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Take a Closer Look
The Secret to Immortality, that we share at our website, has three parts:
1. Mindfulness for Immortality — where you employ awareness to awaken your eternal self.
2. Qi Gong for Lasting Life — an ancient practice of moving meditation for physical immortality.
3. Immortality Coaching — where you progress with a mentor farther upon the path.
(Before Immortality Coaching, it can be helpful to have experience with the Introductory Course, iLab and our book.)
Awaken Your Immortal Core
In today’s Daily Startup, we’re going to look into our soul, bringing it to life.
As we look at something and give it our attention, we enliven it.
With Mindfulness for Immortality, we give quality time to our soul. We gently give attention to our core, looking at ourselves without judgment or expectation, observing who we are.
Meditation for a Better Life
Meditate, rest calmly and observe your breath: eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. As you get calm and appreciate yourself, from the inside out, your immortal consciousness awakens; you become who you really are — a blissful soul in love and at ease.
In this deep relaxation, think of your core, the center of who you are, your very best. In this relaxed state, think of your soul with goodness, hope and calm.
A Timeless Quality
Understand this part of you as timeless — not so much thinking the words, immortal or eternal — but timeless, without beginning or end.
At our core, we may not experience ourselves as immortal or eternal, but timeless and whole. Timeless, pure and full of life; connected to the world we are the best of ourselves.
Heaven on Earth
Our soul is heaven on earth, a heaven with love and everything good. As our soul alive, we’re not alone but in concert with all that exists, blissful and perfect .
Looking within, we discover our timeless selves; this consciousness becomes our daily lives. We bring a beauty and lasting quality to everything we do.
At Peace with the World
In work, play and struggle; we can have our best, immortal consciousness. We can be at peace with the world. We can be embraced by life, and know that we’re responsible for our deep and wonderful selves.
Today’s Startup and Talk has been about Step One of the Secret to Immortality, Mindfulness for Immortality, where we become aware of our timeless nature, expressing it as who we are.
How Progress Is Made
Today we’ve made progress with the First Step of the Secret to Immortality. We have a better understanding of who we are, the good in us and what we can become.
For more progress, confidence and strength; try our website, On our Blog, we have links to Essential Articles in the right column of every page. These articles can give you a powerful boost.
You’ll also find our Introductory Course and Monthly Membership. With the membership, you get a New Qi Gong Lesson, Immortality Lecture and Special Meditation every 10 days!
We call this Monthly Membership — iLab — where you take a deeper dive into the Secret to Immortality for an accelerated approach.
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Discover the Secret to Immortality
To begin your path of eternal consciousness — go to
At the website, we suggest:
That’s all for today’s Startup and Talk — Be well, happy and in love.
Have the best day of your life.
You are immortal now!
Transcript of Complete and Unedited Podcast
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Hello, this is John Harrigan with your daily startup. Today’s topic is mindfulness for immortality, how to discover your eternal core and live from the strong and perfect you into the world.
The secret to immortality that we share at our website immortal has three parts, one mindfulness or immortality, where we use our awareness to awaken our soul to qi gong for lasting life in ancient practice and moving meditation for physical immortality, and three, immortality coaching, where you work with a mentor of father upon the immortality path.
In today’s daily startup, we’re going to look into our soul. Our immortal core, awakening it bringing this part of us to life, awakening our immortal core. As we simply look at something we give it our attention and bring it to life.
Research shows the most important element in a child’s growth is genuine attention. They’re received from a parent or loved one, sometimes called quality time. This attention, if well intended, helps a child’s brain grow and sets the foundation for solid emotional expression. And we need this all our lives. It’s just genuine human connection.
With mindfulness for immortality, we give quality time to our soul, we give our attention gently to our core self, looking within without judgment, decision, or comment, simply observing who we are inside deep inside. And this may be uncomfortable for some of you at first, and it may be easier for others. If it’s uncomfortable, just look within for a little bit. If it gets too uncomfortable, go on and just continue with whatever you’re doing, or whatever you’re listening to.
As we practice meditation, resting calmly, and observing our breath, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to crown as we get calm and gently appreciate ourselves from the inside out. Our immortal soul awakens
This is how we awaken our immortal soul awakens as our unconsciousness as who we are, our core self, we suggest the real person that we are immortal. And that’s the you that you’re experiencing right now. But there’s maybe a little more of you, that’s more calm, more at ease, more full and more present.
