The Gold of Our Soul
Step 12: Having had an immortal awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to the world, and practice these principles in all our affairs.
With Step 12 to Immortality, we incorporate all the Steps into our lives. We know who we are, and find the “Gold” of our soul.

To Be Immortal, We Have to Choose
To be immortal — we must act from our soul — our eternal core. We must consciously choose to live in a manner of:
- • Empathy
• Conscience
• Compassion
- • Empathy
This may sound impossible, but it’s not. We don’t do this by ourselves, but together and with help. To feel empathy, we join with a greater empathy, the preexisting empathy of Creation, the empathy of our soul connected to all souls.
You’re Never Alone
None of our immortality work is done alone, by ourselves or with the force of self-will.
Our own will, used emphatically to get what we what, may serve well in an emergency but fails us over time. The path to immortality requires the use of “gentle will” that we use to direct our lives. Willfulness, however, defeats immortal intent.
When we get “in sync” with life, with a Greater Power, we have what we need.
Nothing we do as humans is done alone. To simply breathe, we need Creation: a world and ecosystem providing oxygen. Plants, to survive, must take in the carbon dioxide we breathe out. We’re in constant exchange with the natural world: taking what we need, giving what is needed.
Immortality work is similar, yet with immortal life we’re connecting to a greater idea, the thought that we do not have to take life from another life to live.
The sustaining idea of immortality is that we grow by sharing life with life, not taking.
Becoming Superheroes?
As we progress with the 12 Steps to Immortality, we’re not becoming superheroes or higher beings … we’re becoming who we really are, our true and authentic selves. We’re connecting within ourselves, healing and getting strong. We’re discovering a better awareness of who we are and what we can do.
Freedom without Limits
When we have a limited experience of ourselves, a limited definition of who we are and how long we can live — we box ourselves in, cut ourselves off and limit the life we can live.
Immortality consciousness has a strong love that connects us, binds and secures us, making us impervious to harm … because we have stopped harming ourselves and the world. As we stop the harm we do, both conscious and unconscious, harm done to us comes to an end.
Hate, anger and vengeance cut us off from life and immortality. Harm we do, or tacitly accept, takes us away from who we really are.
Empathy, conscience and compassion bring our soul to life.
The Vision of Immortality
To be immortal, we must vision immortal life, and choose an eternal direction.
We are creators. Every second of the day we are creating something … of ourselves and the world. Our creative activities may be unconscious habit, things we repeat without much thought. This type of living does not feel creative, yet we are still creating, as a factory in motion, spitting out the same product again and again.
The question is: “Do you like the product you’re making.”? The product is you: your body, life and feelings. My suggestion is that the world is a product that we can, and should, change — that the hardships of life: war, accidents, disease and suffering should end.
When we see that we are the one’s creating death, hardship and pain — we can change it to something better. When we understand we are creating ourselves, we can create what we want and desire.
Perfect health, perfect life of benevolence, good and heaven can be had where we are … without leaving by death, confusion or pain.
I suggest we’re in something like a Star Trec Holodeck, having a fictional experience that we create ourselves, as we go. So let’s make a choice every day, in what we create and how we grow.
We can grow into death, suffering or disease — or we can evolve an existence of benevolence and limitless good. Which will it be?
A Higher Sense of Self
With the 12 Steps to Immortality, we manifest our timeless human quality, our true and authentic selves.

