This is John Harrigan with the Daily Startup. Our topic for today is Progress not Perfection.
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Progress, Not Perfection
With the Secret to Immortality, you’re making progress every day. Every time you listen to a podcast, read an article on our blog, take the course or do Qi Gong; you are making progress.
Every little thing we do today, right now in this podcast, you and I — we’re all making progress.
Too Easy to Try too Hard
Sometimes it can be easy to try too hard. Yet, this doesn’t work well with immortality work. Willpower can defeat or intentions.
Everything we do with the Secret to Immortality is done gently, very gently, with a minimum of will, a very minimum of self will.
in Chinese Medicine, you’ll hear about yin and yang. Yin is nighttime energy, if you want to call it that. That’s not exactly what it is, but Yin means shade, water rustling through a brook, something calm and peaceful energy.
Yang can be middle of the day sunlight, working hard, a charging lion, strong self will. Yang breaks things; Yin can mend.
Gentle, Easy and Calm
So everything we do, every effort we make to progress with the Secret to Immortality is gentle, calm and easy. We never use hard will, strong willpower.
The more easy and relaxed we are, as we go about the practice of the Secret to Immortality … the more easy and relaxed we are about finding our immortal core, about experiencing our eternal self and expressing it … the more easily we go, the better we progress.
The more calm and relaxed, the more effective, it’s kind of contradictory.
The less effort we make, the more calm and relaxed, the better we’ll progress in the Secret to Immortality.
This is why we always focus on calm: getting calm and breathing easy.
Your Qi Gong Master
Startup each day with John Harrigan: Qi Gong Master and founder of where we teach the Secret to Immortality.
John will guide you, help you heal, relax and have peace.
Discover how to heal and relax every day.
Peaceful Strength and Calm?
For more strength and calm today, try our blog:
BONUS … Every blog page has links to “Essential Articles” in the right column.
These articles take a deeper dive into Secret to Immortality (SI) Principles, giving you strength and direction for your journey.
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Have the best day of your life.
You are immortal now!
Transcript of Complete and Unedited Podcast
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Hello, this is John Harrigan with your daily startup, and the topic for today’s startup is progress, not perfection.
That’s progress, not perfection.
With the secret to immortality, we are making progress every day, every time you listen to a podcast, read an article on our blog, take the course, do qi gong for lasting life, every little thing we do today, right now, in this podcast episode, me and you, in this daily startup, we’re all making progress.
And sometimes it’s too easy to try too hard.
Sometimes it can be too easy to try too hard.
Everything we do with this secret to immortality is done gently, very gently, with a minimum of will a very minimum of well, in Chinese medicine, they talk about yin and yang. And Yin is the nighttime energy, if you want to call it that. That’s not exactly what it is. But Yin means shade. Water going through a Brook, something calm, peaceful energy. Yan, y ng is kind of the middle of the day sunlight, charging lion.
So everything we do, everything we do to make progress with the secret to immortality is gentle, calm and easy.
The more easy and relaxed we are, as we go about the work of the secret to immortality, the more easy and relaxed we are about finding our immortal core about experiencing our eternal self and expressing it. The more common are relaxed, the more effective, it’s kind of contradictory. Wow, the less effort we make, the more calm and relaxed, yes to greater levels of relaxation and ease.
There’s a reason episode after episode that I take you through Qigong warm up, eyes to nose, nose to heart attention to feet being grounded. I do that again. And again, because that’s probably what I do the Chi Gong, that simple, chi gong in meditation, in my daily activities to get centered, get grounded to calm down and act from my core self, my eternal being. That’s all we’re really doing.
We’re not creating something new here with the secret to immortality, we’re not superheroes accomplishing a great feat quite the contrary. We’re relaxing away from the static of the world. We’re getting centered, we’re acting less and less from anger and fear, and more and more from our core of bliss, of compassion, love and happiness. So it’s progress, not perfection.
Anything we do anything in the world really productive. That’s accomplished is usually done slowly, step by step and deliberately, sadly, the only things usually the only things that happen suddenly and all at once are destruction, distractions, things that are destroyed. Think of a baby, you know, a baby is born, the baby is conceived nine months of slow and gradual growth, and then the baby is born. And that’s kind of sudden, the birth process but sometimes it’s not sometimes that baby doesn’t want to come out. And that’s another story but human growth and development, evolution of the planet of the solar system of the universe. It’s a slow process, ladies and gentlemen. And that’s what we’re involved here.
We’re bringing heaven to earth with the secret to immortality and we suggest that really heavens already here are a mortar solves immortal. To pronounce that word correctly. Our immortal cells are already here. It’s just sort of letting go of the stresses and the strains and the fears and maybe even the superstitions of eons of our past. Our ancestors, it all builds up and we’re slowly relaxed. axing and letting go of all that, and instead living from the bliss, perfection and happiness of our soul.
So throughout today, take the bliss, perfection and happiness of the core you to everything that you do to every breath that you take and remember, as we go down this path to physical immortality to expressing our true selves in the world. It’s progress, not perfection. It’s a gentle way of going. easy, relaxed and calm. bless you and keep you you are immortal.