For Immortality: Synchronize with Love
For immortality, strength and health, synchronise with life.
John F. Harrigan
Ponder Immortal, then Walk away
As we approach immortality, as we ponder an immortal fate... every cell in our body changes direction, upheavel and change may begin.
This may cause disruption, confusion or fear; ponder
John F. Harrigan
The Power of Saying “I Love You”
(From p 187 of my book, "The Lessons in Love"):
The magic words, "I love you," can rarely be spoken too much. They carry the power of enhancement: giving grace
John F. Harrigan
How a Thought Creates our Life
If you turn right or left, it does not change your direction much unless you move and walk in the direction you turned.
A thought is much the same.
The thought of
John F. Harrigan
Introduction to Immortality: Part A of Lesson One
(The following is Part A of Lesson One from the free E-mail Class you can get at the web site, )
I am happy and excited to have you with
John F. Harrigan