Qigong and Spiritual Growth
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Hello and Welcome!
Hello, this is John Harrigan, founder of ImmortalNow.com, where we teach the Secret to Immortality.
I’ll take you through this podcast and tell you all about our book, “Qigong and Spiritual Growth” that shows you how to be happy, secure and physically immortal.
You can find this book on our website: ImmortalNow.com.
Activate Your Perfect Soul
Let’s get into the book for some good stuff! I’ll read from page 57:
Activate your soul with this one simple thought — “Our souls are perfect love and grace, with stillness and enormous strength.”
This one line is enough for an entire day of meditation, prayer and contemplation, repeating the quote many times. We recommend this! You can do it now for progress and strength.
The Book’s Design
This is how the book is designed: to be inspirational, motivational and meditative.
What are we doing with this discussion of the book, right now? We’re activating our soul — our eternal core of goodness, strength and eternal consciousness.
Activate your perfect soul, this very moment, as you listen to the podcast.
Our souls are perfect love and grace, with stillness and enormous strength.
Our souls are who we are, our real personalities, our true being … here and now, physically.
Activate your perfect soul by listening to this podcast and reading the book.
What’s the Secret to Immortality?
With awareness, we can reverse the force of death and create a world of lasting life.
What’s the Secret to Immortality, and why is it so important?
It’s nothing new, but the natural way we presently live and create.
The Secret to Immortality reveals the method we use in constructing our lives, for better or worse.
We create the physical world by how we think, speak and act. We determine our quality of life.
Every religion talks of love, forgiveness and knowing ourselves — our timeless and eternal souls.
Ancient wise-people knew this secret for living happy, long and strong; most everyone can figure it out.
The deeper we go into love, the more we experience our true selves … a blissful state that’s free of death.
Your Qigong Master
Hello, This is John Harrigan, your podcast host.
I’m an author, Qigong Master and founder of the website ImmortalNow.com where we teach “The Secret to Immortality,” Qigong and Personal Growth.
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Have the best day of your life! You are immortal now.
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To begin today with the Secret to Immortality, we suggest our new course with a simple approach to our best ideas and techniques.
You’ll discover twenty amazing videos covering all aspects of building an immortal life of character, grace and good.
In addition, there’s step by step instruction on powerful Qigong techniques to lay your foundation.
Full Transcript
[Volunteers please! This transcript is not fully edited due to time constraints. If you have experience editing, we’d love to have your help and tell you about volunteer benefits. For more info, please contact us today at, support@immortalnow.com]
Hello, this is John Harrigan, founder of ImmortalNow.com, where we teach the Secret to Immortality. In this talk, we’re going to discuss my book, “Qigong and Spiritual Growth.”
You can find this book on our website, ImmortalNow.com. You can buy a digital copy for, I think, a little less than $3, or a paperback like I have here for about $7. That’s the book,
I’m a Qigong Master, I teach the secret to immortality. And I’ve been on a spiritual path really, since I was born. As a young boy, around six or seven, I was looking into a mirror and saw past lives about 1500, a little bit more, and I could experience all the lives at once.
And I was just very aware of how and why I was born with a mission to discover the secret to life. And over time, through trial and error through experimentation, search, meditation, Qigong practice, and wonderful mentors. I’m here today for you with a secret to immortality. Really, it’s joy, happiness and freedom, where we discover our deep core, our deep self, our soul, where it’s immortal, and we can live that eternal self, into this world into the flesh, I suggest that we’re in heaven.
Now, we’ve just gone astray a little bit, that we’re the creators making this creation, physical creation, by our thinking, our words and our behaviors. And we’ve kind of made a difficult place where there’s disease, death, and hardship and we can revert reverse that very quickly, as just enough of us certainly don’t need everyone at all, but as a critical mass of us start to live with better thoughts, better words, better behavior, and for immortality, specifically living with the idea that we are immortal now that that’s how we’re born.
That’s how we’re designed to be. Yes, science can kind of get there eventually. But if we start from a place of eternal life, that’s all we need. And that’s where the power really is for a beautiful place to live.
One of the things I’ve done is I’ve written a book, I have many blog articles, also a podcast. this YouTube video will be in the form of a podcast, it’s both a video on YouTube and a podcast.
I suggest if you want to get going with the secret to immortality, good our website right away … we have some videos there Qigong videos, I’m a Qigong Master, we have some free videos to see tell you a little bit about Qigong and the process, the three step method of the secret to immortality, one mindfulness for immortality,
we’re going to be going over today in the book, and the second is Qiong for lasting life and the third immortality coaching.
Let’s get into the book for some good stuff. I’ll just read you this is from page 57, page 57. Activate your perfect soul. Our souls are perfect love and grace with stillness and enormous strength. In that one line is enough just to sit with the whole day to meditate on throughout the day. And that’s how this book is designed. It’s really an inspiration inspirational meditation book.
So I’ll say that again. The heading is activate your perfect soul. What are we doing with this reading in the book, we’re right now. We’re activating our soul, our eternal soul of goodness, strength and eternal consciousness. Activate your perfect soul. Our souls are perfect love and grace with stillness an enormous an enormous strain. Our souls who we are our real personalities, our real being right here physically.
