Listen to Our Meditation
Your Podcast Host
Hello, This is John Harrigan, your podcast host. I’m an author, Qigong Master and founder of the website where we teach The Secret to Immortality, Qigong and Personal Growth.
A Sixth Generation, Wu Dang Gate, Qigong Master, I specialize in Medical Qi Gong and have studied over 20 years with a renowned Qigong Grandmaster and Traditional Chinese Physician from Beijing, China.
My life mission is building mass awareness of our ability to live healthy, happy and immortal human lives where we evolve without killing and death.
I’ve worked on The Secret to Immortality more than 40 years: It’s my goal, mission and life purpose!
By a process of disciplined intent, Qigong and specialized training, I’ve pursued this human possibility with singular focus.
Today I write, speak and teach about our natural ability to live strong, evolving and immortal human lives.
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The Immortality Book for You!
See our book that shows you exactly what to do for human immortality, “Qi Gong and Spiritual Growth,” on Amazon.
This is a simple book of inspiration, hope and guidance to improve your life upon a path of physical immortality.
Discover your ability for healing, strength and deep inner calm. The book’s words, images and exercises will activate the best in you.
As you read and do the exercises in this book, you’ll find your greatest gift!
Discover the Secret to Immortality
To begin your path of eternal consciousness — joy, happiness and freedom — go to; read the blog and book; try the course and join Immortality LAB!
Have the best day of your life!
You are immortal now.
Full Transcript
[The following is the full transcript of this Immortality Meditation. In his meditations, John goes into a deep Qigong state and leads you to your own place of peace, strength and human immortality. The meditations are unscripted and spontaneous shares of a greater power connection that we all have within ourselves.]
Welcome to The Secret to Immortality Podcast.
This is John Harrigan, Qigong Master and founder of the website, We will now begin the three minute meditation, “Let Your Soul Arise.”
Find a seat where it’s quiet and calm. Close your eyes and observe yourself breathe. Don’t control your breath. But simply observe how you breathe, in and out.
Your body knows the perfect breath.
Your body knows the immortal breath, the eternal breath.
The core of you can be found by simply following your breath, observing it, not controlling it.
“Control” is kind of what we’re letting go of here, in this meditation … and everything we do at We are letting go of willpower and finding a greater power.
Let your soul arise. Relax; be calm. Imagine there’s a core in you; you may be able to feel it, and maybe not. This might be a new idea. Or, this might be something you’ve experienced all your life — your core, the center if you.
Observe your breathing, in and out, relaxed and calm.
Relaxed and calm, let your soul arise. Let your core, the core of you arise, activate and become your consciousness.
Find the perfect core in you, your eternal self, the ultimate good that you are; beautiful, kind, relaxed and at ease … the absolute you.
Let your soul arise, observing your breath, unclenching your stomach, relaxing every muscle in your body, observing your breath, in and out.
The core of you, feel it; see it — the core of you, at the center of your body, wherever that center is for you.
Let your soul arise, in an out, beautiful and kind.
With every breath, you’re breathing from your core.
In and out, you breathe easily. You breathe with comfort, never forcing the breath.
We’re allowing our automatic immortal breathing to take place — without a rush — without the worry of life and all we think we may need.
In and out, observe your breath, the perfect breath that’s you.
Let your soul arise, in and out.
Take this meditation with you throughout the day. Repeat it as often as you like.
Bless you and keep you; that’s the end of our three minute meditation.
Full Transcript of Podcast
Welcome to The Secret to Immortality Podcast.
This is John Harrigan, Qigong Master and founder of the website, We will now begin the three minute meditation, “Let Your Soul Arise.”
Find a seat where it’s quiet and calm. Close your eyes and observe yourself breathe. Don’t control your breath. But simply observe how you breathe, in and out.
Your body knows the perfect breath.
Your body knows the immortal breath, the eternal breath.
The core of you can be found by simply following your breath, observing it, not controlling it. “Control” is kind of what we’re letting go of here, in this meditation … and everything we do at We are letting go of willpower and finding a greater power.
Let your soul arise. Relax; be calm. Imagine there’s a core in you; you may be able to feel it, and maybe not. This might be a new idea. Or, this might be something you’ve experienced all your life — your core, the center if you.
Observe your breathing, in and out, relaxed and calm.
Relaxed and calm, let your soul arise. Let your core, the core of you; arise, activate and become your consciousness.
Find that perfect core in you, your eternal self, the ultimate good that you are; beautiful, kind, relaxed and at ease … the absolute you.
Let your soul arise, observing your breath, unclenching your stomach, relaxing every muscle in your body, observing your breath, in and out.
The core of you; feel it, see it. The core of you, at the center of your body, wherever that center is for you.
Let your soul arise, in an out, beautiful and kind.
With every breath, you’re breathing from your core.
In and out, you breathe easily. You breathe with comfort, never forcing the breath. We’re just allowing that automatic immortal breathing to take place without a rush, without the worry of life and all we think we may need.
In and out, observe your breath, the perfect breath that’s you.
Let your soul arise. In and out.
Take this meditation with you throughout the day. Repeat it as often as you like.
Bless you and keep you; that’s the end of our three minute meditation.