A Harmful Idea
In this podcast, we talk about the flawed idea of “death being inevitable,” when it’s not inevitable.
We discuss how this idea, conscious or unconscious; leads to hardship, pain and ultimate demise. Then we offer a powerful approach for transforming death-creating-thoughts to immortality actions.
[To listen later, download the podcast here.]
How Our Potential Is Stolen
When we accept death, as a natural outcome of life, we sidestep our full potential.
When we accept death, we never have to be ourselves completely, never have to grow and develop into who we really are … to the fullest extent.
When we accept death as inevitable, we don’t have to work through problems and harms that deny us our full humanity, joy and freedom.
With the idea of death at play in our lives, we’re never fully available for ourselves, our loved ones or each other.
Colors of Joy and Happiness
With death envisioned — at the end of the road — we remain asleep and living in a fog when we could have the colors of joy, happiness and eternal physical life.
The unconscious or conscious acceptance of death is the root cause of almost every problem on earth.
Death acceptance may the original sin that set life askew.
There is a another path to take.
A Better Way to Live!
A full and immortal life can be yours, as a choice you make every day you live.
What choice will be yours?
This podcast will explain the problems an idea of death, as inevitable, imposes. Then we’ll show you exactly how to fix it.
Get the Most from this Podcast
To get the most out of this podcast, we recommend you see the blog post, “Death Is a Con.” This podcast is based on the post.
Let’s take a deep dive into the blog post, “Death Is a Con,” and see exactly what it means for us. Can we can turn around the force of death to lasting life?
Listen to the podcast now!
Six Steps to A Better Life
Transform your life; remake the world!
To have a better life — an eternal world with no injury or harm — we have some help for you.
Six important steps to take:
- Join Immortality Lab
- Listen to Our Podcast
- Read our Blog Articles
- Watch the Youtube Videos
- Try our Introductory Course
- Practice the exercises in Our Book
I’m a Qi Gong Master of 20+ years. The resources above can help you be calm, steady and secure.
The Qi Gong we teach can give you peace, vitality, strength … and activate your immortality.
Discover Qi Gong with Immortality Lab, the Introductory Course and our Qi Gong Book.
Good luck and best wishes. Start your journey now!
Transcript of Podcast #6
Speaker 1: 00:01
Hello. This is John Harrigan: author, Qigong Master and founder of the website, ImmortalNow.com. Welcome to podcast number 6, titled “Death Is a Con, a Fake Idea that’s Wrong.” In this podcast, you’ll discover exactly what to do to end death and create a world of bliss and eternal physical life. We’ll talk about the harmful idea of death being inevitable, when it’s not. How this idea, conscious or unconscious, leads to hardship, pain and ultimate demise.
New Speaker: 00:39
When we accept death as a natural outcome of life, we sidestep our full potential. When we accept death, we never have to be ourselves completely, never have to grow and develop into who we really are. By accepting death as an evitable, we don’t have to work through problems and harms that deny us our full humanity, joy and freedom. With the idea of death at play in our lives, we’re never fully available to ourselves, fully present in life to our loved ones and each other.
New Speaker: 01:16
With death at the end of the road, we remain asleep … living in a fog of gray when we could have the colors of joy, happiness, and eternal physical life on earth.
New Speaker: 01:30
The unconscious or conscious acceptance of death is the cause and root of almost every problem on earth. It is in a way the original sin that sets our lives a skew. Yet there is a better way. A full and immortal life can be yours as a choice. Our choice to make every day we live. What will the choice be for you?
New Speaker: 01:59
In this podcast, we’ll explain to you the problems that the idea — of death as inevitable — imposes. Then we’ll show you exactly what to do to fix it. To get the most out of this podcast, we recommend you see the blog post titled, “Death Is a Con.” This podcast is based on this article. You can find this blog post at our website, immortalnow.com. Go to our blog and enter the words, death is a con, in a search box.
New Speaker: 02:33
Now let’s take a deeper dive into the blog post, Death is a con, and see exactly what it means for us, how we can turn around the force of death to lasting physical life. Death is a con we accept. Death is a con we accept without question or fault, and that’s wrong. No one has to die. There’s little value in suffering and pain. We can grow and evolve with joy, happiness, and freedom. Discover the secret to living forever and a world of your dreams. It can happen now. Now that’s the first line, the first paragraph of the blog post, Death is a con we accept.