The 12 steps lead us to a Greater Power, a higher sense of self.
When we’re connected to the core of who we are — our truth and Greater Power — we express the quality of immortality in all we do. We have the best of life in the physical world.
[Related: Article on Greater Power]
The Power of Self-Reflection
A we do the 12 Steps, we develop the skill of self-reflection.
Self-reflection, or self-inventory, allows us see who we are. Self-reflection shows us how we sculpt our lives and impact the world.
As we self-reflect, with the 12 Steps to Immortality, we make the choice to direct our lives away from death, accident and disease to a perfect state of life.
As we self-reflect, we align our behaviors with our most meaningful goals and ideals.
[Related: Step 4, Part One and Part Two]
[Related: Step 10]
Belonging and Connection
An effortless manner of living evolves
With the 12 Steps, we connect to the world — we belong to the best of life and find strength in that belonging.
By practicing the Steps, we discover we are treasured, wanted and cared-for by all of Creation.
In the 12 Steps to Immortality, we ask for help and receive assistance with the smallest and greatest demands of living. We discover that life cares for us as we care for ourselves.
Aware of Our Goodwill
In the 12 Steps, we find a method of activating our best. We learn the practice of self-reflection. We see who we are and choose what we become.
We find our needs are met, that a pure and compassionate quality is at our core.
With the 12 Steps, we find a design for:
- Having the Best of Life
- Understanding the World
- Activating Our Immortality
The Steps are a daily guide for activating our happiness, strength and immortality.
Day by day, as we practice a better way of being, our lives improve and hardships decrease.
Death recedes. Love, goodwill and perfect life come forth.
List of the 12 Steps to Immortality
Each step of the 12 Steps to Immortality takes us closer to who we are: the immortal physical reality of our being.
Below are each of the 12 Steps and a link to a full article on that Step.
Step 1. We admitted we were powerless over hardship, pain and death, that our lives had become unmanageable.
Step 2. Came to believe that a power greater than ourselves could restore us to immortality.
Step 3. Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of a Greater Power as we understood It.
Step 4. Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
Step 5. Admitted to our Greater Power, ourselves and another person, the exact nature of our wrongs.
Step 6. Were entirely ready to have a Greater Power remove our defects of character.
Step 7. Humbly asked our greater Power to remove our shortcomings.
Step 8. Made a list of all people we had harmed and became willing to make amends to them all.
Step 9. Made direct amends to people we had harmed, except when to do so would injure them or others.
Step 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
Step 11. Took action to improve our conscious contact with the Greater Power of our understanding — seeking knowledge, understanding and grace.
Step 12. Having had an immortal awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message and practice these principles in every aspect of our lives.
[Related: Review of Steps 1-9]
Use All the Steps in Your Life
In Step 12 to Immortality, we incorporate all the 12 Steps into our lives. We consciously chose to be immortal, to use our thoughts and actions in a manner of:
- • Empathy
• Conscience
• Compassion
- • Empathy
With the 12 Steps, life gets better for everyone and everything; reality changes in a beneficial way.
With the 12 Steps, we experience who we are and find the “Gold” of our soul. We activate our true nature and act this quality into the world.
Eternal Actions and Reactions
The Secret to Immortality Explained
For every action we do, there’s a consequent reaction in the world, but we react first to all our actions.
Our personal behaviors, their feel and design, affect us before they affect anyone else … because all our behaviors originate in ourselves: our bodies, brain and soul.
Any harmful idea of ours is created first, within our brain and body. The thought of harm, is a physical action that acts upon us before it can act on anyone else.
The 12 Steps to Immortality show us how to have the thoughts, feelings and life we most want. We learn to let go of negative thoughts and awaken our natural human bliss.

If a resentment originates in ourselves, we are the first persons to experience the poison of that resentment.
And the poison of resentment is strongest in the person of the resentment’s origin.
We injure ourselves most, more than anyone else.
To be immortal, we must act, think and speak with eternal qualities. We must choose an immortal direction. We must stop the harm we do and feel; we must heal ourselves.
Our destructive actions act destructively upon us before they act upon anyone else.
Qi Gong Can Help
To heal and diminish negative thoughts, we suggest Qi Gong.
I’m a Qi Gong Master of over 20 years. I’ve found Qi Gong immensely helpful for developing calm, strength and human immortality.
For me, Qi Gong is the foundation for physical immortality. It’s my home base, strength and core.
Qi Going calms the waters of any troubled day or moment. Qi Gong heals and makes us strong.
To find out more about Qi Gong, try the links below:
Article: How Qi Gong Saved My Life
How We Cause Our Death
When we believe in death, as inevitable for ourselves, we die a little every day and deny our true identity.
Accepting death as a natural outcome obstructs our development, and we never take full responsibility for life. As a consequence: we suffer, die and contribute to the force of death in the world.
Choosing Immortality
Immortality is rejecting death and finding a better vision, direction and calling.
Immortality is choosing a course that favors life in everything we do, think and say.
Eternal physical life — and a transformed world — are possible. You know how to do it!
Choose life in everything you do. Qi Gong can help you do this.
Qi Gong has helped me … immensely.
Qi Gong can help you too!
For more about Qi Gong and a FREE Qi Gong video, click here.