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About this Podcast
In this podcast, discover how you’re made to live forever. Learn exactly what to do for a lasting life of happiness and joy.
The Secret to Immortality is not really a secret; you’ve known it all your life. Bring this knowledge alive and make it work for you today.
You have the secret to lasting life inside you.
Selfish Desire Can Hurt Us
Desire comes from being out of touch with who we are.
When we can’t experience ourselves, our deep and immortal souls, we look outside of ourselves for who we are.

We can look at 1,000 different places and people, never finding fulfillment. We can create a new universe with every growing search … but all searches deplete us, taking us farther from ourselves.
We wither and die by not looking inside for ourselves, for who we are and what we have to give.
How We Get Disconnected
Looking outside ourselves, for our needs, can disconnect us from who we are.
We are cornucopias with everything to give, yet when we look outside ourselves for this cornucopia, we fail. We tire and dishearten, by looking for ourselves in places we don’t dwell.

Every outward search creates another search and another universe to explore, until we stop the search and find ourselves, here and now.
We are creatures who give, conduits of love and grace. To the degree that we discover our humane quality, and live it out, we gain the world. In an opposing sense, if we look for the gifts of life in other people, outside places and things … emptiness results.
The Find of a Lifetime (a parable)
Down and out, there’s opportunity.
When your good mother and father are at your side, but unseen by you because you only look ahead; you may search forever, never finding the parents you want … until you deplete, sit down and surrender your search.

At this time of defeat and sitting down, you may look around, surprised to find the warmth of a mother and father you had never before seen. Yet, these perfect parents had always been with you.
As we surrender our search, a universe is born, accurate and complete. We find we’ve never been alone, but always held and cared for.
Surrendering our search, we find another way to be, another way to get what we’ve always wanted.
For Lack of Basic Needs
Most human suffering is from unmet basic needs. One important need is to be loved and close to others whom we love.
This need begins in our home of origin. Our needs are never fully met in our parent’s home, under the best or worst of circumstances.

As we mature in love and understanding, we can return to early memories, healing certain elements.
Love repairs, fulfills and makes us whole.
There is nothing that deep, true and authentic love cannot repair.
Take the love of your soul to any hardship of the past; let your love fill and transform that memory.
Forgive and understand the failings of this world; know your part in making this life better.
The Source of All Good
We are the source of everything good; the origin and place of earthly bliss.
As we connect with the Infinite, we have the Infinite to give.
Connection is the secret to life, how God becomes known. Connection is how we give, how we receive and live.

Selfish desire, both small and large, can take our lives. Yet, when we’re within ourselves, there is no need or desire, only joy.
To live forever, be at peace and perfectly still. Use your will in a gentle manner. Connect and give!
Immortality Book for You
See our book that shows you exactly what to do for human immortality, joy and peace: “Qigong and Spiritual Growth,” on Amazon
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Qigong Master
Hello, This is John Harrigan, your podcast host. I’m an author, Qigong Master and founder of the website where we teach “The Secret to Immortality,” Qigong and Personal Growth.
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To begin the Secret to Immortality — go to and read the blog and book; try the course and join Immortality LAB! Listen to the podcast.
Have the best day of your life! You are immortal now.
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To begin today with the Secret to Immortality, we suggest our new course with a simple approach to our best ideas and techniques.
You’ll discover twenty amazing videos covering all aspects of building an immortal life of character, grace and good.
In addition, there’s step by step instruction on powerful Qigong techniques to lay your foundation.
Full Transcript
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Hello, this is John Harrigan, coming from our website,, where we teach the Secret to Immortality.
What you’re seeing in front of you is the blog section of our website where we have articles, podcasts and videos. And today, we’re going to be taking you through an Essential Article.
There are 8 essential articles, free articles, on the secret to immortality that you can read immediately. And right now, in this video, we’re going to go through the first of those essential articles to begin to teach you about the secret to immortality.
How can you be healthy, strong, joyful, happy and free, living physically immortal in a cooperative world? That’s what we’re going to show you, step by step.
Right now we’re on the article titled, “The Secret to Immortality Is a Three Step Process.” And we say the secret to immortality is a three step process. Because it is,
in this pillar post discover the three step process of the secret to immortality, watch our powerful video at the end. And we’ll do that together.
So the secret to immortality, how can you be physically immortal? And that may sound ridiculous and even absurd, but it’s certainly not.
You know, every religious spiritual leader talks about eternal life. And some talk about physical immortality, certainly Taoist do , Taoists in the mountains of Wu Dong, in China, where my teacher is from, and where my lineage is from.
