(From p 195 of my book, “The Lessons in Love”)

Part of spiritual growth is to begin to see things with love. Looking with love will reveal the true nature of live and result in a greater understanding of ourselves.

If we accept love as the primary force running the universe, things begin to change. We see the actions of others within the light of love, and we understand why people do the things they do.

When someone does something unkind or unthinking, we understand them. We understand the distress that led to their behavior. People may often do unkind things to bolster low self-esteem. Others may cause us harm.

If we witness unkind acts, we can do what we can to stop it, but we do not have to carry anger and resentment with us after the harmful events. We can look at the person who did harm with understanding. We can look at the situation with love, and let it go. To see events with love, is always a choice we have.

Anger, Rage and Love

It is natural to feel anger and rage at certain events, but we need to pay attention to how we handle it? To retaliate in kind usually makes matters worse. To harbor resentment poisons ourselves.

If we find ourselves stuck in anger and resentment, it may be helpful to confide in a friend, to get it “off our chest.” It may be helpful to write down how we feel.

“Ill-will is poison”

As we begin to see others with love, we may understand their inner nature, and we may also understand our own nature. We may feel the good feelings of love more deeply. We may understand life. We may feel a belonging to the world we have never before felt.

As we see things with love, we may acquire new abilities and have knowledge to be shared.
As a person of love, we have a great gift to give the world. Our life begins.

From “The Lessons in Love”

Personal Development, Self Help, Self Improvement, Spiritual Growth, Self Growth, Immortality, Immortal, longevity

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master