(From my book, “Lessons in Love” pp 41-42)
Sometimes we are afraid of our feelings—afraid to be sad,
mad or hurt. Some of us feel that the goal is to be happy
all of the time.
It is important to feel all our feelings that we can, in their
own time, in their own place. In a healthy human being,
all the emotions are important.
The proper feeling of grief can heal broken parts of a soul
torn apart by loss. A slow welling of sadness may have an
important purpose. Sadness can bring a healing love, a
slow moving energy that helps us through a bad time.
What we call “bad” feelings often have a complimentary
good feeling at their finish. Pain carries with it compassion,
so we may endure and learn where compassion lies. With this
lesson, we are more able to call on compassion in times of
pain. The world does not want its members to be in pain.
The world has compassion for its people. Fear or general
discomfort can be telling us what not to do, or they may be
groundless phobic responses. We must learn and decide
by our choices.
Do not fight emotions, cutting them off; learn to work
through them. The depression someone may be fighting
could have an important purpose. Feel it, and listen to it
before casting it out.
Depression could be telling you that something is not good
for your soul, that you need change or understanding from
someone important in your life. Depression may also be part
of a natural grieving process. Depression is not always bad.
Do not be afraid of your feelings. They have important work
to do and are a vital part of who you are. By working through
your feelings, lessons can be learned with great rewards.
For more help on this topic, see my talk: “Immortality Is a Word and a Thought”