In Step 8 We Make a List
Step 8: Made a list of all people we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
In step 8 to Immortality, we continue working on awareness, to understand both who-we-are and the power that we have in the world.
As our consciousness grows, we discover:
- True Awareness brings immortal power
- True Awareness has eternal love
We gain awareness by self examination, by reflecting on our thoughts and behavior.
To self examine, we ask: “Have we been helpful or harmful to ourselves and others”?
We further ask: “Are we going where we want to go”?
Understanding Gives Us Power
To have our best power, to unleash our immortal selves, we need to understand, perceive and know ourselves.
Knowing ourselves is not always easy.
Life has a subtle way of taking us away, distracting us from our core values and fundamental self.
Life can lead us astray a-thousand-little-ways where we don’t really notice we’re off track.
Everything that Happens Has a Cause
…there is a cause for all events.
Little departures from our Core Self, can add up to a large and confusing situation where bad things happen for no apparent reason.
However, there is a cause for all events. Chaos, calamity and harm can come when we’re not acting from our soul, our true and immortal selves.
Life can seem complex, difficult and unfair when we’re not aware of who we really are.
- The 12 Steps to Immortality lead us to our true identity
- The 12 Steps awaken us to of our immortal selves
Qi Gong and the 12 Steps can solve the problem of not knowing our True Selves and not having our full human power.
How the 12 Steps Compliment Qi Gong
Increasing awareness, possession and control — of our immortal selves — is what the 12 Steps to Immortality offer us.
Qi Gong acts as the 12 Steps do, in calm and quiet silence, as we do Qi Gong Exercises.
Qi Gong activates our core, enlivens our soul and sparks eternal love.
The Twelves Steps compliment Qi Gong, bringing our immortality to life.
[Related: What’s Qi Gong?]
[Related: FREE Qi Gong Videos]
Steps 1–7 to Immortality
Steps One through Seven began to activate our human ability of physical immortality. We gained a new way of thinking, of being aware of ourselves and the world.
In Step One, we disengaged a part of our brain that was defeating us. We began the process of turning our lives from hardship and pain – to love and immortality.
We admitted that the way we were doing things may have not been leading us to eternal physical life and love.
[Related: Twelve Steps to Immortality]
[Related: Step One to Immortality]
In Step 2, Hope Began
In Step two we “came to believe” there might be a better way than the one we had taken.
We opened our minds to a Greater Power within us, a Greater Power in the world that could transform our bodies and minds.
In Step 2, we came to understand we’re part of something larger … yet in that largeness there was intimacy, love and belonging.
[Related: Step 2 to Immortality]
A Decision in Step 3
In Step 3, we, “…made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a Greater Power as we understood It.”
This Greater Power is a power of our choosing. It can be a power within us, a power in the world or something else, different and unique.
The point is: we opened our lives and heart to a better way of being, living and thinking we could not have before imagined.
[Related: Step 3 to Immortality]
Steps 4 and 5 Awaken Conscience
In Steps Four and Five, we activated our soul and deep human core, by looking with a new type of vision.
We did a self inventory.
We looked at ways we had been harmed; we examined the fear, anger and pain in our lives.
We looked at our part in each situation. We asked how our feelings, thoughts and actions may have led to trouble for ourselves and others.
Were we at fault in any way? Did we retaliate and make things worse?
We learned, with awareness, we had power to have the life we wanted.
We discovered that our choice of…
- Feelings
- Thoughts
- Actions
…could have a wonderful outcome.
[Related: Step 4 to Immortality – Part Two]
[Related: Step 5 to Immortality]
Prepare and Ask in Steps 6 and 7
In steps six and seven, we prepared and asked that all aspects of character, not serving us well, be removed.
In these steps, we had to ASK to get results; we had to ask for what we wanted.
If we wanted a life of eternal love and physical immortality, we had to join with Creation and All of Life … and make a request.
We had to join with the Totality of Existence and ask that things holding us back, from our true and immortal selves, be removed.
[Related: Step 6 to Immortality]
[Related: Step 7 to Immortality]
NOW Step 8 …
Step 8: Made a list of all people we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
If our Immortal Physical Selves are perfect love and justice, we can’t be acting with harm … knowingly or unconsciously, by habit or intent.
To express our Immortal Selves, we must be aware of our motives and a bit in control.
Self mastery comes by asking ourselves, “Are we acting with the goodness of our hearts or our rapacious predator nature”?
Questions lead to results. Asking brings us what we want.
[Related: the meaning of “rapacious”]
The Power of Knowing Our Motives
It can be difficult to know our motives if we don’t ask ourselves a question.
When considering a given situation, ask yourself about your motive?
Over time, small behaviors of harm can hurt the most.
Both receiving and doing small harm can extinguish human conscience.
Our ability to develop habits can disguise bad intentions, even to ourselves.
Ask yourself your motives for what you’re doing, thinking and saying?
This self searching awakens our immortal core and soul.
As we inquire of ourselves, we gain control, and outcomes improve.
Making a List and Checking It Twice
In Step 8, we take an earnest look at ourselves as we’ve done before.
We look at ourselves with the help of a supporting Mentor plus a new and Greater Power.
In Step 8 to Immortality, we make a list of people we have harmed AND become willing to make amends to them all.
We do not yet make amends; we do that in Step 9.
An amends is a reparation or compensation for a loss, damage or injury.
In an amends, we repay what we have taken or cost someone.
[Related: definition of “amends”]
A New and Immortal Direction
When we change direction, a little every day, we turn ourselves around.
In Step 8, by “making a list and checking it twice,” we are Santa to ourselves. We gift ourselves with something wonderful, of perfect peace and love.
Step 8 leads to understanding:
- Ourselves
- Others
- Life
As we understand ourselves, we know the world; we know the strength, peace and joy of our soul.
To get ourselves going in the direction of immortality, it takes a bit of work on a regular basis.
Let’s get going, and do the work.
Make a list, and check it twice. Get ready for Step 9 where we make amends.