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Revive Your Soul
Before we get going, let’s talk about exactly what we’re going to do here, our intent, and how we’re going to create this reality of physical immortality.
Resurrect: Revive the practice, use, or memory of something; bring new vigor to
I suggest we’re all immortal now, that we’ve always been here as eternal beings, but we’ve obscured this reality and created kind of an artificial rebirth cycle … death and rebirth. We’ve created unnecessary suffering, hardship and death.
There is a better way.
Our True Selves
In this podcast, we’re going to bring new vigor to our eternal selves, as we resurrect who we are in the world.
We’re going to revive our true selves — our immortal beings — in this reality, our flesh and world.
This is the definition of resurrect: “revive the practice, use, or memory of something; bring new vigor to.”
In this podcast, we’re going to bring vigor, enlivenment, to our eternal and physical selves.
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Hello, This is John Harrigan, your podcast host. I’m an author, Qigong Master and founder of the website where we teach “The Secret to Immortality,” Qigong and Personal Growth.
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Full Transcript of Podcast
Hello, This is John Harrigan Qigong Master and founder of the website
Welcome to the exercise to resurrect your immortal body. Before we get going, let’s talk about exactly what we’re going to do here, our intent, and how we’re going to create this reality of physical immortality, at this time.
If we’re going to resurrect our physical immortal bodies, to bring our eternal souls into the flesh in this world, let’s look at the definition of the word “resurrect.” If you Google it, the first definition you get is from Oxford Dictionaries, Oxford English Dictionary, along with Google, and the definition, that definition of the word, resurrect, is to restore to life, to restore a dead person to life. “He was dead, but he was resurrected.”
I suggest to you that we’re all, of course, heading towards death right now. It’s wrong; it’s inappropriate. It’s something we don’t need to do. But we are choosing to do it, largely in an unconscious way. But with the Secret to Immortality, on our website,, we help you bring into awareness how you are creating your life — a life of hardship, calamity, and suffering; OR a life of joy, happiness and freedom, without death is completely within the realm of possibility, I promise you.
Just think of religious figures throughout history. Whether it’s a Taoist immortal in the mountains of China, Jesus talking about the fact that death has been overcome.
In Judaism, you have Kabbalah, and mortal physical life … it goes on and on. And it’s really the basis of yoga that has been somewhat obscured and lost over time. So what is the definition again of “resurrect”? This is an exercise we’re going to do soon to resurrect our physically a mortal body.
Resurrect again means to restore to life, to restore a dead person to life, “He or she was dead, but he or she was resurrected.” We’re going to initiate resurrection; we’re going to activate, in this exercise ahead; we’re going to activate our immortal selves … our eternal, perfect being … and bring that into flesh a bit. It’s a successive process we do together,
“Revive the practice, use or memory of something.” This is the definition of resurrect in the Oxford Dictionary. “Revived the practice, use or memory of something.”
I suggest we’re all immortal now. We’ve always been here as immortal beings, but we’ve obscured this reality and created kind of an artificial rebirth cycle … death and rebirth. We’ve created unnecessarily: suffering hardship, disease, calamity, and death.
We’re going to revive our true selves — our immortal beings — into this reality, our flesh and this world. “Revive the practice, use or memory of something.” This is the definition of resurrect, “revive the practice, use or memory of something, bring new vigor to.” We’re going to bring new physical vigor to our immortal cells.
Before we start this exercise, what are the characteristics of your immortal self today?Here and now, I suggest to you it’s bliss, happiness and freedom. It’s compassion, love and understanding for others.
The world is so beautiful when we’re not reacting with anger, and unnecessary self defense; but instead, understanding people who are suffering.
Everyone in life is struggling and suffering to some extent, if they’re unaware of their immortal nature. So let’s get going on this beautiful fabulous exercise to resurrect, to awaken and enliven our immortal selves.
I suggest we are immortal now.
To begin this exercise, find a comfortable and quiet place to sit; and if you can’t, just listen to the exercise wherever you are, and go along with it in some way. Just listening to the exercise, even if you’re at work, or alert and driving your car; I don’t suggest that, but just listening to the exercise will be helpful.
Find a quiet, relaxed place if you can. Sit down, feet flat on the floor. And there’s a reason for this. And you can explore that on our website at in the Qigong section. Your feet are flat on the floor. And what we’re doing is, we’re connecting a circuit.