Once we get to oour soul and start thinking as your core self, from the inside out, your immortal soul awakens as our own consciousness. we become who we really are blissful creatures in love and at ease. I promise you, everybody I know, that has gone down the path of personal development, spiritual development, not even working with immortality, especially everyone that has gone down the road of finding themselves of self improvement.
[Volunteers Needed! If you enjoy editing and and would like to hear about our volunteer benefits, send an email to with the word, volunteer, in the subject. We’d love to hear from you!]
Everyone I’ve ever known, has become happier, and found a blissful peace and infinite, unending, blissful peace with a secret to immortality, we just take it a little bit farther, and talk about how we are creating ourselves in the physical world, and how we’re creating the actual physical world itself. But what we’re thinking about what we’re saying and doing now with me, let’s try a little meditation, and wine to meditation. Because when we’re busy, and sometimes that’s fine, we are busy doing our job and maybe errands and and things we have to do to make life happen. But to find ourselves when we’re not used to feeling our core, when we’re not acting our core, eternal self into the world. We need to get calm, relaxed and meditate. And that’s what mindfulness is just getting calm and becoming more and more present with who you are, in the moment, without judgment without evaluating yourself. Your mind is always going to wander in a meditation. Any type of meditation you do are meditations. That’s normal.
Our mind is designed to wander. Have you ever seen a prairie? Think they’re called Prairie Dog animals, they pop up out of the ground and they’re looking around. While they’re looking around to be safe, we’re kind of designed the same way, our minds will interrupt a meditation because the mind has to look around to see if it’s safe. But when that happens, you just calmly go back to the meditation process. So let’s get into that meditation process a little bit right now. Now with me, let’s try a little meditation have a seat, feet flat on the ground, not crossed. This is a Qigong meditation, feet flat on the ground, because we’re connecting ourselves with the core of the world of the physical Earth. Have a seat, feet flat on the ground, relax and close your eyes, relax, relax every muscle in your body and take your time with us. Before you actually go into the meditation. Relax your feet, your legs, your face, your head, your arms, your fingers, your back, your waist, relax your stomach, muscles, everything. Relax, relax deeply, and breathe easily. don’t control your breathing. You’ll hear me do this again and again. And what I’m taking you into is an essential Qigong warmup, or Qigong meditation for finding your core self. That strong and eternal you that’s always strong, always eternal, always there, but we’re getting to it maybe in ways you haven’t been to before. Relax and breathe easily. You don’t control your breath, your body knows how to breathe, the imperfect immortal breath. And observe your breath a bit and just let go of how you’re breathing. Just relax, let go of your stomach muscles. And if your stomach is really tight, tense up your contract your abdominal muscles and your stomach muscles. And then let go, and that there’s a little something with your brain. And it helps your muscles relax more. Into this meditation, close your eyes. Imagine you can see through your closed eyelids, why do that, just keep doing it and you will slowly find out. Close your eyes. Imagine you can see through your closed eyelids, quote, look to the tip of your nose. Now your eyelids are closed, pretend you can see through them and look to the tip of your nose. Don’t stress or strain. Just generally look towards the tip of your nose. And from the tip of your nose vision of ruby red arc coming out about three to four inches and curving back into your heart. It doesn’t matter if you can see that vision. If you have that vision, just in your mind, create it a little bit. Don’t overwork it. And if you can’t have any vision at all, you don’t have a vision, that’s okay. Just know that there’s a ruby red arc going out from the tip of your nose, about three to four inches and curving back into your heart. Hold that visualization for a bit. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, and a ruby red arc, eyes to nose, nose, the heart and a ruby red arc. And that’s how I initially did this. I just had those words eyes to nose, nose to heart, in a ruby red are no matter what I was doing or where I was maybe I couldn’t close my eyes. But I would just say those words. And boom, I relaxed as at peace, my body let go. nothing supernatural about this. This is just practicing something with our brain and our muscles. Eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red arc. Relax and breathe easily. don’t control your breath, relax your breathing, let go of your breathing, let go without controlling it. Never control your breath. And we’re really not much controlling anything. We’re just going into a state of deep relaxation, where as I said before, your mind will wander. You may completely forget that you’re in meditation. You may start thinking about the day it’s something you’re worried about something you’re concerned about something you want to get done. And that’s perfectly normal. Don’t fight it. When your mind wanders. That’s a normal process. You’re probably just letting go of stress. Almost everything we need to do in our life has stress attached to it. Everything we do is a survival activity with stress attached to it. So when your mind wanders to a survival activity like this is what I have to get done at work. This is what I have to do and my family, etc. That’s fine. Just gently go back to this chi gong meditation or Chi Gong warm up. Eyes to know his nose to heart and right are and then let your attention fall to your feet and see yourself grounded deeply to the earth, maybe not deeply just 10 to 12 feet like the roots of a tree, eyes to nose, nose to heart and Ruby read our feet grounded into the earth, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground relaxed and at ease, relaxed and at ease. That’s what we’re doing.
