength. That is all from today. I’ve been reading from the first couple paragraphs of the blog post the power of immortal life, at our website, immortal bless you and keep you go through your day with love and respect for both yourself and everyone. You may