[Due to time constraints, we’ve stopped the editing of the transcript here. If you have experience editing, and would like to volunteer, please contact us to hear about volunteer benefits.]
New Speaker: 03:21 We all are born into a world where we naturally see death. We’re killing happens every day.
Speaker 1: 03:27 Whether we see it or read about it, it’s affecting us and we all naturally, except even if we don’t like the idea or want it, we assume that life ends in death. There’s nothing much we can really do to change that by the way we think, speak or act that probably maybe someday science can work it out, but really what good would it be? A science worked it out and we still couldn’t be deeply happy and absolutely ourselves in a good world. We’ll talk about that today in this podcast. Quote, the biggest lie of all death is the biggest con on earth. Death is a lie. A veil. We were upon our eyes. No one has to die. The veil of death obscures the truth and what I mean by this in the pod, excuse me, what I mean by this in the blog post is that the idea of death, killing and death around us, even if we don’t see it, even with if we deny it, it’s there and it creates a veil.
Speaker 1: 04:40 It obscures our vision to see the world, to see ourselves accurately and positively. It was skewers, our ability to see our immortal soul, our core physical reality, which I suggest is immortal. Death is again the biggest con on earth. Life has always been a terminal. We’ve changed reality and the laws of nature, the laws of physics, by accepting death as a natural outcome, I suggest to you our beliefs, our action or behavior are speaking. It’s part of the natural world. It’s one physicality together influencing each other back and forth. I also suggest that we’re the ones in command writing the computer code, telling nature what to do by what we do, by what we think, speak and say. So it’s essential that we understand what we’re doing. How we’re creating ourselves, our bodies and the world around us. Quote, the acceptance of death makes death true.
Speaker 1: 05:50 The acceptance of death, crates dying in our body and the world around us because when we death, we accept killing, killing of other people, killing of other animals, killing and destruction of nature and the ecosystem quote, this can change these bad and difficult things. This reality of death, suffering and harm. This can change and we’re the ones that must change it. We’re the ones that the cockpit, we’re the ones in control. We’re the ones writing the code, the computer code for our bodies, our lives in this physical world. And as long as we sit back and say, no, that can’t be true. No, we’re not doing it, then we’re not. And we’re just at the whim of the chaotic way that we control the world and we’re not doing so well. You know individually you may be doing fine and thinking, you know, I’m a wonderful person, but if you want to be more, to have more experience, more, if you want the world to be a beautiful place, you kind of have to look deeper at yourself.
Speaker 1: 06:59 See how you’re creating, where you’re coming from, where your motives are. There are three rules or three steps, three ways of being a spiritual person that I’ve read and I love this quote. I’m not going to tell you where it’s from because I don’t quite remember, but spiritual development is self-examination, meditation and prayer repeated over and over to the degree that you can do at and T and whatever that means for you. We examine ourselves with other people with the higher power. We meditate and pray to get connected with inner selves and to other people. As you know, I practice suggest and teach Xi gong and that is a wonderful way to get to your core of immortality, to see yourself to get connected within your body in a healthy way and to get connected with the world that Xi gong is available on the website immortal now.com. You can find free videos to get started. We have a wonderful course called introduction to immortality that you can find on this blog that I’m reading right now. We have a book she gong and spiritual growth. We have a free booklet free report and how to live forever, which discusses the secret to immortality. I suggest all of those to get started.
Speaker 1: 08:26 We’ve changed reality back to the blog post and the laws of nature of accepting death as a natural outcome. We create by what we do, by what we think and say and physically do. I suggest you our thoughts, our physical actions. It’s action going on in our brain, in our body. Our words are physical actions. We create by what we do. We create death. Death is not a fact of life that’s pre determined or imposed upon us. It’s something that we make quote, we crate death by killing and acting wrong in relationship to life. We create death by believing in death and insisting we will die whether we are aware of it or not. It’s kind of an unconscious program in our brains and in our bodies. It has an effect on us by acting in harm to ourselves and others. We insure a risky and dangerous life with a final demise.
Speaker 1: 09:26 Our N let’s look at human attitudes towards life and longevity as they played out in the Titanic tragedy. So I’m going to use this as a metaphor. So hang in there with me. We’re going to talk about the Titanic tragedy right now. Quote, regarding the Titanic tragedy. You probably know about it. A big ship. It was supposed to be impervious to harm or sinking, but it hit an iceberg and sank. Sadly, quote, some people actually survived the sinking of the Titanic. Yet if everyone stayed on the boat and accepted their end at sea, if everybody just stayed in the boat and said, there’s no possibility of being saved, there’s no possibility of being surviving, of being a survivor, what would have happened if no one jumped ship? Would anyone have survived? Now, a lot of people, sadly and tragically did not survive the sinking of the Titanic, but a lot of people did.