The mind will wander that’s okay, just come back and go. Eyes to nose, nose, the heart and ruby red arc, or just come back and go feet to ground singer feet grounded easily in a relaxed manner that will get you back into this usually relaxed, calm and at ease, relaxed, calm. And at ease. In this deep relaxation, this exercise I’m taking you think of your core, the center of who you are the very best of you, I suggest that the best of you a good eternal self is you it’s always there. blissful, connected, at ease, healthy and well. This good of you the best of you. In this relaxed condition, think of your soul, your core with goodness, hope and calm, you are good, you are hopeful you are calm at your core. All of you really take that into your body into your flesh into the room where you are or the car that you’re in listening to this wherever you are, take that goodness and let it flow out into the world around you. Protect you support you and make you feel great. Understand this part of you is timeless, we suggest not so much immortal or eternal, but timeless. We talk about the secret to immortality because it’s really the first step to get you think of to get you thinking of immortality, to get you thinking of eternal life. But at this timeless place of you that is immortal or eternal. You’re not going to usually experience it, as I am immortal or I’m eternal. It’s just an easy, relaxed, timeless place. When there is no time we are in a most immediate now. We’re most fully present that we can possibly be. That’s not good grammar. But when I’m in this timeless, perfect place as who I am feeling great feeling compassion and love infinite love. It’s a timeless being. It’s a timeless sense of self. And it’s not I’m never thinking I’m immortal, eternal. That’s like for Marvel comic books, or Marvel movies. They’re pretty good, but it’s a timeless, beautiful place Nirvana, but bring that Nirvana into your body into where you physically are into the world. We are in heaven on earth and is just becoming aware of it. And creating it by what we do and what we think and what we say. Understand this part of you, this immortal part of you is timeless. Not so much in words immortal or eternal, but timeless, without beginning or end, our malt, our immortal core. I don’t think I’ve pronounced that right once our immortal core, our timeless being, doesn’t really experience itself with the words immortal or eternal, going on. Simply timeless, self timeless, you and me, full of life, full of being in union with everything and everyone in a very good and positive, calm way. As we come into union with ourselves with our eternal core as we come into union with the world with the eternal nature of physical reality. Heaven on Earth as we come in union with everything, we deeply relax because we’re fully safe. We’re fully secure, timeless, pure and full of life at this eternal self connected to all the world the best of life is here where we are at our core. Our soul is heaven on earth. Our soul is heaven on earth, in heaven with love, infinite love, compassion and energy felt all at once growing but already there in love, in love with everything, everything else. Everyone all of materiality, not alone in this perfect place but in union with everything that exists in blissful, perfect manner. I’m describing what I am experiencing right now, in the state of mind, in the state of consciousness. With the secret to immortality, we’re bringing this perfection into the flesh into our bodies into our room into our day. Not that we’re perfect. I’m not,
you’re probably not progress, not perfection. That’s all that’s necessary. We never have to be perfect. It’s really, this process wouldn’t work. If we were perfect. It wouldn’t happen for us. It’s not what we’re doing. You and I, in this situation in place, we’re using our imperfection, to find a deeper meaning than perhaps we would have found. If we were perfect. Think about that. It’s, it doesn’t make literal sense. But if you contemplate what I just said, it’ll bring you to a sensible place. Relax and hold this meditation, everything I’ve been talking about, right now. Just relax with this blissful consciousness. If you can’t feel a blissful consciousness, well, you’re perfectly normal for many years, I couldn’t, I could when I was younger than I got injured, and that injury was painful. And in my pain, over many years, I couldn’t feel blissful, I couldn’t feel at ease. But I had to work through that injury, that not feeling great not being well, unhealthy. I had to work through that disability that I had to get back to that blissful consciousness. And when I got back into that blissful consciousness, through years of slow, steady work, it was a much greater consciousness than what I had before because I had to work really hard to get back to it because I was injured badly when I was 15, turning 16 And