I’m a Qigong master of over 23 years. And I’ll share that with you a little bit on these videos.
There are some free Qigong videos on the website,
The secret to immortality is what we teach. It’s as simple as 1 2 3. As you’ll see here on our blog article, it’s as easy as 1 2 3 steps of the secret to immortality.
I’m reading some of this right off a blog article in front of you.
And again, over here, to the right of the blog article, every blog article on our blog section, we have essential articles to read. And we’re going over today for about the next 20 minutes.
The secret to immortality.
The first of the essential blog articles below that we have a book that I’ve written a course on the secret to immortality and a free podcast and some other things that may interest you.
The secret to immortality, again, it’s as simple as 123. What are the three steps to immortality, one mindfulness for immortality to Qigong for lasting life in three immortality coaching. The three steps to the secret to immortality, the secret to immortality has three simple steps, reading from the website. Each of these three steps builds awareness, inner dialogue, and knowledge needed for physical immortality. Number one is mindfulness for immortality, where we suggest to you that your thoughts that our thoughts together, our thoughts, our words, and our physical actions, create our reality, the physics of reality, everything, our thoughts, our words and our physical actions, create reality.
In a way everything’s a physical action. Everything we are in do is a physical action or spirit or feelings or mind or heart. But we break it apart so you can more easily understand that mindfulness or immortality, one is when we start to become aware, we start to inventory our thought process. Number one for the secret to immortality, we have to move beyond the unconscious and conscious acceptance of death. As an inevitable outcome of life. We have to pull back from our participation and death and harm and wrongdoing that we may not even be aware of. You know, the first part of that is to look at what we know we’re doing wrong and slowly move away from that, not all at once. We never suggest you make immediate catastrophic changes unless you may need to. But most change is slow, deliberate, and purposeful.
So the secret to immortality, we’re looking at the thought of death, the thought of immortality, and how our thoughts are cooperating with the force of death, demise, accident and disease, how we’re kind of trained from childhood from infancy from our relatives are grandparents or great grandparents in the world that they lived in, how we’re all trained are genetics and epigenetics, how we’re all put together for ultimate demise, hardship, loss, suffering, and death in our suggest or suggest suggestion with the secret to immortality is this isn’t necessary.
Our suggestion with the secret to immortality isn’t it’s not really necessary to suffer to die, to go through hardship and loss, that evolution and personal growth take place much better when we’re living in our natural immortal design when we’re acting with kindness and love, when we’re continuing and building upon our lives, minute by minute and day by day. So with mindfulness for immortality, number one of the three, we’re starting to examine how we think, and how we react to the world, in obvious ways that we may know are wrong and not too helpful for ourselves and others. And then the more subtle and interesting ways that we’re unconsciously contributing to the force of accident, death and disease, we don’t need to do that, we’ll take you through how to figure it out, understand, become aware, find the bliss of who you are, and live in that eternal immortal place of self. Number two, the three steps to the secret to immortality is Qigong for lasting life.
I’m at Qigong master of over 23 years, I study and practice with a Qigong Grandmaster from China. And he in turn has his teachers in his lineage, which includes a lot of his immediate family, grandparents, father, grandfather, etc. But it doesn’t have to. It’s just helpful. If you learn golf from a good instructor, he probably had a good instructor, and that instructor probably had a good instructor. If you had a wonderful mother and father, they probably had wonderful mothers and fathers, your grandparents, wonderful and good, great grandparents. Or maybe you had really terrible parents, that inflicted a lot of damage and pain upon your life and your early childhood. And we’ll take you through a process with a secret to immortality of how to undo that hardship, and harm the injuries of life.
Everyone is injured by this world the way it goes, this world has death has suffering disease, and we can deny the hardships but it’s a predatory world where every life form is looking for another life form, hunting it down, chasing it down sometimes to capture, kill it and eat it. And we’re suggesting there’s another way to live, which is cooperation, love, compassion, living together, working together.
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We suggest today that you entertain the idea that it’s not necessary to kill things, it’s not necessary to be harmful to compete. If you want to compete with anything, just compete with yourself with your soul to find your soul to find your heart, your goodness, your strength, your immortality. And we’ll take you to that and we’ll show you how to find that. We’re doing a little bit of that today. So the secret to immortality in front of you on the screen is one two and three, one mindfulness for immortality to Qigong for lasting life and immortality coaching. After you’ve read her book here on the right side Qigong and spiritual growth, it’s available on Amazon. After you’ve read our book, after you’ve finished the essential articles, study them taken our introductory course on immortality that’s available on our on our website, up in the menu, you can find that after you’ve done all those things, then you can talk to us one on one, about the possibility of coaching. All we want to do is make sure you’re committed to it, you’re ready for it, and you’re gonna follow through. Your time is valuable. Our time is valuable. We want to make sure cats for everyone, as we walk an immortality path.