Speaker 1: 10:27 They got off the ship onto, um, rescue boats back to the article quote, are you on a sinking ship? Are you on a Titanic? We’re on an earthly voyage worse than the Titanic. I suggest as the Titanic embarked, at least the passengers expected to survive and have a good trip. We on the other hand, hope for the best while accepting a fate that careens toward oblivion, at least people on the Titanic expected to survive and make it across the ocean. We on the other hand, don’t expect to survive. We don’t expect to live untouched by that hard and difficult. And my suggestion in the blog article, we can leave a sinking ship. We assume science may increase our effective lifespan. Yet. We rightly imagine a prolonged life would have little value if pain and ill will continued. A life of suffering and harm is not a good deal any way you look at it.
Speaker 1: 11:44 So I live forever anyway, and that’s a good question, but we can live in a beautiful, wonderful world that we create by changing how we think, speak and act, how we treat each other. Quote, we can change the deal of life for ourselves by jumping ship, by jumping off a sinking ship, which is the ship is the way our lives are heading with this unconscious or conscious acceptance and expectation that death is the natural end when it’s not at all. I suggest what can we do to change this? We can change everything. Quote. Believing in death is the worst belief we can have. Accepting death as inevitable allows us to bail out on life and not fulfill our potential or ever be fully happy or ever be fully at peace while living in the world. Quote, believing death can’t be stopped by our thoughts. Beliefs and actions ensures that death happens.
Speaker 1: 12:52 Believing death is inevitable. We stand like deer in the headlights, allowing harm to progress, to progress. You have the power to transform. Believe in no, you have the power to transform this world and your life. You and the world’s population are determining our course day by day with every thought word. Indeed that’s chosen, we and the population of the world. All of us are determining the course of everything by how we think and behave. We can make a wonderful earth, but we have to change course just a little every day and we teach you how to change course here@thewebsiteandmortalnow.com where we teach this secret to immortality through our blogs, our introductory course and immortality lab. You can join. We teach you a little bit every day. We give you lessons. We give you chigong lessons, new lessons every week, and lectures, new lectures every week in mortality lab to help you make a little change every day.
Speaker 1: 14:01 Quote, we have to improve our thoughts and speech. We have to improve our physical deeds and that’s why I’m here. That’s why this blog cast is here. Podcast, not blog, CAS. I’m going to switch those around from time to time. It’s just the way my brain works. The podcast is here to help you to improve how you think, how you act, how you behave, to tell you exactly what to do to have an immortal physical life and change all of creation. The good life is a choice. The good life, which is everything we’re talking about with the secret to immortality, the good life as a choice quote, as we stop accepting death and realize that we determine life, things improve. We vote on the outcome, the world, on the quality of life, our bodies and minds by what we do, but what we think say by our physical behavior.
Speaker 1: 15:00 We can have a good life all around the world. Politics don’t matter. Economies good or bad will not impede the stream. As we evolve ourselves, the character of the planet transforms to match our ways. A kindness emerges as we express our best. What I’m suggesting here is that as we act more gentle, kind, understanding and forgiving the natural world and other people act more kind and understanding and less impersonal to us, literally a smile is met with a smile. A Fran is met with a frown. That’s pretty obvious with other people. If we smile, most people smile back. If we frown, they don’t, but I take that one step further and explain that physics and nature itself change their behavior to match ours. Quote, we’re made to live forever. Happiness and freedom are always here. Our soul is full of joy. At our core. I suggest our perfect selves are they’re immortal, joyous, happy, and free.
Speaker 1: 16:15 Just come along with me and you’ll find that core, that goodness of you. Quote, our spirit is never restrained yet. We must know this fact to have it be reality. Do a little cheek gong look into immortality lab quote. We must be aware that our lives are something ran. Quote, we must pursue our best inside ourselves. We need to seek awareness at our core. That’s where everything is. When we keep looking outside of ourselves for fulfillment, happiness, and peace, it’s really never there. We may get what we’re looking for. We may get what we work for. We may work hard for many years to achieve it, but it’s never really anything much. If we don’t have our core of gold, our core of immortality at hand quote, we will then see the beauty as we seek our inner selves, we will then see the beauty of the world, the beauty of every person, place and thing.