you can find this story on our blog and the essential articles when I was 15. Turning 16 I was injured really badly my brain and nervous system by a hallucinogenic experience that had too much strychnine. The guy that sold it to me, he said, Did you have trouble with that? I said, Sure. Did I think I think it’s ruined my life. I could feel how I damaged my brain and nervous system the next day. He said, did you have problems with it? I sold Yeah. I said, Yeah, sure. Did he say? Yeah, I think everybody did. He said, I think there’s too much strychnine and methamphetamine and that LSD and I’m thinking like, what on earth? I was just a naive teenager. I took this stuff because I wanted to have a spiritual experience. In the late 60s. I heard about this and some people did. But I didn’t It’s LSD is simply a neurotoxin. And some people do use neurotoxins for to have unusual experiences they find enlightening but I highly suggest that you do things naturally. And you know if taking drugs as you’re okay is okay with you and it’s part of your way. I don’t discuss it I simply say I found out that it wasn’t necessary for me and the dangers involved. Far out weighed any positive outcomes for me, or for anyone I’ve ever talked to, to be honest. Relax and hold the goodness of everything you’ve heard today. Relax and hold the goodness of all of this this startup that you’re listening to is actually going to be more of a talk and not such a startup because I’ve really got going on this is going to be actually longer we’re almost at the 20 Minute point so this is going to be longer than most talks because it’s important. Relax and hold everything good that has brought you to this point. If you feel good if what I’m saying feels right seems like right seems right to you. Relax and hold this meditation, this blissful consciousness. Everything that I’ve said up to this point. Feel the beautiful you expect the beautiful you get into the beautiful soul that you have. If you’ve never felt beautiful, that’s not what this beauty is about.
I’m a man I don’t sit around thinking I’m beautiful. I don’t look into the mirror thinking I’m beautiful. But this blissful core self this eternal you and me. It’s a beautiful experience. See yourself as a beautiful you at your core, rich and deserving the wonderful center of yourself. Relax and be at ease. That’s how we get to this part of who we are. Relax and be at ease. Relax. Epson Be yourself, go to this vision. If you’re not having the vision, just remember the vision that I’ve described. That’s all you need to do at the beginning, go to this vision that has brought you to this part in the talk. Remember this vision, this reality of the good and graceful you that I’m describing. Get to that right now, as my voice talks, you understand that it’s there in you right now. And it can come out as you do the work as you do the work on our website, and mortal Go to this awareness anytime you want throughout the day, the awareness of your core of the Golden you go to it, the more you go to it, the better just take a pause at any time, go to the perfect immortal you and just pause for a second, for a minute or for an hour. If you can hang out for an hour at this place. I don’t know that I would usually hang out for an hour at this place. I usually go into it. I’m into it. Now as I’m speaking to you. I’m into it now. But after I do this, I’m going to get out of my studio here and go through, go for a walk in the beautiful sunset by the river right next to me to be aware of who you really are, we need to relax. It’s helpful to relax and be at ease, observing ourselves a little bit. Really not observing ourselves separate from ourself. But just going into that calm, eternal, blissful you. The good and beautiful. You yes, you’re beautiful. Yes, everyone on earth, everything is beautiful. Think of heaven on earth. If the Earth right now is a heaven on earth. And I suggest it is even though it doesn’t seem like it. How is that? What does it look like? Heaven on Earth, it kind of means that everything we look at no matter how distorted and ugly and that ugly ugliness is usually what humans have created. Usually, if you go into nature, it’s pretty darn beautiful. And you can find yourself pretty easily pretty quickly. I go into nature a lot. That’s how I find this beautiful core. But I can do it right now as I’m talking to you and I can do it at home, in a meditation or a simple, relaxed state. To get to this beautiful core of you this eternal, immortal you that is timeless. It’s helpful to get relax, and breathe calmly and easily. Looking within a bit. Looking within, not outside not thinking of life you will think of life. But just come back in eyes to nose, nose to heart and in Ruby read our get grounded and come to your soul again. As we look within and find our timeless consciousness, that this consciousness becomes.
