This is a “personal growth” article that explains the simple, yet incredible results of asking the right question… of how we can use the power of a question to quickly change our life, and improve the world.

“In time, good questions will answer themselves.”

It Is Natural that We Want our Questions Answered Quickly

“What will the future bring”? We may want to know if an idea is right or wrong? “What should we do”? and “What will work best”?

We all have questions, and questions bring new meaning, new opportunity to life.

A question is a human gift, a special ability we have to give something new, to create something good for ourselves and the world. Questions are powerful; questions create the world in which we live.

We Can Recreate Ourselves and the World with a Well Placed Question

Questions have power! A good question sets the world in motion. How do we best use a question?

  • Think about what you want to know?
  • Ask a good question!
  • Direct your attention away from the question…
  • Leave a question alone for a while.
  • Let the answer come.
  • In time, good questions will answer themselves.

Answers are not always what we expect. In time, a given question may lose its meaning. We may believe we need an answer to a specific question, but time has a way of changing circumstances. In time, we may have a solution to a problem. Or the question may no longer have significance?

Think of what You Want to Know?

It takes time to form a good question, so think about it? Most questions are simple, and come from simple needs: “When will I get paid for the work I have done”? or “When will I meet the right partner”?

We all have basic needs for food, shelter, friends and a meaningful life. If we are not getting our needs met, there is stress, and we may have questions such as, “How can we get what we need”?

If we want to help another, our questions may ask, “How can we help this person? What can we do? What is best”?

Ask a Good Question!

A good question leads to a good answer. Yet, sometimes a good answer is when we receive no answer at all. Life continues. Circumstances change, and a question once asked may eventually have little importance.

If you have a need that gives rise to a question, and the need is eventually met; the question may no longer be important? If you are looking for a job and wondering what you should do… in time, the right job may come to you, from your own efforts or the effort of others on your behalf.

Be sure to stop asking a question once your need is met. Maybe things are better as they are? Maybe the answer is in you, as who you are? Perhaps the answer lies in how you think from day to day?

A good answer for many questions of life, is to change ourselves—change how we think, feel and act.

For a while, Direct Your Attention away from the Question

A question my be answered in the way we want and imagine: we may get what we need from our own will and effort. But most good answers take time to evolve. Sometimes the best way to let a question work for us, is to stop asking the question and get busy with our lives.

What is your question? Think about it. Why are you asking the question… what do you want? What is the need beneath the question? What is the human need you want met?

For Best Outcomes, Be Clear about Your Question!

For the best answer, be clear about your question. What do you want to know? When do you want to know it? And what do you want to receive from the answer? Take the time required to become clear about your question. Question the question?

A president may ask, “How do I best build a nation, and what direction should I take”?  This is fine, but for the best answers, we must be specific, “What action should we take on a bill or legislation”? “What should we add or delete”? “What will be the outcome”?

Ask Your Question, then Redirect Your Attention to Something else

We may wonder if a certain person will make a good life partner? Well… it requires time for this answer. Most good answers require time and patience. After a question is clearly formed, clearly asked—we may want to redirect our attention to something practical.

In this situation, we may get busy with our potential partner?  We might take time to get to know this person, day by day, becoming a friend and waiting to see if our friendship is returned? To find an answer, we may need to  take time, and let things naturally unfold.

Ask a question clearly, wait and allow time for an answer.

Results Will Come: Be Patient, Take Time and Wait

We all want things now, at once, in an instant. This is normal: if we have a need, we want the need to be met sooner than later.

Some answers come quickly, but some require time and patience. We may have to change the way we do things to get an answer, to get results. An answer to a question may not be relevant as time passes. We may feel different the next day and have no question at all?

Take time. Ask a good question. Allow the process of life to work in your favor.

One good question can change the course of a nation, or a life. Good answers come as we let them.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master