Listen to the podcast, "Love Reveals Our Our Soul." Discover how love activates immortality. Think of compassion and do Qigong. Learn specific thoughts to propel yourself to infinite freedom joy. — #Qigong #LifeExtenstion #ImmortalLife
Discover the magnificent power of love! In love, we thrive with clarity and knowing. Compassion gives us health and strength. With kind endeavors, the goodness of our soul comes forth, and the world responds!
You can choose love instead of anger and fear; your life will go better if you do! In this post, discover a video where we teach you how to love, while easing stress and fear.
Discover the power of human kindness for making life fantastic! As adults, the more relaxed and at home we are - with our kindness - the better our lives will be: having more friends, success and happiness.
For something good, change your course. As we change, the world will rearrange. The physics, look and nature of life all change as we change ourselves. By shifting how we think and act, a little at a time, we can transform the world from: hate to love, conflict to peace, scarcity to plenty ... and death to immortality.