Stop. As we look within and find our timeless consciousness, this consciousness becomes more of ourselves in our daily lives. As we look within and find our timeless consciousness, this consciousness just takes place. Naturally. In our day, we bring a beauty and eternal good to everything we do. In work, play and struggle we can have our best, our immortal consciousness, this good of who we are, can be at play in every aspect of our life. Even when we struggle. Even when things are difficult, we can focus a little on our eternal self. We can take a deep breath, we can be at one with the world no matter what we’re going through. Yes, it’s harder to be at one and perfect peace. It’s harder to have our eternal immortal consciousness at play when life’s difficult, but I promise you the stress, difficulty and challenge of life is where you will develop that immortality muscle to the greatest extent. So when there’s hardship and difficulty, just double down into the secret to immortality on our website and do it we suggest the first thing we suggest is listening to the podcast. And on our website. We tell you a lot more of what to do step by step to make this beautiful, perfect world happen for you. And it will positively guarantee you, but it takes some work on a daily basis and Morning, a little morning, a little noon a little at night, we can be embraced by life. And know that we are responsible with a deep and wonderful self. at play. We’re embraced by life. And we know that we’re responsible for ourselves and for this perfect goodness to beat to be at play and the world. And as we get this, perfection and goodness at play in our imperfect lives, as we get this perfection in play, it starts to take care of us. It starts to guide us to lead us in to protect us a promise you just work at it,
to end to end this talk that that began as a startup and it still can be a startup, just a long one for you today to end this talk and startup, this exercise and commentary I’ve been going through. But we what we’ve been doing what I’ve been talking about all of this is step one, the secret to immortality, mindfulness for immortality, step one, where we become aware of our eternal soul and express it as who we are in the physical world. That’s step one of the secret to immortality. And we call that step one, mindfulness for immortality, where we become mindful at East and relax, and express our core eternal being into the world and flesh. That’s number one, mindfulness for immortality. Today, you and I, together, have made a little progress. I’ve been in this eternal consciousness, just as you have, as I’ve been talking. So today together, we’ve made a bit of progress, some of us a lot. And some of us it seems like maybe not any progress at all, but I promise you, you have all the days of effort in my past, and others that I’ve known all the days of effort where we felt nothing good. And we felt no progress at all, at all. It adds up, and it is progress. It’s like working out and lifting weights. If you look at yourself every day in the mirror, you can’t see anything developing. But if you look at yourself once every three to six months, you see, Wow, a lot of my physique has changed. So if you look at yourself every three months, every six months, your spiritual, your spiritual physique of eternal good, well look different, you will feel different, you will think differently. So today together, we’ve made a bit of progress on the first step, the secret to immortality, which is mindfulness for immortality. For more progress than we’ve made today in this talk for more confidence, for a greater sense of security, please try our website and mortal We have essential articles for you to read on our blog, every page of our blog, go to immortal And look over what’s on that first page if you’ve never have. But on the top of that first page, we have a menu, click on blog, and that will take you to all our articles, all our blog articles. And to the right column, you’ll see a list of essential articles, you can start to educate, enlighten, and inspire yourself with a secret to immortality by reading our blog, listening to our podcasts that are incorporated with our blog. Not every article has a podcast in it, but some of them do. All of these work together. We also have an introductory course you can find in our top menu, and a monthly a great monthly membership that we’ve put a lot of work into, where you get a new and customize original Qigong lesson just for you in that membership. You get to customize Qigong lesson every 10 days, every 10 days, a brand new lecture, and a customized visualization meditation every 10 days in the membership. So if that sounds like something you want to try, if it sounds like something you want to do, sign up for it. It’s in the top menu of every page at immortal We’ve put a lot of work into this we’d love for you to give it a try. And we want to hear back from you from how well it’s working or not working so we can improve it. We call this monthly membership. AI Lab. I L a b AI Lab, where we take a deeper dive as I’ve expressed to you into the secret to immortality and powerful self progress. All of the secret to immortality is personal development spiritual development sphere Virtual being how you feel feeling better and better and better. The most wonderful feelings we have as who we are, are at our core at this timeless place. But with the secret to immortality, we’re starting to understand how we’re creating ourselves in this world, how we’re creating the physical world itself. Yes. And a lot of physicists agree with what I’m saying. We together are creating this physical reality and the laws of physics that seem to be at play. So ladies and gentlemen, that’s all for today’s talk and startup. We wish you well Please be happy and in love with yourself and life. You are immortal now.