In our core, our souls are perfect love and grace. That’s a nice thought. But it’s really more than a thought as you practice meditation with me as you do Qigong. As you get involved in our website at immortal now calm we have a course you can take highly recommend decades in the making.
And we have a weekly monthly membership where we have Qigong instruction, Qigong classes, and more in depth talk. Like the one much more in depth talks and much longer than the one you’re seeing now, again, from my book she Gong and spiritual growth, activate your perfect soul. Does that sound appealing to you Do you want to do that you want to activate your core doesn’t matter what you call it, your core, the center of view, your soul, your heart. Let’s activate it and let it work in our life with perfection, strength, goodness, and ease.
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Specifically, our soul, our eternal self alive in the flesh is at ease, relaxed and calm, not reacting to the outside world, but holding a presence of eternal life, goodness and strength. reading from the book. Our souls are perfect love and grace with stillness and enormous strength. Naturally, we’re good and kind, are bad and cruel. Either way, it’s our choice. What Well, we do. I feel like I’m reading Winnie the Pooh to a group group of children. And that’s really how I write I write at a very simplistic level, not really by choice. But when I write things for publication, it comes through in a very simple manner that anyone can understand. Naturally, we’re good and kind, or bad and cruel. Either way, it’s our choice what well, we do. There’s treasure in our soul, that’s ours. When we act in good and thoughtful ways, we activate our gold and bring alive our perfect love. Again, that paragraph that that I just read that sentence is enough for your whole life. If you just focus on that sentence, day after day, throughout the day, pause, read the sentence, say it out loud, say it silently. Think about it, meditate with it. Again. There’s treasure in our soul. That’s ours. When we act in good and thoughtful ways we activate our gold
and bring alive our perfect love. I’m suggesting to you as you meditate. As you listen to our words, read our book, our blog, take our course, you’ll find there really is treasure in your soul. It’s already there. I suggest you’re born with it. It’s who you are. You don’t have to earn it. You already have it. But you do have to find it. It’s like a treasure hunt. Life can be a difficult hunt sometimes. But it’s like a treasure hunt. When we act in good and thoughtful ways we activate our gold and bring alive our perfect love. Oh, so you kind of have to act certain ways to get this goodness get this immortality and wonderful life. Yes, absolutely. And positively.
This isn’t like the fountain of youth, someone in Florida, where you’re drinking and just shazaam you’re immortal. It takes a little work, ladies and gentlemen, you have to find your precious, perfect, wonderful, loving self. And as you do that act that self into the world with your thoughts with your words and your physical behavior. There’s treasure in our soul. That’s ours. When we act in good and thoughtful ways we activate our gold and bring alive, our perfect love. We have to take action here every day throughout the day. When we act in good and thoughtful ways we activate our gold and bring alive our perfect love, our eternal immortal self, the goodness of the world. And the world responds to how we think speak and behave. We live I suggest in a rough reflects of Garden of Eden, where this garden creates anything we do anything we say and do the garden forms itself based on how we’re thinking and acting. So the world the earth can be beautiful, wonderful and pure or can be cruel, difficult and unkind.
So reading more from the book, Qiong and spiritual growth. I think you can see that I’ll hold it still. It’s fine. This guy here. That’s me, John Harrigan. Qigong and spiritual growth. I’m on page 57 and 58. We can say no to wrong. That’s the the next little section I’m reading from. We can say no to wrong, which is the heading. A lot of times we’re caught in something that really is wrong. We know it at a very obvious conscious level, or it’s very subtle, but most of us can really feel when something’s good behavior or something we’re involved in, or when it’s bad for us and other people. But often, just because life has so many difficult things that are kind of wrong, we forget that we can say no, we can say no, I’m sorry, I’m not gonna join you, or no, I’m not gonna do that, or no, thank you, I don’t want that. The ability to say no, is probably as powerful as the ability to say yes, maybe it’s more powerful. Because I suggest we are immortal now as who we are. And when we take away the thoughts that deny that, when we take away the thoughts, our behaviors that are sabotaging our goodness and our success, we just take away what’s wrong and harming us. The goodness naturally comes out of us think of a child of baby, a toddler that’s really been treated very well by their parents. They’re naturally full of happiness, full of love, full of affection, smiling at peace with the world, a newborn and toddler never ever expect there’s anything is difficult and horrible as death, disease, hardship and accidents. Because that’s who they are. A child, well raise a toddler expects nothing but immortality and goodness, because I suggest you, that’s where that shot came from. And that’s who that shot and we already are reading from the book petaa we, we can say no to wrong. If grace and love don’t happen in your life today, perhaps something’s wrong. Maybe you’ve not been treated well by yourself, or someone else. I need reading lessons or better glasses. If grace and love don’t happen in your life today, perhaps something’s wrong. Maybe you’re not been maybe, again, I’m tripping up. Maybe you’ve not been treated well by yourself, or someone else. I’ll edit that and make it more readable in the next edition. If grace and love don’t happen in your life today, perhaps something’s wrong. Something is wrong. All of us every day can have grace and love in our life, because we already have it in our soul. You may say, Ah, that my life so terrible, it’s so awful. All the better. Because