This article is about personal growth, the meaning of love and how to benefit from difficult times. Adapted from my book, “LessonsInLove”
Many Paths to One Place
Many Paths to One Place

Many Paths to One Place

In finding a Better Way of Life, we may and others may travel different paths — some similar and some different. Criticising someone on a different path may not be helpful.

Suffering and Pain?

Suffering and pain are universal conditions that may lead us to call on a Higher Power or a Greater Strength. When in peril, it’s best to call out for help.

It may appear that some of us suffer and experience pain more than others. Is this fair or humane? Why does this happen?

We All Have Access!

It may not seem fair that some have easier lives, if they really do, however we all struggle. The fairness in life is that we all have equal and unlimited access to a Better Way of Living and a Greater Strength. We all can dwell in a peaceful and loving place if we choose, regardless of our circumstances.

If our purpose in life is to love and improve, does it matter if there’s fairness? If our love is full, fairness does not matter. We all have equal access to a better life, and we all can fully love if we work to perfect the skill of loving.

Having Perfect Love

Our world is designed to bring us to the Gold of Our Soul. When we get away from this good within ourselves, we feel pain and discomfort. When we get close to our Gold, we feel love and freedom.

By acting with conscience, we may find our Gold through joy. Doing harm, we may find our Gold by the lesson of pain? For most of us, life us usually a combination of both joy and pain as we get to Our Best.

Ask for What You Need!
Ask for What You Need!

Ask for the Best in Life

If we’re in pain and alone, we may call out for help. We may do this without thinking — to call out for help is a human reflex when faced with impossible odds.

At the end of our road, with all options gone, our pain may lead us to ask for help in a way we were not able to ask before. We may be able to ask with greater effect? The greater the problem, the greater the depth and power our request can have.

When we ask, in earnestness, for something better, a reflexive action is begun within us and in the world. If we act in alignment with our request, over time, good results will always appear.

Opportunity and Hope

Pain and problems can improve our lives and bring something better… if we make the good choice. If we ask for help, greater good will emerge from bad.

All of life, both good and bad, can bring us to the Gold of Our Soul. All of life can be beneficial and good. Hard times and good moments can both bring us to a Perfect Place of ease and comfort. Yet, we must choose our direction and do the work of our way.

More Love and Personal Growth

For more hope and love, see my websites:  and


John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master