By Accepting Death, We Bring It to Life
“Our thoughts, words and actions create everything on earth.”
When we accept death, as inevitable, we give it power and presence. By acceptance, we give death a place in our lives and permission to act upon us.
Acceptance of death is the same as wishing we would die. This wish affects the world and how reality behaves. The acceptance of death becomes a force active in our body, corrupting life — creating sickness, harm and the end of our physical expression.
We Can Shape Reality
When we accept death as inevitable, we instruct our bodies to die.
The acceptance of death, the idea that death is a natural part of life, creates catastrophic action.
By accepting death, we bring killing to the world, and encourage death for everything and everyone.
As a higher form of life, we have the power to design and shape reality, and death need not be part of it.
When we expect to die, we never see our full potential or achieve it. When death is accepted, it becomes a way out of problems and impossibilities we have the ability to solve … if we choose to live through it.
Death Denies Us Our Potential
Instead of a life that ends, we can choose to think of immortality .
When we see death as an escape, we’re never fully required to be ourselves and live our true potential.
Death is a denial of who we are, a selling ourselves short.
A belief in death negates the beauty of our soul and stops eternal life from expressing in the world.
Death keeps us numb and dumb to who we really are and the limitless possibility of life.
We Create the End

Death is an escape, a denial of our perfect loving core.
With the idea of death, as the natural end of life, we never become who we were born to be. We never have the fullness of our love, our completer power and strength.
When we understand that we create existence by our words, thoughts and actions; it becomes evident that death is our creation. It becomes apparent that the harms of the world are something we’ve made.
Hardship Is a Consequence, Not Fate
Hardship, suffering and disease or not imposed upon us, but a consequence of our own soul denial and predatory nature … as aware or unaware we may be.
Accepting an ugly fate that our culture says is true, does not make it fact, but instead a misinformed belief. The truth is this: we can change death to life and live eternal in this world.
If we believe we have little effect on reality, and cannot turn death around, then we can’t. This idea keeps death in play.
We’re Creatives in Control

Love is always new.
We change everything in existence — for better or worse — every second of the day, by what we do, by new behaviors or repeated acts.
As we repeat our thoughts, beliefs and actions; we make what we’ve done more a fact, more ingrained in the fabric of existence. Yet, we can change everything harmful by doing something new.
Instead of killing, war and chaos; we can improve the struggle of life. We can change the world by changing our thoughts, words and behavior every day.
Choose Something Good
Let’s love when we can love, and give when we can give.
Let’s be mindful of how we react to other people. Let’s choose our soul-of-love as the basis of our thoughts and everything we do. Let’s love and be good to all of life.
When we act with kindness and understanding — we set in motion a world that is kind and understanding of ourselves.
Let’s be mindful that we’re making our bodies and the world around us. Let’s choose from a pallet of compassion, love and grace.
Let’s create something good that reflects our perfect core.
The Opportunity for Something Better

Let’s create something great that reflects all the good in the world, all the wonder of peace and purpose of life.
Let’s make the world, our bodies and minds a better place, where we all live together with understanding and ease.
By choice, we can be joined happily — in cooperation, friendliness and warmth — where loneliness does not exist.
A Perfect World Can Be Reality
An ideal world is not a fantasy or unreasonable expectation; heaven on earth can be created the exact-same-way we’ve made what we now have.
Let’s change how we act and think, and bring heaven to physical life on earth.
Let’s understand our timeless nature and join a greater cause.
We Are in Heaven Now

We are in heaven now.
We were never intended to be sick, suffer and die.
The hardships of life, and death itself, are things we’ve made.
Let’s take control of how we create.
We can love and be loved. We can make the world a better place.
Let’s change who we are and how we live, to immortal life on earth.