in difficult situations, and I’m talking from personal experience, long experience, in a really difficult life situations. That’s where you can really get a powerful grasp of your eternal nature of the goodness of the love in you, when it’s hardest to find that goodness and love. When we do find it. That is a powerful foundation that we’re setting down. A very nice thing. If grace and love don’t happen in your life today, perhaps something’s wrong. Maybe you’ve not been treated well by yourself, or someone else. So we have to treat ourselves well. We have to inventory our thinking or motivations. Why are we doing what we’re doing? Why are we saying what we’re saying? Is it out of the goodness of our heart? Are we really helping ourselves and other people? Are we kind of competing, damaging and harming the world and ourselves, you can’t harm somebody else, without hurting yourself because you’re harmful actions, words and thoughts are created first in you, and they’re already hurting you before they come out as harm to somebody else. If grace we have grace, now you have grace. Now, I suggest strongly in you. If grace in love you have love in you now. I have love in me now, if grace and love doesn’t happen in our lives today, perhaps something’s wrong. Maybe we’ve not been treated well by ourselves and someone else. When someone doesn’t treat us well. Naturally, we go into a fight or flight thing. We we contract we tense up it’s a defense thing. It’s a survival thing. I suggest to you most of the time, we don’t need that. Most of our existence. We were hunter gatherers, human humans, the family of humans, and our recent species of Homo sapiens, most of the time, even our recent species, most of our existence were hunter gatherers. If there was a danger we needed to react, you know, if something wanted to attack us and eat us we needed to react. We needed to fight or flight to survive, but now in civilization, most of the time we really don’t need to there may be some person on in our job situation. Who wants our job who’s kind of a threat? I suggest you you can deal with that best without fight or flight. You know, sometimes we do need to kind of rise up and defend ourselves in our homes, in our workplace and in the public. But usually, we don’t think about it Do you really need to be in this constant state of alert, fight and flight, reading again, from the book, we can say no to wrong, we can change how we treat ourselves, we can stop the wrong others due to us, we can ask for what we want and not accept what does us little good, we can say no. And I want to go to the most extreme example, maybe you’re being mistreated by your boss at work. And it seems like there’s nothing you can do about it. Maybe you’re being mistreated in your home. And you think there’s nothing you can do or taken advantage by friends or family. I’m going to the extreme example, to the hardest examples. First, to show you that no matter what life is serving up to us, we can go to this divine self. It’s hard, but that’s fine. When it’s hard, we’re going to make the most progress. If difficult things are happening in our lives, we can say no to them, it may take time to say that now, it may take time to get out of a difficult situation. But for most of us most of the time it’s not we can just say a polite No, or a louder now if someone doesn’t get it from us, quote, reading from the book, my book, we can change how we treat ourselves, we can change how we treat ourselves any second of the day. We do that best by changing how we’re thinking and how we’re feeling. How we’re thinking how we’re feeling. Go to my website, and mortal now.com. Try some of the free cheat Gong. Read some of the articles on the blog. listen to the podcast, it will help you change your thinking and feeling you’ll learn some techniques that you can do instantly to change how you’re thinking and feeling to connect you to more of the goodness, love and peace within you. We can change how we treat ourselves we can stop the wrong others do. We can ask for what we want and not accept what does us little good. We can say no. Again, the ability to say no the understanding of when no is correct. to assert in our lives and no is a powerful thing that can take away the hardship and wrong in our lives and let us experience the blissful, wonderful, perfect self. That we are the words no can be divine, kind of like a sculptor chipping away
using the word no the sculptors chipping away on the stone, and slowly revealing the perfect beautiful self that you are right now and today that we are everybody on earth everything on Earth. Again, if you have left you like what you’ve heard today from my book,
I think you can see that
Hello book, Qigong and spiritual growth.
What is spiritual growth? One of the definitions of spirit is feeling emotion. Spiritual Growth is just growing into more and more positive emotions, positive feelings and thoughts toward it becomes automatic, and you become literally a font of grace, love and positivity. That’s how we’re designed to be physically I suggest and you absolutely can have that and be that one more time the book is available on my website. And my website, there’s a link to Amazon amazon.com where you can buy this book in digital form for about $3 and in paperback. I think for about seven. It’s not too long. You can open it up anywhere and just read a little paragraph and be inspired, be led be stabilized. feeling stronger. We have important photographs for you to contemplate in every chapter. That’s another little benefit. So to close here, we’re finished for the talk. The website is immortal now.com. We have lots of free things there for you the blog articles, our podcast. And we have a course you can take decades in the making. We have immortality lab a monthly membership where we have new Qigong classes and new lectures more in depth and longer than that And when you’re ready, we have Qigong coaching. And for that, you would just contact us personally. Tell us what you’ve been doing, where you’re coming from and why you think coaching maybe for you and we’ll dialogue a little bit to make sure it is appropriate and the right time for you to be coached. bless you and keep you. You are and more till now.
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