As I’m reading from the blog post, quote, as we walk in immortality path, we see things from a new perspective of eternal love, eternal love, we suggest and you’re gonna start to find there’s eternal love inside you as your core, your soul, whatever you want to call it your true identity. And you may not feel it for a while you may feel quickly you may already feel it. Or you may know it’s there, in all my blog posts going back many many years and on other blog sites that are no longer Up.
Any article I write about love is always the most popular article. articles that I write about love are always the most popular. And why is that? I think it’s because love is our soul. And we missed that love, we missed that deep, eternal powerful love, where we connect with every other person, everything on Earth, the universe, and beyond. That love, I suggest you is our identity. And together we can experience it. That love I suggest is an eternal love, and immortality that includes our physicality. Quote, to read that again, as we walk in immortality path, we see things from a new perspective, if this is new to you, if this idea is new to you, we’ll walk this road this path together. That’s what this website is all about immortal is that we do this together, you do it with my book, you do it with our podcast, you do it with our courses in immortality lab, where we have a number of course, a number of lectures, private lectures available in immortality lab, and she gone classes throughout the month, throughout the month, we transform quote, we transform to the highest and best cells we can be with the secret to immortality, as we walk in immortality path with the secret to immortality, we see things from a new perspective. The newness is our soul, actually, in our soul, everything I promise you is exciting, new, compassionate, refined, and really very beautiful. As we walk in mortality path, we see things from a new perspective of eternal love.
We transform to the highest and best selves we can be, I suggest to you we are already inside our highest invest in mortal cells. We’re already gold, and perfect human beingness. We already have that. But we’ve covered it up the eons of life kind of living wrongly, life harming life, we need to kind of unpack the debris that’s piled upon us of injury, harm, fear, and other uncomfortable things, we need to unpack that. And the biggest fear may be the fear of injury, the fear of harm, the fear of death, the fear of not getting food, not getting what we need need to survive. As we unpack that fear, that debris of the hardship of life, conscious and unconscious, it slowly all becomes conscious. But as we unpack that debris, we find our golden soul, our pure and perfect core, that is immortal, physical and good. I suggest, but you have to do the work and take our courses, read the book and listen to these videos, to learn how to find that in yourself. Our knowledge and and we’re all our knowledge and awareness improve, we connect to a greater power within our within us within ourselves. Quote, as we walk an immortality path, we see things from a new perspective of eternal love, we transform to the highest and best selves we can be our knowledge and awareness improve, we connect to a greater power within us.
I just suggest you that greater power is who you already are. But we live all of us kind of in a disabled way, even the best of us. If we’re heading towards death, unconsciously, unintentionally, if we’re harming the world, and we don’t know what the world and we don’t know what we’re not living to our fullest ability, our knowledge and awareness improve, we connect to a greater power within us. I suggest the immortal you physically immortal us already there. We’re just all a bit disconnected that she Gong, my lectures and book and coaching will help you get connected within yourself. As we get connected within ourselves. We get connected to the beauty, love and power of the world that’s here to serve us as we are to serve the world. So one mindfulness for immortality, what is that? mindfulness for immortality read along with me, if you can. Mindfulness for immortality is where we capture the power of our thinking, speaking in action to activate our immortal life, quote, for better or worse we create ourselves and this world, our thoughts, speech and behavior. If nothing if you get nothing else from this video today, look at this quote that I’m going over with now with my cursor on the screen. For better or worse we create ourselves in this world by our thoughts speech and behavior from For better or worse, we create ourselves by our thought, speech and behavior. We are creating who we are, we’re creating the world we live in the physicality of the world, how it acts upon us, how it interacts with us the very physics of existence, I suggest we are creating it all of us together. And individually, we’re creating it by how we think, speak and act. That’s what that quote is all about. with mindfulness for immortality, we use our thoughts and actions, to turn our lives around from certain death, to happiness, freedom, and eternal physicality.
I suggest you that everything takes place in the here and now that as we get as we physically get more and more into the here, and now, physically in this physical reality, time kind of disappears and recedes in reality becomes more and more real, and our physicality becomes more and more strong, more present. I suggest to you that we’re eternal physical beings in a physical reality right here and now. But part of being here and now is learning to get out of yesterday and not into tomorrow. Becausereally, tomorrow never comes and yesterday is important as we learn from it and look back upon it from time to time, but all our power and we’re we’re living every second of our lives, is here, right now, in our bodies. We don’t have to go anywhere else. We just have to more and more come into the now come into our bodies get grounded and be where we are. That’s where our eternal physical self lives.
