The way out of pain is a personal path—a path that returns us to our core.
We may question our discomfort, feeling we did not create it, thinking the painful condition may not be our fault? This may be accurate, but if we want freedom from our suffering, no matter how it started, we must take responsibility.
A solution will require we take action. Our motive and how we act will be the gateway to relief.
Though our feelings may seem weak and uncertain, this ability to feel the love we are will take us out of pain.
We must ask for assistance and share our challenge. This frees our pain and connects us to the world.
The life we were born to does not intend that we suffer; it is not our design to be in constant struggle. When we are calm, and in agreement with life, suffering comes to an end. As we sense our perfect self and the love of the world, recovery and health evolve.
As we know that love is our core, we return to our perfect design. As we experience our soul in its full strength, our life takes place with greater ease.
Healing can be fast or slow, but a return to health and ease may take time. It may take time to end a situation of challenge? It is important, however, that we take action to recover the best of ourselves.
In suffering and pain, we get confused. And who among us has not suffered or been in pain to some extent? All of us have experienced difficult times; suffering affects our will and thoughts. The remedy to this difficult situation is to be humble, relax and seek our essence of love, the core of all the world.
In love, everything improves—the world, our life and health. In love, there is no accident.
The way out of pain and personal challenge is by persistent effort… taking action that leads us to love.