Awareness Happens in the Now

We may not have had the feedback we need to see our best selves.
The “Secret to Immortality” includes awareness of how we’re treating ourselves and others. This awareness happens now, in the present moment.
You may think, “I’m a nice person; I am treating myself and others just fine.” Or, you may be unhappy and aware that you’re doing a few harmful things, at some level, to yourself and others.
Either way, you may not be fully aware of yourself: who you are or what you’re doing in the present moment.
[Related: What is Emotional Intelligence?]
[Related: 5 Elements of Emotional Intelligence]
Consciousness Ignites Eternal Life
Awareness and growing consciousness are needed for personal growth.
We ignite our immortality by becoming aware of our eternal nature.
Our ever-present soul is love and light — a Greater Power alive as who we are — but requisites for immortality are conscience, empathy and knowledge of ourselves.
For eternal life, we need to comprehend our Light and understand this Light as who we are.
This article will take you, step by step, to a greater awareness, showing you exactly what to do for happiness, joy and immortality.
For best results, follow the suggestions.
How We Impact the World
In Mindfulness for Immortality, we allow ourselves to gain deeper and more powerful levels of awareness by focusing in the present, upon the earth and in our bodies.
With Mindfulness for Immortality:
- We see ourselves as we act in the world.
- We become more knowing of our motives.
- We better understand our impact on other people.
In Mindfulness for Immortality, we gain power by knowing our presence, by discovering how we form our lives and effect the world. This awareness takes us to our Lasting Core. Qi Gong helps this journey happen!
[Related: Blog Post on Mindfulness for Immortality]
Immortality Is a Full and Compassionate Life
A daily life that is anything less than compassion and care is falling short of immortality.
We don’t have to be perfect, at all, yet we must have a minimum urge toward compassion if we’re to be a conduit of Greater Compassion.
As we become aware of Compassion, as we feel love in our hearts and in the world, we make ourselves an avenue for Greater Good. We experience our true selves.
- As we love, we know ourselves.
- As we give, we know others and life.
Immortality comes with a full and compassionate life, with love and awareness.
A Good Example: This Dog Can Teach!
Do as this dog in your daily thoughts and actions.
The path toward immortality is incredibly simple, so simple we can miss it. Acting with care is part of this path.
In the video below, a dog perfectly shows the power of Eternal Care in action.
When we comfort each other, as this beautiful dog does for the child, we transform the world.
If a dog can do it, so can we … but don’t lick the baby!
No Reason Not to Get Along
There really is no earthly reason to fight and compete, yet we do. We can do so much more with cooperation and agreement.
On our Facebook Page for immortality, we posted a video of a dog comforting a baby in distress.
Use this video as an example of how to think and act in your life, how to cooperate and agree with what’s happening in your day.
We can treat each other kindly, as the dog acts toward the child; as we do, strife on earth will end.
Peace, love, compassion and care are truly who we are.
This dog can teach!
Quote from Our Facebook Post
The following is the text and video you’ll find on our Facebook Post:
“This Little One is screaming bloody murder. The dog saunters over and gives the baby attention. The result is instant calm; how amazing and touching”!
“The baby is crying because it’s disconnected, alone and estranged; the kind dog reconnects the child to this world.”
“It’s that simple: as a world we can fight and scream, or we can reconnect with calm embrace. It’s a choice, yet there’s only one tolerable choice we can make.”
Screenshot of the Facebook Post
Our Facebook Page Is … Here.
Don’t Forget Qi Gong!

Please do not forget Qi Gong for Lasting Life; it’s a great and powerful assist to immortality progression.
Qi Gong developed over thousands of years to give us strength, security and immortality.
Not a Dream or Fantasy
Immortal life is not a dream or fantasy; there are no magical clouds or angels swirling.
Immortality begins where we are right now! Eternal physical life, expressing all of who we are, is not a dream or imaginary flight.
Immortality has little to do with unknown forces or messengers from God. Eternal life is not about different dimensions or out-of-body travel; immortality is the opposite of this, bringing wholeness into one serene physical form that is you.
As immortal life, we exist in one place, yet our presence is as far as a soul can reach.
From our form, strong and lasting, everything can flow. God can be as we are, with every possibility.
Eternal Life Is Here, Right Now!

Immortality is here, where you sit this moment.
Everything I write and say, especially Qi Gong, is designed to stop dissociation from the now of who we are.
With Qi Gong, we no longer break apart, run or fight … but get grounded and calm as one physical being.
With Qi Gong, we exit a life of fruitless fantasy, and “other world” imaginings, to be ourselves on earth.
With Qi Gong, we unify, gain wholeness and strength. We pick up the pieces of trauma and put ourselves together again.
We no longer live in fragments, but operate instead with integrity; fully gathered, alive and well.
Everything about the Secret to Immortality is designed to bring your feet back to the ground as you become aware of your physical self … with wholeness, strength and love.
(Image above by Sarah Richter from Pixabay)
With Our Feet Firmly Planted
With immortality, we’re ‘here and now’ and never anywhere else.
Today you and I are in the now as physical beings; this is the only true and honest thing we can say about ourselves, AND this is where immortality happens, in the physical present as the people we are.
On this subject, Qi Gong is essential in bringing us to the now … where our immortal selves reside.
For a better and more grounded you, try Qi Gong. It’s simple; anyone can do it.
[Related: Instruction with Free Qi Gong Videos]
[Related: My Teaching Website, “Qi Gong Class”]
We Can Help You!
For help with living in-the-now and having immortality, we suggest our book, Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth.
Get the inspiration and assistance you need with this simple publication.
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