A Giant Leap!
In this step, we make a powerful request; we take a giant leap toward immortal life.
Step 7: Humbly asked our greater Power to remove our shortcomings.
We ask our Greater Power to remove our “shortcomings,” our qualities and reactions holding us back from success, happiness and growth.
We ask for help with things that are keeping us from physical immortality and eternal love.
By asking for immortality, by requesting the perfect love of our soul come alive, we set the universe in motion.
A simple request, heartfelt, gets a reaction.
Our “Total Core” in Action
We’re living our life with all other life, with all of existence. When we make a request with all the life within us, with our total core, the universe and all of life responds.
When we join all the force within us to make a request — all the force and consciousness of existence comes to our assistance and joins our request, making it happen.
One Force Acting Together

When we are unified within, in our asking, we join with all the living world in our request.
There becomes one force and one request, acting together.
Unified asking garners the forces and participants of the universe into one coordinated action.
The Reflexive Quality of Life
There’s a reflexive quality to life, our bodies and mind — where a request gets a response, where an action gets a reaction.
This reflexive quality is what makes Step 7 happen.
Get Unified and Strong
How do we get unified and strong, so we can act with the world as One Force?
How do we join with life to make a request that can really happen?
Qi Gong has been the answer for me; it saved my life and made possible everything your read here today.
[Related: “How Qi Gong Saved My Life”]
Qi Gong Connects Us in a Powerful Way
Qi Gong connects the disconnected and mends the detached.
Think of a circuit board with all the lines disconnected and cut. Not much would happen if the internal works were all apart and out of alignment.
When we’re disconnected inside, our body is not balanced or communicating with itself. We may not feel well.
When we’re disconnected internally, we’re also not well-connected to the outside world.
Disconnected, we may not be our best. We may be out of sorts and confused.
Disconnection Makes Life Difficult
It’s hard for our lives to work well when we’re internally disconnected, out of sync and not functioning with awareness.
To be immortal and function with ease, we must be connected — body, mind and soul. We must be part of the world.
The principle of connection — the need to be connected — exists at all levels of life, both within ourselves and in the outer world.
For an organ of our body to work well, it has to be connected: the cells of the liver must be working with awareness and balance toward each other. Each cell must know its part to play.
At a deeper level, inside each cell, the individual parts of the cell, organelles, must be coordinated, aware and working in a cooperative manner.
Each organelle must know its role and play it.

[Related: See organelles at filamentlearning.com]
Integrity and Balance
We balance and connect ourselves by acting with integrity, by aligning our:
- Thoughts
- Feelings
- Actions
We create confusion within ourselves and the world, but acting without integrity.
It’s easy to act without integrity, to not align our thoughts, feelings and deeds.
Yet we can act with integrity and balance by practicing a little every day.
The Secret to Immortal Power
We can have a life of integrity, balance and power by asking ourselves if our actions, or inaction, feel right, are something we believe in and think we should do.
Integrity comes by practice and effort, by a routine of integrity awareness.
To practice integrity, ask yourself right now, if you’re acting with integrity, if you’ve acted with integrity the last three days.
You’ll have an answer.
How Integrity Builds
As we ask ourselves, as we inquire of our integrity … integrity naturally builds.
Integrity activates our greatest human power and is helpful in developing physical immortality.
The 12 Steps to Immortality help us understand ourselves and allow us to act with intelligence, power and unlimited integrity.
Extraordinary Human Ability
Think microcosm to macrocosm — acting as One World and One Being.
When our bodies — inside — cooperate with awareness, we’re in balance.
In balance, we have power and extraordinary human ability.
When we’re connected within, we automatically are connected with the outside world and all of Creation.
The Alpha and Omega

[By Trlkly – Own work, Public Domain, Link]
We are the alpha and the omega. Our being is no less than the entire Universe.
When we’re fully connected, we’re in balance within ourselves as well as in union with all of existence.
In union, in step with every step of life, our human ability is unlimited.
The 12 Steps to Immortality bring union to our lives and make us connected.
How to Get Results!
When we ASK for something — with our totality — we get results.
When we ask with alignment and integrity, incredible things can happen!
Steps 1 through 6 to Immortality give us integrity and alignment we need for doing an effective Step 7.
In Step 7 to Immortality, we ask our Greater Power to remove our shortcomings, the aspects of our character that hold us back in harm: unable to be ourselves, our real and Immortal Being.
In Step 7, we request that we be all we can be.
Falling Short
When we’re out of balance and not unified within ourselves, our parts don’t work the way they’re designed.
We fall short of what we can be. Immortality, of any type, is thwarted.
When we’re not well-connected to the world, it’s hard for life to assist us in the way it’s designed to do.
Nature can’t understand who we are, or come to our aid, when we’re disconnected and not acting as ourselves.
How to Get Connected!
How do we get connected and strong within ourselves and with the world?
Qi Gong has worked powerfully for me, connecting everything that needs to be connected!
[Related: “How Qi Gong Saved My Life”]
Qi Gong, an ancient Chinese healing art, connects and mends the disconnected within us.
Qi Gong also connects us with the outside world. More than that, Qi Gong brings awareness of our Immortal Core of Infinite Love.
As this awareness builds, through Qi Gong, we become aware of our belonging with the world and all of life.
We gain power and understanding that makes physical immortality possible.
What’s Behind the Curtain?
With Qi Gong, we gain awareness of what’s behind the curtain to all of Creation.
We see how the world is made and take a conscious part in how life is happening.
By doing Qi Gong, we actualize our immortal selves and bring the immortal nature of existence into physicality.
[Related: “Free Qi Gong Videos”]
Take a look at our free articles below.
The articles will answer questions, guide and instruct you to a physically immortal life.
The 12 Steps to Immortality
“Step 4 to Immortality, part one”
“Step 4 to Immortality, part two”
Qi Gong for Immortality