Sometimes the “Flow of Life” will lead us to a waterfall that will
crush and kill us at the bottom of the flow.

There are different flows in life to take. A flow may feel natural
and good at first, but some flows have disaster at their end.

Check your flow; where does it lead?

Sometimes, to get where we must go, we must go alone for a
while, with no flow.

As we take a new direction, life can be difficult and tough, but
eventually we create a new flow, the flow of our life.

Life begins to flow with us; the world begins to come along.

Difficulty, turmoil and confusion are not neccessarily a bad thing:
when we leave a flow to find our own way, chaos may be the first

Chaos may be the consequence of simplification, where we are finding
who we are, finding our flow and creating a new direction.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master