Grace: Unmerited divine assistance given human-kind for their regeneration or sanctification.

It is better to act from grace, than receive it. It is more effective to give grace, from our soul, than expect it.

Grace is a human power, a natural ability we all have. Grace is a way of living in cooperation with each other. Grace is agreement with all of life.

So often we look for intervention from a source outside of ourselves? We naturally want to be rescued, as a child in need. But what if the greatest source of life is who we are? What if the answer to all our needs is at our core?

What if the strongest source of grace and good is the consequence of our own actions and abilities? Can grace, coming from ourselves and our own deeds, be the greatest source of help we can receive?

As we act with grace, the world cooperates, and we are not alone. As we give forth the best of who we are, the best of life comes forth.

Grace and good-will, that we originate, create more grace and good-will: it is an unending and ever-growing cycle that includes the entire world.

Act out the grace you would like to receive.  Be the force of good in the world you would like to see.

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master