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Podcast Highlights
- Willpower that works and willpower that hurts
- Use “gentle will” to activate eternal consciousness
- Discover the power of willpower in creating a wonderful life
- How gentle will creates, preserves and activates immortality
- Qi Gong’s simple way of building strength, bliss and happiness
- How acceptance of death as inevitable inhibits personal growth
- Build a better world with transformational thoughts, words and behaviors
What Is Willpower’s Role in Advancing Immortality?
We all know what willpower is: we use it most of the day to live and accomplish our tasks. But what does willpower mean in the Secret to Immortality … that we teach in this podcast and at
What is the place of willpower in our journey to eternal consciousness?
Human will, used gently, creates every aspect of immortality. But awareness is required: knowing how and why we do what we do, with the motives and will we use.
Self awareness comes first, then slowly undoing our wrong and hurtful drives, supplanting them with compassion and eternal intention.
The Use of Gentle Will in Every Aspect of Life
Hard will kills. Gentle will creates and preserves as a potter shapes a bowl.
With the Secret to Immortality we use “gentle will” to mindfully guide our consciousness to a greater understanding of life — to immortality, joy and freedom.
Gentle will works better than hard selfish acts. Gentle will, directed with care, unpacks our magnificent selves.
Gentle will delivers a new born baby into her waiting mother’s arms. All the work to birth a child is done with gentle will and care by all involved.
Hard will kills. Gentle will creates and preserves as a potter shapes a bowl.
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Hello, This is John Harrigan, your podcast host. I’m an author, Qi Gong Master and founder of the website,, where we teach “The Secret to Immortality,” Qi Gong and Personal Growth.
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Complete Unedited Transcript
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Hello, This is John Harrigan, Qi Gong Master and founder of the website,, welcoming you to our podcast, The Secret to Immortality.
In this episode, we’re going to talk about the power of willpower. We all know what willpower is; we use it most of the day to live and accomplish our tasks. But what does willpower mean in the Secret to Immortality that we teach here and on our website, What is the place of willpower in our journey toward eternal consciousness?
Before I answer this, or as I answer this, let’s take a look first, at the three parts of the secret to immortality. In the secret to immortality we teach. that we’re born to live forever. One is mindfulness for immortality, where we look at our thinking, our speaking and our behavior to is Qigong for lasting life, and three is immortality coaching. Now, how does the power of willpower bring about physical immortality, or God consciousness in the flesh? How does that happen? Well, we have to do something, we can’t just think it’s a good idea, we have to take some action. And the way that the secret to immortality works is with gentle will. I’m a Qi Gong Master of over two decades with a Qi gong Grandmaster from Beijing, China, and Qi Gong really makes a difference. And it really gets you grounded, steady and strong.
And in our website, immortal now calm, you can find some free Qigong exercises, five, organ breathing. On the website, just poke around. So again, the secret to immortality is one mindfulness for immortality, where we use gentle will, to sit down and be mindful, and observe our thoughts. And in the day, think about what we’re saying and how we’re saying it, and what our motives are, for speaking, the words that we’re speaking. Our motives for everything with the secret to immortality need to be love, compassion, and care for the world and the people in it. So are we loving and kind and all our thoughts? You might say, That’s ridiculous. Of course not. But it’s not ridiculous. It’s essential for the secret of immortality, that you work on it, that we work on it together, making progress, not perfection, one of the secret to immortality, mindfulness or immortality to Qigong for lasting life.
If you haven’t listened to previous podcast episodes, or seen our website, Qi Gong is a very ancient Chinese martial art and medical system. The medical system is what we look at with the secret to immortality that Qi Gong that I teach that Qi Gong that I study and work with, with my teacher, is Qi Gong for immortality. And it’s very easy, anybody can do it. I only teach three to five exercises, really, I only do one or two.
Some experts in China and some grand masters and far beyond that in the mountains of China. Just practice one Qigong exercise their whole life. It’s not like the more you learn about Qi Gong, the better you are probably just the opposite. It’s the more you do of Qigong, the better you get, finding and strengthening your core finding strengthening your soul and she gone we’re connecting within ourselves and connecting to the world, with health belonging in goodness, there is a good feeling in doing Qigong usually for everyone.
So one the secret to immortality is mindfulness for immortality to is Qigong for lasting life in three is immortality coaching. So where does willpower come in to all of this the power of willpower? We kind of forget throughout the day that we are using willpower for many things. We’re especially aware of willpower when we’re doing something new, that we’ll have to solve a problem that we’ve never solved before find a new address to place where we’ve never been before. or doing something creative that we haven’t created before. We’re aware of willpower then. But understand willpower is it work all day long in the habits that you do in habitual behaviors that you’re not even aware of. So we give our willpower away to a A lot of things that we’re not even aware of. And part of the secret to immortality teaches you to be aware of what you’re giving away your willpower to. So you don’t have to give away the willpower that’s draining you and defeating you. And you can use the willpower sustain the willpower grow with the good willpower that takes you to immortality in perfect life. So there’s a little self will and all of the secret to immortality, but it’s always gentle will calm well, calm awakening, calm, self examination, gentle, easy, relaxed, safe, secure, protected, one mindfulness for immortality, we use gentle willen that to look at how we’re thinking how we’re speaking, how we’re acting in our life, is it taking us to the direction of eternal life? Or is it leading to death incrementally, by perhaps serving killing behaviors in this world that we may not even think of? So think about them.