So let’s read some more here. What are you thinking? in all our lives, we think about death as the inevitable end to life. If excuse me, if if all our lives we think about death, as the inevitable end to life, death comes about. It’s kind of common sense things we think about again, and again, tend to happen. A plan we have a plan we act out, tends to succeed. And I suggest to you the death plan is not too pretty. I don’t recommend that. Quote, if all our lives we think about death, as the inevitable into life death comes about my suggestion for today. Another suggestion is consider not thinking about death, as the end of life. And I don’t mean this as a competition. Don’t try to edit your thoughts. Every time you’re thinking about death that can get too complex and too stressful. Just think today about whether a life of eternal bliss, happiness and joy is for you. If you didn’t have to suffer, if you didn’t have to be confused if you didn’t have to be injured, if you literally got everything you wanted. Isn’t that what you want? I suggest you the most wretched of us maybe the most immoral, the most brutal and cruel. They’re after the same thing the best of us want. They’re really just looking to get something from life. That is rewarding. And I suggest you the most rewarding thing you can possibly have the most powerful and infinitely giving thing you can possess is an awareness of your own soul of yourself. And I suggest that everything you could want need and desire is in there as you really desire comes about by being out of touch with who we are. Desire comes about by being out of touch with who we are. pause and think about that quote, again, from the article in front of you. If all our lives we think about death as the inevitable end to life, death comes about. If we plan for death and expect death we bring death into reality. Anything we plan repeatedly, day after day and act upon usually comes about the simplest smallest things make up our reality. The simplest smallest thoughts, feelings and emotions that we were that we repeat. The simplest thoughts, emotions and actions that we repeat on a daily basis consciously and unconsciously, are creating who we are our physical body, our emotionality, our sense of self and the world around us. Quote, if we think speak and act with compassion, an immortal attend, immortality becomes a fact of life for our for ourselves and the planet. It may take a while but what what do you have to lose? If we think speak and act with compassion and immortal intention? immortality becomes a fact of life for ourselves and the planet. Want to do that? Why not have that joyous, happy and free, compassionate, loving and kind, immortality, a cooperative nature that we live with, that we live in a cooperative world, quote, take a look at the words and ideas you have within you. This gets into the selfinventory.
So to become aware of what you’re thinking of how you’re hurting yourself, take a look at the words and ideas you have within you, that you physically Express. With these words, ask yourself how your life plays out, where is your inner and outer dialogue taking you. If you don’t know what your inner or outer dialogue is, that’s okay. Just start to write down things that you’re thinking throughout the day, start to write down things that you’re saying to yourself, and other people throughout the day. There’s nothing complex or difficult. But the more you inventory, your thoughts and your words and your thinking, the more you become aware of it and the more power you gain over what kind of thoughts what kind of feelings you have. So a self inventory. A self analysis is essential for getting control of your life, getting control of your emotions, of your feelings, and getting to that eternal core of you. I’m going to wrap up this talk. And I’ll finish this in another few lectures on YouTube that you can see, this is the end of part one, where we were looking at the article called the secret to immortality is a three step process. Again, it’s mindfulness for immortality, Qigong for lasting life two, and three, and mortality coaching. On the right of our blog page, where every blog is every blog that you look at, look at every individual and separate blog has this right column. In this right column, you can connect to our Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube, on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We have daily motivations and insights for you to use kind of like as mantras to take with you throughout the day to encourage you to keep your momentum going on this path to immortality on a daily basis.
So again, explore our website a little bit, go to immortal now calm up in the menu, go to the blog, and you’ll find always the essential articles to read, beginning with the secret to immortality and you can go ahead as far as you want. There’s a lot of articles to read in a short period of time, you might want to stretch it out. Also look at our YouTube page where you’re seeing this video. We have exercises there on our website, we have a page about Qigong and the menu of free Qigong exercise. We have a lot of free things for you. We also have the membership in mortality lab the month monthly membership site in mortality lab, you can find up here in the menu. That’s a monthly membership where we have she gone courses unique she gone and private she gone courses unique and in depth lectures and talk talks about the secret to immortality, the psychology of the immortality process. That is all for now. We’re going to keep going through this entire article. And a few more posts over the next few weeks. We’re going to go through this is kind of a long article, this entire article, the very end we’re going to watch a video together, bless you and keep you for now. That’s the end of this video.
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