Speaker 1: 17:17 There is immortal beauty at the core of everything, and you’ll find this, you’ll see this and you’ll experience this as you start to do a little work every day on our website, immortal now.com with what we have to offer you. Quote, as we look into our soul and experience are good. We can see the world more accurately as we get calm, relaxed, and act with compassion. The world transforms to match our action. We evolve by our behaviors as we think, speak and act a little better. Every day we improve in the physical world transforms to a place of wonder. We can progress, evolve and be a planet of Goodwill. I promise you quote, we can change the world to something super. We can remove the veil of death from our eyes and all the world. All of us can live with the joy, happiness, and freedom.
Speaker 1: 18:18 Let’s get going. Let’s get something great for ourselves, this planet and everyone else. Quote, let’s go quote, let go of death, suffering and pain. None of this is needed or has a place in our lives. It doesn’t have to be here. If we’re the ones in control, if we’re the ones writing the code, the computer code for our lives, ourselves, and our bodies, let’s just leave death out of it from now on. How bad it quote, believe there is a better way than death, suffering, and disease and live this way by what you think do and say. Make the intelligent choice. Decide to change yourself. It’s simple. You can do it with what we offer@amortalnow.com these podcasts, our book, our course and immortality lab, quote six steps to a better life. I’m about to tell you what we suggest. You do six things to get going right now.
Speaker 1: 19:26 If this is the first podcast that you’ve heard and you like what you’ve heard and you want more of it, we have suggestions in addition to the podcast. Of course, there’s a lot to do. There’s a lot I’ve done over the last several decades to be here for you and have this to give to you to have a better life and eternal world with no injury or harm. We have some help for you. Take these six important steps and these steps are on the blog article@immortalnow.com. Go to our blog page. If you haven’t and put death as a con into the search part of the blog page. Put in death as a con. You go to this article, go to the end of the article. If you don’t have it in front of you now, if you don’t see it, go to the end of the article and these six important steps are there and every one of them has a link for you to get going if that’s what you ready to do and what you want to do.
Speaker 1: 20:28 The six important steps to a better life, to turn a physical life and earth, joy, happiness and freedom, eternal progression and happiness. You know, there really aren’t enough words I can describe to I can use to describe this beautiful and mortal core of happiness. Bliss, which is our true cells, our identity. I suggest to you if you want it, you want to experience that. If you want to get more of it and you’re already experiencing it, if you want it in your physical body, we suggest these six steps. One, join immortality lab. That’s a membership where every week you get new videos, you get a video chigong class, original and new. Every week you get an immortality lecture every week, original and new, and you get other goodies and benefits. Number two, listen to our podcast. Good for you and congratulations because you’re listening to the podcast. Now, number three, read our blog articles.
Speaker 1: 21:33 They’re free. They’re on the website immortal now.com on our blog for watch the YouTube videos. There’s a link to that. There’s a link to that on this blog article. This blog post death is a con. Watch the YouTube videos. Go to the link under blog posts. Death is a con number four number five trier introductory course decades in the making. This is a simple, easy yet powerful course that includes a over 20 videos of instruction, of lecture, of inspirational, motivational, explanatory talk, telling you exactly what to do for the secret to immortality and important CI gong exercises for immortality. And finally, number six. Last but not least, and perhaps first actually is our book. Our book is chigong and spiritual growth. I’m a chigong master of 20 plus years. The resources above can help you be calm, steady, and secure. Those six steps all have resources for you to get going and to get deeper into your own security strength, immortality, happiness, bliss, and love.
Speaker 1: 22:53 The last one. Number six was perhaps the first look at the book she gong and spiritual growth by me, Jonathan Harrigan. Again, I’m a chigong master of 20 years that she gone. We teach can give you peace, vitality, strength, and activate your immortality. Discover chigong and immortality lab. Excuse me, I repeat. Discover. She gong with immortality lab, the introductory course in our chigong book. So specifically she gong go to immortality lab, try the introductory course, read the chigong book, but really everything, the lectures, the talks, the articles, the books, it’s all she gong it all has that immortality, strength, bliss, happiness. That is the end of our podcast today. Good luck. Best witch Ben. Good luck. Best wishes. Start your journey now. God bless you and keep you.