Number two, the secret to immortality, again, is Qi Gong for lasting life. Start doing a Qi Gong exercise as soon as you can. There’s a perfectly good one on our website, immortal now calm, you can find and start doing for free. The Qigong for me just immediately got me calm, strong and grounded, and finding that inner bliss, that inner light of goodness, strength and eternal consciousness. Number three is immortality coaching. And again, you use gentle will we take you with somebody farther excuse me with somebody’s father along the path.
We take you through the 12 steps, and they’re very similar to the 12 steps in any recovery program. Whether it’s Overeaters Anonymous, or Alcoholics Anonymous, or adult children of alcoholics, emotions, anonymous, all these 12 steps came from eight steps before that, the non alcoholic setting. And when I first saw them, I recognize them with my background in counseling. It’s a therapeutic technique, a universal technique, you’ll find it in all religions, you’ll find it in metaphysics, you’ll find it anywhere, it’s a process, you’ll find anywhere where people are trying to improve themselves, he’ll get well and grow. And I would suggest to you that all human growth and development is really healing. We live in a fractured reality, a fractured creation, that every life form is running down killing and consuming every other life form. We try to deny that and not think about that as we go through the day because look, wouldn’t life be much more miserable if we just thought yeah, everything is trying to kill somebody something else and eat it? Well, what did you have for lunch today?
It is a world of predation in the secret to immortality, the idea behind this as hundreds of 1000s as millions of people are aware of the secret to immortality are aware of how we’re creating this very creation ourselves. Nobody else we suggest is creating this reality, but ourselves by our behavior. And we suggest that our thoughts, our words into the world, in our actions tell the world what to create, it tells nature what to give us. And we can change all this we suggest we’re kind of apex predators, not kind of way to good at that as apex predators. But as we can create a mass awareness of the benefits of acting good and kind of not killing. And as we create an awareness of how killing in cruel and brutal and unkind daily behaviors all of us may do, how that leads into a vortex of destruction, harm, disease, death, and accident.
With the secret to immortality, we turn around the force of death into life into the force of life. We look at how our acting, that is giving our will, to the vortex of death. And we stop doing those behaviors. And instead do kind good, compassionate life giving life protecting wonderful, beautiful actions that we all can do. There’s nothing stopping us the secret to immortality Where we use gentle well one mindfulness for immortality to Qigong for lasting life, three immortality, coaching, use gentle willpower and all three parts of the secret to in mortality. Let’s take a specific closer look at mindfulness for immortality, in mindfulness for immortality, eating, if you even if you’re working on it right now, take a closer look with me this moment, mindfulness for immortality, what is it? Well, it’s mindfulness. Just a gentle awareness of who we are, where we are, in space and time, relaxing, coming to ease with ourselves, looking at how we think, speak and act, doing an inventory of the day. Have we been thinking throughout the day? How have we been reacting throughout the day and acting to other people? Have we been loving and kind? To everyone we meet? Or have we been dismissive and in a hurry, you know, there’s, there’s no better way to harm somebody in your life by being in a hurry. We suggest that you slow down take time and be mindful of how you’re acting in interacting with other people. Are you using the excuse of being in a hurry to hurt and separate other people, perhaps very close to you, we never need to be in a hurry. In fact, the more in a hurry we are, the more we shut down our native human abilities for doing anything well.
So look at how you’re thinking, speaking and acting, is it with compassion and love? Or is it with not thinking about the other person but being consumed by yourself, by your needs, by your wants, in what you think you have to get done. And as kind of a warning to you, if you’re in a space of thinking, I have to get this done now. And this is more important than anything else, I suggest to you your way the heck off the path of the secret to immortality, we’re not following our own self derived motivations of how important everything is that we think we should get done. We are, we are instead with a secret to immortality, looking at how we can assist the world, how we can be of help to other people that cross our path, perhaps just smiling a little more in your local grocery store, and not having a friend look in the mirror.
Today, when your face is relaxed, is it smiling, inviting, welcoming, helpful to a stranger? Or is your face foreboding, and unhappy and off putting your craving how everyone reacts to you in your day, we are all creating how the world reacts to us in totality. That’s mindfulness for immortality, mindfulness or immortality is, can be kind of like a traditional mindfulness or a current modern mindfulness or sit down and be aware of who we are, where we are, relax, gift, calm. And we suggest going beyond mindfulness. Mindfulness from Buddhist origins is wonderful and excellent. I would love to sit down and do it with anybody this afternoon if there was somebody around that wanted to, but the secret to immortality is different. It’s critically incredibly different, in that we look at death. And why does death come about?
