The Secret Is Awareness
Step 10. Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
Awareness is the key to immortality and can be described as:
- Growing consciousness
- Improved discernment
- Knowledge and knowing
Step 10 helps us strengthen and improve our awareness.
By taking a personal inventory throughout the day, we can direct our lives and determine our destiny in a positive way.
Sep 4 Was a Beginning
In Step 4, we did an in-depth inventory. Step 10 is a bit different in that it’s more of a “here and now” look at how we’re feeling, thinking and acting … an inventory of the present moment.
In Step 10, we learn to do a daily taking stock or accounting of how we’re living our lives. This daily accounting gives us control and peace of mind.
Consequently we know ourselves; we can choose what we want and where to go.
[Related: Step 4, Part One]
[Related: Step 4, Part Two]
First Part of Step 10
In the first part of Step 10, we look for:
- Selfishness
- Dishonesty
- Resentment
- Fear
This “looking” is called a daily inventory.
We look inside at how we’re thinking and feeling, growing our awareness.
We take action to let go of harmful feelings and thoughts.
We Control Our Feelings and Thoughts
It’s important to know that we control how we feel and think.
We can move away from problematic states of mind to happiness, joy and freedom.
In Step 10, as we move from harmful thoughts to productive behavior; we use our brain to control our brain.
Neurologically, the brain can tell the brain:
- What to do
- How to feel and
- Which direction to go
We control our brain, body and emotions. Our brain controls our brain.
The more we practice better thoughts, feelings and behaviors: the better we get. Wisdom, happiness and strength become habit.
The Gift of a Clarified Mind
With Step 10, we clear our mind of debris and trouble, becoming our better selves.
In this clarified and peaceful state, immortality happens as we think of immortality.
Second Part of Step 10

In the second part of Step 10, we request our self-destructive feelings, listed above, be removed.
When these feelings arise, we ask a Greater Power or Deeper Self to remove them.
In faith, we ask our brain to stop these feelings. With practice, the brain complies. A Greater Power may or may not be involved, as our personal beliefs dictate.
Third Part of Step 10
In the third part of Step 10, we discuss our difficult feelings with someone immediately. We don’t stuff or deny these feelings, creating more trouble; we share our trouble with a trusted friend or mentor.
We make amends quickly if we’ve harmed someone.
Fourth Part of Step 10

In the fourth part of Step 10, we turn our thoughts to someone we can help.
Having settled our insides, we turn outside to express our care and goodwill.
As humans, we are a conduit for love, compassion and greatness; harmful thoughts and troubled emotions interfere with these good qualities.
A daily inventory keeps our connection with Deep Self alive.
A regular inventory keeps us clear and working well … for ourselves and others.
The Prime Directive
With Step Four, we find a prime directive is “love and tolerance of others.”
As we inventory and clear what’s bothering us: our love, goodwill and eternal selves emerge.
As we inventory and clear our troubles, we discover: “We have ceased fighting anything or anyone.” We’re free to be ourselves.
When we stop our fight for life, we can truly live and be immortal.
(p. 84, AA Big Book)
A Happy Result
Happiness is giving the wealth of our soul; the Steps help us have this wealth to give.

The result of doing a regular Step 10 is that we gain awareness and control of how we’re operating in the world.
We see how we’re reacting and what we’re creating for ourselves.
We quickly extinguish destructive and self repeating thoughts that are harmful to us and others.
We move forward in expression of our Greater Being by thinking of how we can be of help to another person.
Review of Step 10
The following list sums up our actions in Step 10:
- Look for troubled thoughts
- Ask thoughts be removed
- Share thoughts with another
- Make amends if we’ve harmed
- Turn to help another
In Part One of Step 10 to Immortality, we look for selfishness, dishonesty, resentment and fear. When these arise, we ask a Greater Power or our Deep Inner Selves to remove them at once.

Part Two is fairly simple: we ask that our harmful feelings and thoughts be removed.
We ask this of a Greater Power of our understanding, a Power we define for ourselves.
In Part Three we discuss our difficulties with a trusted friend or mentor immediately: not later, tomorrow or the end of the day … but immediately.
This returns us to balance and does not let our troubled thoughts grow.
If we’ve harmed anyone, we quickly make amends.
Part Four suggests we:
- Turn outward
- Be of service
- Help someone
To access our eternal selves, we have to give.
By turning from ourselves and giving to the world, we break stagnation and disorder. We create flow between our eternal being and the outside world. A connection is made, a font of giving is established … and we feel GREAT!
Eventually this flow of eternal peace is not experienced as a flow, but as one unified and fully present existence.
Illness, Death and Accidents
Acts against ourselves and others create separation, alienation and fractured isolation — a world of illness, accident and death.
The 12 Steps to Immortality reconnect and mend this division within ourselves and in the world. We are made whole.
A 10th Step Reconnect!
The 10th Step connects us with the life of our soul and the good of the world.
A daily inventory, and the consequent freedom that gives, allows us to determine our fate and chose what we want of life.
An inventory gives us knowledge of who we are and where we’re going.
With a little work, Step 10 allows us to know our eternal core and bring it to life.
How Qi Gong Helps with The 12 Steps
Qi Gong helps us get calm, strong and grounded as our true and genuine selves.
Qi Gong helps with the 12 Steps to Immortality by giving us peace, poise and strength.
With Qi Going, we can do the Steps in an easier and more effective manner.
Discover more about Qi Gong and how it can help you in the articles below:
Article #1: How Qi Gong Save My Life
Article #2: What’s Qi Gong and How Can It Help You?
Stay tuned for next week when we look at Step 11 to Immortality:
“Step 11: Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with a Greater Power, as we understood this Power, praying only for knowledge of this Power’s direction for us and the ability to carry that out.”