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It’s wonderful to sit and meditate perhaps with your legs crossed, but in all Qigong, and what we’re doing now is a type of Qigong and all Qigong, we’re connecting a circuit, we’re connecting within ourselves, we’re connecting to the earth, and to the heavens, full union yoga union connection, wellness is connection, bliss is connection in mortality is connection, death hardship.
Suffering is a disconnection within ourselves with the world. We’re alone. We’re suffering. We’re struggling when we’re disconnected within ourselves and disconnected from the world. We’re not supposed to be alone. As our immortal selves were fully connected to the divine to your deep inner self, to the world to every cell in your body to all of consciousness in a relaxed and peaceful way. We’re in Union connected.
So in this exercise, we’re going to be connecting and the first thing you do is you connect your little or big feet to the earth flat, the flat of your feet, the soles of your feet, you can have your shoes on, if you can comfortably take them off, take your shoes off and slap the bottom the soles of your feet upon the floor a little bit. If you’re in a building stories above the earth, just imagine you’re on the ground and you’re tapping your feet, feet on the earth.
Close your eyes as you sit, close your eyes and imagine you can see through your eyelids to the tip of your nose, from the tip of your nose. Imagine a ruby red arc coming out about three to four inches and curving back into your heart and just hold that visualization about this is Qigong. Sitting relaxed, we’re observing our breath gently, quietly, not controlling a thing, and certainly not controlling how we breathe in any way. We’re simply observing our breath. In and out as we breathe, the natural immortal breath will express itself I assure you and promise you, it’s in your body in your neurology right now that perfect immortal breath. We find it by not controlling our breath, but instead simply observing in a gentle kind way,
how our body is trying to breathe. I suggest to you that at all times your body is trying to be immortal. That’s its nature. Your body is trying to breathe in an immortal relaxed way but we interfere with that life as we’ve created it on earth interferes with that. Get back to nature when you can and learn to relax and find that breath. Sitting down relaxed, calm feet, soles of our feet flat upon the earth, eyelids closed. Imagine you can see through your eyelids to your tip of your nose from the tip of your nose or ruby red arc goes out three to four inches and curves back into your heart. Say with me, eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red arc. Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a ruby red arc relaxed and at peace. Finding greater peace with every breath that we observe but do not control. Do not control a thing. simply observe your breath and enjoy who you are this moment and right now. Breathe in, breathe out, observing the breath not controlling it. Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a ruby red arc, feet to ground focus a little on your feet. See yourself deeply rooted into the earth. Again, we’re connecting ourselves internally we’re connecting with the earth. Our source our mother, perhaps father, however, you view it the earth connected to the heavens to our soul, the earth in union with all eyes to nose, nose to heart feet to Grand eyes to nose, nose to heart. Gently observing our breath in an out, feet to ground, eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet, to ground, observing your breath, relaxed, happy, joyous, and free. You’re free to be yourself. The Immortal, eternal, you happy and alive in the flesh as who we are designed to be that way from birth and beyond. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground, alive and well at peace. Immortal, you perfect in a well, immortal we’re together. We’re in union with humanity, with our family with the goodness of life. at peace, immortal, we’re connected and in union with all of our body, all of our organs. All of ourselves or a piece we’re at Union. We’re in love. Love
naturally comes about because love is who we are. Eyes to nose, nose to heart. Love is who we are. It’s our nature. It’s our soul. We don’t have to conjure up love. Love is already in you as who you are eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground eyes to nose, nose to heart in a Ruby read our feet to ground we’re in love feeling the love of our soul, feeling the love of all creation of the world of the heavens of the earth of our body. of our Oregon’s feeling gentle, quiet, easy love compassion for all of life,
