A Time of Preparation
Step Six to Immortality is about getting ready to ask for our “shortcomings” to be removed in Step Seven.
Step 6: Were entirely ready to have a Greater Power remove our defects of character.
After Step Six, in Step Seven, we ask for something of our Greater Power.
By asking a Greater Power, we get a response.
We don’t get a response if we do not ask.
Time to Get Ready
In Step Six, we do not yet ask for anything of our Greater Power.
We only ask ourselves — have we done thorough Steps One through Five?
In Step Six, we make sure we’re ready for Step Seven.
In Step Seven, we ask that our behaviors and thinking — our responses to life — be changed if they’re holding us back from happiness, health and physical immortality.
When to Do Step 6?
We do Step Six right after we do Step Five.
Step 5: Admitted to our Greater Power, ourselves and another person, the exact nature of our wrongs.
We do Step Five and all the Steps with a mentor who understands our quest and supports us fully in what we are doing.
[Related: Step 5 to Immortality]
A Step 6 Question
After we’ve shared our life stories in Step Five with a Greater Power and another trusted person, we go off by ourselves for an hour or so to self-examine.
We ask ourselves the Step Six question: Are we entirely ready to have a Greater Power assist and remove what is holding us back?
12 Step Review
As we self-examine in Step Six, we ask ourselves if we’ve done thorough and complete Steps One through Five?
Let’s review Steps One through Five:
Looking at these steps, we ask ourselves if we’ve left anything out?
Do we need to go back and further work a Step where we may have gone too quickly?
Completed Step 6
If we’re convinced that we’re ready to ask our shortcomings be removed, we have completed Step Six.
Step Six need not take long. For Step Six, spend an hour by yourself after doing Step Five, asking if you are ready for Step Seven.
Ready for Step 7?
In Step Seven, we experience the power of asking.
There’s a reflexive quality to life, our bodies and mind — where a request gets a response, where an action gets a reaction.
Genuine asking, from a heartfelt place, gets a reaction.
A “Greater Power” might well define how reality can work for us in this way.
A Greater Power of Your Design
What is your Greater Power? How have you defined it? What do you want your Greater Power to be?
This Power should have all the qualities and `character you want in yourself, as something you admire.
Choose a Greater Power that will work best for you.
Describe a Greater Power that you want and trust, that makes sense to your values and desire.
Find a Greater Power that will fit with you as you grow.
A Simple Request Gets Amazing Results
A simple request of ourselves — this world or Greater Reality — can have amazing results if we’ve prepared for the outcome of our asking.
Ask for what you want, but prepare for what you’ve asked for as well.
Arrange your circumstances and life to be able to recieve what you want and incorporate your request into your life.
Be Ready
In Step Six, we prepare and “get ready” for Step Seven.
In Step Seven, we ask our Greater Power to remove our “shortcomings,” our qualities and reactions holding us back from success, happiness and growth.
In Step Seven, we ask for help with things that are keeping us from physical immortality and eternal love.
Stay Tuned for Step 7
Up next is Step Seven…
Step 7: Humbly asked our Greater Power to remove our shortcomings
Stay tuned, in the next week for two, for Step Seven of the 12 Steps to Immortality!
Be happy, well and immortal now.
See you in next week’s blog!
Take a look at our free articles below. They’ll answer questions, guide
and instruct you to an immortal physical life.
The 12 Steps to Immortality
“Step 4 to Immortality, part one”
“Step 4 to Immortality, part two”
Qi Gong for Immortality