Awaken Your Conscience
Our conscience contains our greatest human power, our innermost resource and highest potential.
Step 5 awakens our conscience and gives us an accurate sense of self.
Step 5: Admitted to our Greater Power, ourselves and another person, the exact nature of our wrongs.
With Step 5, we learn to awaken our conscience and unleash a powerful healing love, the love that comes with knowing ourselves.
In Step 5, we share our thoughts and feelings, both good and bad, with a person of trust and a Greater Power of our understanding.
We share our life story, full and complete. We share our fears, insecurities and how we’ve been hurt. We then share the wrong we’ve done to others.
In Step 5, we share with our Greater Power in the presence of a trusted and understanding listener.
We clean the slate for future growth. We free ourselves and gain perspective, gathering awareness.
Join the World
Step 5 helps us join the world and work with a mentor who can help us find our core of love.
Step 5 provides understanding of how we both help and hurt ourselves, how we help and hurt others in our daily lives.
We become aware of who we are. We get honest and unleash our greatest power as a consequence of Step 5.
Honesty and Purpose
We do Step 5 with honesty and purpose.
We continue our journey through the “12 Steps to Immortality.”
Step 5 illuminates our lives and gives us control.
As we do Step 5, we find our immortal core, our authentic and true self.
We get control, heal and become well … all by sharing with another trusted soul.
The Power of Sharing Yourself
In isolation, we don’t grow, develop and become our best.
Alone and not sharing, it’s hard to know who we really are.
In Step 5, we join another person who wants the best for us. We disclose ourselves with the aid of our Greater Power.
Awakening to our immortal soul, our eternal core, is never done alone.
We need help and must join with something greater. Sharing with another is part of the process.
When we share ourselves deeply, we find our depth. When we share with honesty and purpose, we find our greater calling.
The Door to Immortality
We don’t become empowered until we’ve fully joined with the world, joined in spirit with the best of everything and everyone.
We share a soul with everything that lives, with all of Creation. As we do the 12 Steps, we awaken to this shared belonging.
The universe is at our command, but we must know ourselves deeply … if we’re to know and work with the best of life.
As we share ourselves intimately and honestly, with a trusted person, we awaken our deepest power … we open the door to our immortal selves.
Step 5 Is Simple
Step 5 is simple, but the thought of sharing our entire life story, good and bad, can be daunting. Yet it’s how we get to know ourselves and uncover our Greatest Power.
Injuries and harms done to us, and harms we’ve done to others, can cover up our soul and hide our immortality.
Step 5 can clean the slate, uncover and remove the blocks upon our path.
Before You do Step 5
Before I did Step 5, I did Steps 1 through 4.
In Step 1, “We admitted we were powerless over hardship, pain and death — that our lives had become unmanageable.”
We wanted something better from life.
[Related: Step 1 to Immortality]
The First Step I Took
Step One was the first step I took to wanting something more, to a life beyond the norm.
Step One was a look and desire for something better.
I considered the prospect of physical immortality and what that would mean for my life, what that could be for the world.
Steps Two and Three
In Step Two, I came to believe that a Power Greater than myself, could restore me to immortality, the original human design.
[Related: Step 2 to Immortality]
In Step Three, I surrendered my mortal thinking, my acceptance of death and suffering.
Step Three included “a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a Greater Power as we understood It.”
In Step Three, I joined my will with a Greater will and Higher Purpose.
[Related: Step 3 to Immortality]
A Step Four Inventory of Self
Step 4 is an inventory of resentments, fears and harms done to us and done by us to others.
Step 4 prepares us for Step 5.
[Related: Step 4, part one]
Before we can share our life story in Step 5, we need to look at our lives, in a deep and honest way.
Step 4 is our research and preparation for sharing our life story in Step Five.
[Related: Step 4, part two]
How I Did Step 5

After completing Step Four, a personal inventory of my life, I was ready to do Step 5 with my mentor, telling him my story, in detail.
Yet, there was a surprise for me, and things did not turn out in a way I expected.
The Big Surprise!
In a typical Step 5, you take your time and tell your full life story to a person of trust — a mentor, religious professional, counselor, etc.
I did my Step 5 with an Episcopal priest who had been practicing the 12 Steps for many years. I knew and trusted this man.
The priest looked at my 4th Step; it was a painfully detailed collection of 30 pages. He pondered: thinking, wondering and considering his next move.
Into the Trash

The priest’s next move was to throw my 4th Step writings into the trash. He paused, then said, “John, you’ve gone into more than enough detail in your 4th Step. Let’s take these hardships, resentments and remorse … and toss them away.”
I was relieved.
This wise and gracious priest said, “John, just tell me, what’s going on in your life? What are the main issues and difficulties you’re dealing with now”?
We then had an honest and easy discussion where I shared my concerns in a meaningful way.
This was a first for me: sharing in a 5th Step manner, with depth and honestly … after looking at myself in the 4th Step.
It was a special moment, of personal clarity, I had never before experienced.
The Value of a Mentor
I had been to counselors. I had been to therapists and even group therapy, in an attempt to know myself better and deal with personal challenges.
While experiences with professionals helped, nothing assisted me as much as working with a man who had himself worked the 12 Steps diligently for many years.
I’ve met spiritual giants in 12 Step programs who have mentored me in powerful ways. Being mentored by 12 Step Elders has been one of the most effective and powerful experiences I’ve had, in the past 30 years.
The process of doing the 12 Steps keeps giving and unlocking greater human treasures.
Twelve Step activity beautifully compliments and empowers my immortality work with Qi Gong.
Twelve Step work and Qi Gong combined as the “12 Steps to Immortality” can do the same for you.
[Related: Free Qi Gong Videos]
Immortality and the 12 Steps

As I worked the 12 Steps, I was also pursuing immortality in a conscious and purposeful manner with my Qi Gong teacher, a Grandmaster from China.
I saw that the 12 Step approach, when combined with Qi Gong, was the perfect framework for immortality work, for activating our eternal physicality.
The 12 Steps when combined with Qi Gong are a simple approach to active our immortal core.
My experience is that Qi Gong and the 12 Steps, together, are an excellent path to immortality and personal growth.
This is why I present to you the “12 Steps to Immortality,” a system of personal development for physical immortality.
To get going with your own 12 Step work to immortality, see the below “Suggested Reading.”
My thoughts of immortality and good are with you; do your best!
[Related: Qi Gong Save My Life]
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Suggested Reading
Articles on the 12 Steps to Immortality
“Step 4 to Immortality, part one”
“Step 4 to Immortality, part two”
Qi Gong Articles and Videos for You