compassion for ourselves, bliss and happiness. Perfect parents who loved us. Visualize and see perfect parents, none of us had perfect parents. But visualize and see perfect parents that loved you that birthed you into a perfect self a perfect being all of you. Eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red arc feet to ground. perfect love perfect parents perfect friends. Perfect air that we automatically breathe in an app with an immortal breath that is literally hardwired into us. In has always been there. We’re awakening we’re resurrecting our immortal self we are immortal now. In an hour, observe your breath happy, peaceful and at peace. You are immortal now happy, peaceful and at peace. Your perfect love and bliss your relaxed and calm, your happy, joyous and free. When we experience our soul the perfect essence of who we are our own individual consciousness as it is joined with all of reality. It’s the feeling of freedom of unfettered being. Nothing is in our way, nothing is holding us back. It doesn’t matter the circumstances of life to feel this freedom. It doesn’t matter what freedoms you have in your material world getting what you want or not. That’s the material and really an over focus on getting what you want can keep you from being who you are. Eyes to nose, nose to heart in a ruby red arc, feet two grand eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red arc feet to ground immortal, you immortal me a perfect world of joy, happiness, love and compassion where we understand what we’re looking at where we understand other people. And please remember, everyone is struggling in their own way just as you are just as I am. To be born on earth to have this incredible but difficult opportunity to realize ourselves. It’s a struggle. We’re born into a world of hardship, death and pain of calamity and unease where we need air to breathe, where we have to have food to eat where we need friendships, and connections with other people to survive. We need shelter on and on and on. We’re taught to look outside ourselves for everything we have to have. But today we’re looking inside a bit. We’re letting our immortal perfect person come out we’re expressing the goodness joy and happiness of our soul. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to Grand eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red art going out three to four inches, eyes to nose, nose to heart in a ruby red arc, nose to heart. Just hold yourself there for a bit. Eyes to nose, tip of your nose, don’t stress, you’re just visualizing this, you’re not really doing it. But pretend you’re seeing through the eyelids, closed eyelids to the tip of your nose and from the tip of your nose. There’s a ruby red arc, beautiful ruby red art going on three to four inches and curving back into your heart, eyes to nose, nose to heart in a ruby red arc. That arc is going into our heart, add awakening our love, awakening our love, our natural physical compassion I suggest to you, it’s the nature of every cell in your body, to be at peace and in love with love as love. We are physical beings of compassion and grace, that exist in the presence of love within ourselves and the presence of love in our world. In our day, in your room, wherever you are. A peace, a joy, a compassion where we’re being cared for life itself is caring for us, loving ourselves. loving us life is caring for who we are. The world is a dicey place, even the best of friends, the best of parents, the best of husbands and wives. We never fully get what we need, because those people in those circumstances cannot force us and create us to acknowledge who we are. We kind of have to do that a little bit with other people who are doing it like you and me now and everyone that’s listening to this. We have to do it with other people who are doing it or perhaps alone sometimes. But you can join me at a mortal And you can do this together we have a podcast. You can join me You can join others understand that as you’re listening to me. There are many others listening along with you with me. Awakening, finding a life of joy, a life of freedom, freedom and knowing who we are and experiencing that bliss, that freedom, that eternal joy and happiness, eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red arc, eyes to nose, nose to heart feet to ground, you are immortal. Now. We’re resurrecting our perfect, eternal selves. We’re manifesting into the flesh alive. We’re awakening every cell telling it that that’s that our cells or organs and bodies can be themselves. We aren’t making something happening that isn’t already happening. We’re just allowing our bodies to breathe and be their natural, immortal being. We’re not changing a thing that immortal breath is are already in you wanting to breathe itself. But we get in the way. So we’re stepping out of the way with peace and calm and letting our bodies express in their natural immortal way. We’re resurrecting we’re awakening we’re restoring a death direction to a direction of perfect life. We’re reviving the practice use and memory of who we are. We’re bringing new vigor new immortality to our body that isn’t new at all. That is really exactly what our body is right now. What our bodies have always been trying to be trying to express as, but we interfere it so today we’re starting a new practice of not interfering with the beauty, the health, the eternal nature of our physical being. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. Eyes to nose, nose to heart, feet to ground. Eyes to nose, nose to heart feet to Graham. Bring your hands together. Rub your palms together in a circular motion, creating a little warm Rub your face gently. If your hands have been washed and are clean, give your face achieve facial and immortality facial comb your hair with your fingers spread out like a comb stimulating every acupuncture point on your body with immortality with grace with wholeness and health. Bring your hands into your lap however you choose in a relaxed and gentle way. Take this peace, the strength and immortality into your day and night. Be at peace and bless you forever. That’s the end of this exercise.
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