I think Buddhism and Hinduism and Sufi ism, and a lot of Yogi master teachers teaching has been corrupted effectively over the years by saying, Oh, we can control this, but we can’t control that. We can control when we die maybe or how we die. And I suggest that is simply a bunch of horrible nonsense. As long as we buy into death, be you a yogi Master, I Hindu Sufi, Master, anybody. As long as you’re buying into death, and presenting that to other people and their lives, you are selling the death process, to the world to creation, and you should stop it right now. And that’s the secret to immortality is all about.
We stop our death creating Bay viewers, and I don’t care how much a saint you are, how much a guru or a trend to think of a monk. If you are planning on death, you’re really not honestly serving your spiritual heritage or lineage In Qigong, and in any wise manner, or woman, there really should be an understanding that in a fully healthy body, there is no death. Forget about changing chromosomes. And don’t think about science, I have a background in science, I love it, especially statistics and research methodology. But that’s not what this is about. This is about the fact I think, just as a fact that you’re creating your life, we’re creating it together. And let’s look at what we have. And what we have today is hardship, suffering, disease and accident, on a worldwide basis, because humans are living worldwide.
And the Secret to Immortality suggests you, if you don’t like that, if you’ve suffered too much in your lifetime, if you’ve witnessed too much hardship, if you’ve had too much, bad times yourself, let’s change it right now. You can change it by going to the website, immortal And doing everything on there, you don’t have to spend a penny, just start listening to the past podcasts, reading the articles, looking at everything is that’s their free exercise, as in start to change yourself in part of coaching. And if you have a 12 step background, part of coaching is that you start to look at yourself with the 12 steps is that you surrender and stop trying to live your life, maybe the way you’ve been living it, which has been taking you to death, hardship, and unfortunate events, and instead living it into a more positive vortex of all things good.
But we can only do that when we self examine when we surrender the bad habits, when we connect to a higher power, a greater power within us something somehow someway an idea that there’s something more in this world. And that’s what I was born with. And that’s how I came about creating the secret to immortality, I didn’t create it. I’m just giving away what has been given to me over my lifetime, by other people. And by people before those people. What’s been given away is happiness, joy and freedom, how to access and activate your perfect soul in the flesh. There’s no reason not to do that.
And it’s time to put away ideas and thoughts that get in the way of that the idea that death is a natural outcome to life. Please stop it. And please encourage other people to stop that. And instead start thinking that perhaps we’re born to be immortal, perhaps we’re born to live forever. And perhaps we have corrupted the natural process of life. That is life giving at all times, perhaps we’ve corrupted that by our behavior. Over time, we and other life forms by our activities of consumption of killing.
I think everybody with a good heart or everybody that wants to get harder acquires a good heart is really aware that killing things is wrong, is really aware that hitting your neighbor in the head is not a good idea that we should be loving and kind and supportive to our children, to our spouses to our friends, our fellow workers. Most of us get that.
But a lot of us have a feeling that what’s the point? What’s the hope? And well, I’m here to say with you with the secret to immortality is everything’s at stake with your life, every minute, every millisecond that you’re alive, you are a creating force. So I would hope and I would just I would even bright you to stop buying in to this terrible, awful really idea of death as being inevitable.
When we accept death is inevitable. We accept every frickin killing thing that’s going on in the world. The idea that death is inevitable that you consciously or unconsciously, except just ruins really everything for everyone. It’s creates a kink in the creative structure of life that constantly throws up harm, disease, hardship, whatever.
My point is, we don’t need any more harm, disease and hardship. You can learn you can grow, you can aspire, you can be who you really are as a eternal being in this physical world, without giving up your life, to really false and phony and stupid ideas of death of dying and hardship being natural. I call that a stupid, phony dumb idea. Because of the outcome of those ideas and those behaviors.
Please think with me for one second, what is the outcome of thinking death is a natural process of life. You never become who you really are. If you’re always planning to die, you never To become who you really are, you never get to experience the grandness of your soul, the fullness of your physical being, because part of you is already dead. If you’re planning on dying, if other people accept death as a natural outcome of life, then it becomes so much easier to go to war and kill other people then becomes so much easier to kill other things other animals in the world, it becomes so much easier not to honor life, and to be just insensitive to it.
So I’m trying, I’m pouring on a little bit here. At the end of this talk, come to our website, Join us on this serious mission of not so much changing who we are, but owning and becoming who we really are today in this world.
Again, that’s We have a course you can take. We have a monthly subcription where we have a new Qi Gong lesson every 10 days, along with a new lecture every 10 days, more in depth than anything you can find anywhere else. We have plenty on that website. Take a look. You won’t be disappointed if have any interest in what you’re hearing now.
Bless you and keep you. That’s all for this talk.