Seven Steps to Immortality, the Path of Stillness and Strength

With stillness and strength, find your core of immortality.
At our core, there is stillness and strength — perfect stillness, perfect strength.
To get to this essential you: sit down, relax and be calm.
With ease, breathe in and out.
Close your eyes, and move your attention to your nose — then from your nose to heart. Next, let your attention fall to your feet.
- Be gently still.
- Quietly breathe.
- Have a silent mind.
Breathe in and out; relax and accept yourself. Feel the strength of your core.
Leven One

You are now at the first level of stillness and strength, level one.
Next, vision yourself going deeper within, into your core, to a further level of stillness and calm, level two.
Breathe in and out, with ease.
With eyes closed, move your attention to your nose — then from your nose to heart. Next, let your attention fall to your feet.
- Be gently still.
- Quietly breathe.
- Have a silent mind.
Breathe in and out; relax and accept yourself. Feel the strength of your core.
Level Two

You are now at the second level of stillness and strength, level two.
Next, vision yourself going deeper within, into your core, to a further level of stillness and calm, level three.
Breathe in and out, with ease.
With eyes closed, move your attention to your nose — then from your nose to heart. Next, let your attention fall to your feet.
- Be gently still.
- Quietly breath.
- Have a silent mind.
Breathe in and out; relax and accept yourself. Feel the strength of your core.
Levels Three thru Seven

At your core, there’s perfect love and eternal life.
Repeat the above process five more times, until you have reached level seven … each time going deeper and farther toward your core of immortality.
Five more times – breathe in and out, with ease.
With eyes closed, move your attention to your nose — then from your nose to heart. Next, let your attention fall to your feet.
- Be gently still.
- Quietly breathe.
- Have a silent mind.
Breathe in and out; relax and accept yourself. Feel the strength of your core.
Find the immortal you; it is there as your pure and positive self.
Breathe in and out, going deeper into each level of yourself, to the pure and eternal you.
At your core, there is perfect love and immortality. Breathe your way, slowly, into this place — of the positive and perfect you. Level by level, go deeper into yourself.
Upon Finishing
When you finish this exercise, take time to be with just you, letting what you’ve done settle.
Contemplate — without thought — where you have arrived, as a matter of self, as the being you are.
(The Wudang Mountains in China, home of legendary immortals, are the geographic origin of Taoism and Wudang Kung Fu, Qi Gong and Tai Chi … all variations of the same.)