The 12 Steps to Immortality
Step One to Immortality: We admitted we were powerless over hardship, pain and death, that our lives had become unmanageable.
The 12 Steps to Immortality are taken from the ubiquitous 12 Step Traditions. They help us develop awareness and the ability to live the lives we want.
The 12 Steps to Immortality help us end our unconscious addiction to hardship, death and disease.
None of us want a difficult life; no one should suffer needlessly … but we do. With the 12 Steps to Immortality, we learn how to end our pain, find bliss and develop with eternal love.
Death Addiction
Most of our behaviors that bring death into play, are habits and unconscious addictions: things we do repeatedly without much thought or knowing.
We call unconscious habits that lead to death, the “death addiction.”
The 12 Steps are perfectly designed to help us become aware of harmful habits. These 12 Steps empower us to have great lives of wellness, freedom and physical immortality.
Awareness Brings Us Power
The 12 Steps to Immortality — step by step — bring improved awareness of our thoughts, feelings and actions, showing us how we shape our lives.

As we become aware, through the 12 Steps to Immortality; as we get hold of how we think, act and create — we’re better able to chose our destiny, as individuals and a planet.
Awareness brings power, true human power of unlimited quality.
Egoism is not true power, but a futile attempt to act from poor esteme.
By surrendering in Step One, we know ourselves better, and prepare for a Greater Human Power in Step Two.
Step One to Immortality
Step On to Immortality says:
Step One: We admitted we were powerless over hardship, pain and death — that our lives had become unmanageable.
We may imagine, we’re not powerless over death, disease and pain, and in some ways this may be true.

But the 12 Steps to Immortality address the obvious: we live in a world were everything dies, where all of life is chasing, capturing and consuming other forms for life.
We live in a predatory world that brings suffering, death and disease to the human masses and all forms of life. We can change this permanently with the 12 Steps to immortality.
The Immortality Question?
The question we pose is this: “How do we change a predatory world of aggression, harm and death to benevolence and immortality?
The First Step of Immortality suggests we stop trying to control things, to dominate our world by self-will, aggression and predatory behavior.
The First Step suggests we give up our fight and struggle to get what we want.
How Predatory Aggression Infects
Live by the sword, die by the sword. ~ Christ
The First Step suggests we stop competing with the world, with all of life and other people. This approach creates suffering, death and disease.

Competing to win at the expense of other people and other forms of life, creates a shocking disconnect that leads to death for all.
Instead … cooperation, love and kindness create a lasting life of plenty.
The world is here to serve us and provide.
To have immortality and love, we first give up our egoistic sense of power, that gives us no real power at all.
Take an honest look at the world and your life, and realize this creation, as it now goes, is not really good for anyone.
Understand that a way of life that produces hardship, pain and death is not so great, creating continual harm.
A Better Way to Live

There’s a better way to live, with immortality and love.
First we must give up our thoughts and behaviors that sabotage this wonderful world.
We’re all taught a way of thinking and acting that is fundamentally predatory, where we climb mountains, fight and conquer.
While this approach can seem productive in short term, it’s a predatory action. Applied over time, this urge can be deeply destructive, causing death and random harm.
Step One of the 12 Steps to Immortality allows us to vision a better world for ourselves.
Step One suggests we give up intense self-will and predatory action, examining the trouble this creates.
Genuine Power
Self examination activates our genuine power.
Examining how we think, speak and act helps us understand how we create our problems, how we make death, suffering and disease a part of life.
In the First Step to Immortality, we admit that our typical approach of thinking and behavior is not giving us a world we want.
Get Love and Immortality
There may be something better than what we have today. To get that something better — immortality and love — we need first to look at how we’re harming ourselves and others, becoming aware of how we act against our best intentions.
Step One to Immortality suggests we take a different look at ourselves and the world, in a way we may not have looked before.
Our First Look
As we take our first look with the First Step, we engage the machinery of change and improvement … of better thinking and action.
As we take Step One of the 12 Steps to Immortality, we begin to change the world and ourselves to something:
- Better
- Greater
- More Agreeable
With the First Step, we take a look, and get something good. We get something giving and protective for ourselves.
Take the First Step
Try it; look at this First Step. Consider the harms, injuries and struggles of your life. Imagine something great’s ahead for you.
Imagine the better life you want. Dream something good, with ease. What do you need and want most today?
There is a type of projection and visioning we can do, to get good results. For immortality and love, we need to project immortality and love upon our lives, daily.
End the Addiction
Let’s end our addiction to death and recreate the world as kindness and love, as immortality and goodwill. Let’s make a place where death and suffering don’t exist.
Let’s have something better. Let’s end our human addiction to fight and demise.
Stay Tuned
There’s good news for you in next weeks blog…
Next week we’ll look at Step Two of the Twelve Steps to Immortality.
Step Two can help us get something greater for ourselves, something special we may have never imagined possible.
Step Two can open a treasure-box for you, something wonderful, powerful and good.
Be hopeful, kind and good.
See you in next week’s blog!