An Archive of Lessons
These past lives are a living archive of lessons …
The story ahead may sound unusual, but I’ve discovered my life is the same as everyone’s — with struggle, challenge, loss; joy, happiness and freedom.
I came into this world with a sense of mission, knowing why I was born and where I had been before this life.
At the age of six, I could see I had lived about 1,600 lives on earth. I could remember and experience them all — in one moment — as though the lifetimes were still being lived.
Today, these past lives serve as an archive of experience and strength to draw upon. The lives are who I am today.
As a boy, with these lifetimes before me, nothing seemed strange. The memories of the past were a living part of who I was.
I Missed the Most Important Thing
I was born with a dream and strong intent.
In past lives, I had lived every possible human experience: rich and poor, educated and not, foolish and smart, low status and high … a ruler with power and a simple man with none.
I could see, in every life, I did not fully achieve or understand the potential of human existence. I missed the point to life, as it was designed to be. In these past lives, I had been sleep-walking a bit, not fully awake.
In response to knowing I had come up short in previous lives, I was born with a dream and strong intent. From my earliest days in this life, I had an ever-present drive to know the secret to life and live our full potential.
In this life, I wanted fulfillment and to stop the cycle of rebirth and death that had ruled me.
Heaven and Earth Are Both the Same Place
The value of our time-and-space experience, is that we have a unique opportunity.
When I see my past lives, it’s not like looking at a history book or a line of events, one behind the other. Any time I see my past lives, I experience them from an eternal place that has no time or space. I am of a timeless nature when I observe the past lives, in a place of no time or space, a type of Nirvana or Heaven.
In this heavenly place, as the immortal me, all my past lives are alive and full at the same time … they are alive and of value, yet unchanging. No one lifetime comes before or after the other; they all take place in one moment. Time and space, from this perspective, exists only here on earth.
We can be in Heaven and Earth at the same time.
The aim of the Secret to Immortality is to join the two, Heaven and Earth, into one being: ourselves complete.
From this eternal perspective, time and space seem contrived for a reason, a purpose that may be learning and growth, a soul’s becoming.
The reality of who we are, as I experience my immortal self, takes place in a greater realm — more real and alive that does not have time and space as limiting factors but something better, more essential and immediate.
The strong value of our earthly time and space experience, I suspect, is that we have an incredible opportunity to change ourselves, our nature and trajectory. This is what I am doing today personally and what we show you how to do with the Secret to Immortality: to grow as a person and make the most of your immortal being.
With the Secret to Immortality, we suggest that your purpose on earth may be to express your full and timeless self; alive and well, immortal and free.
The Presence of a Higher Power
As a child, I could feel the presence of God in my body, mind and heart. To me, God was perfect love and a wonderful force of life that filled and animated everything on earth.
As a child, I had a joy in me that was a Perfect Love.
Yet, hardship came; there were lessons to learn. It’s difficult to know the Secret to Life unless your life falls apart a little, and you have to put it back together again.
I had a secure home life: my mother had degrees in geology and art. She worked in metallurgy and painted for fun. Both parents were athletic and excelled in sports. Our family played tennis, golf, swam and snow skied.
My father had degrees in electrical engineering and law.
Both parents worked hard at everything they did. They loved each other all their lives and were examples of how to make a marriage succeed. They were both good parents with a strong commitment to family.
My father had a stroke in my early childhood. It created hardship and stress, but he was able to continue work, recover and support the family.
Three Sisters and My Parents
As a child, I was close to my sisters. We did everything together as friends. We had a strong connection and loved each other in a warm and friendly way. We took pleasure in our time with each other. The love from my sisters created a wonderful love and kindness in me.
I was raised in an Episcopal church. They were not dogmatic or chastising, but let us find our own truth. We were expected to question what we heard and be critical thinkers.
My mother read a lot of great books on world religions, metaphysics and yoga, by historic yogi masters from India. I read the books also and discussed these topics with my mother.
My father was my strength, protector and backbone. My mother was my spiritual mentor and teacher.
How I Learned to Meditate
I began to meditate at age 12.
At age 16, I met a spiritual master who initiated me into the path of physical immortality, much like the teachings of Christ … where we abolish death, illness and suffering in our lives by a closeness to Eternal Love, with forgiveness and benevolent acts.
I have lived this path all my life.
In my teenage years, age 15, I had a bad experience where I was poisoned by strychnine and almost died. I lived, yet had extraordinary pain and stress every day from damage to my nerves. The pain and anxiety were hard to endure.
It was so painful, I wanted to die. A year after this accident, I knew I could not further live. In distress, I somehow found a deep place in my soul. From this deep place, I asked God to return my life, to make me well.
A Miracle Healing Saved My Life!
As I made this prayer, I was instantly with God, by his side. This place of Eternal Life was like heaven, yet I was still on earth. There was Perfect Love everywhere and profound peace. There was no time or space, yet everything had a greater realness than daily life. I felt I had been in this Divine Location forever, and had never left it.
There we no secrets. God knew me fully. I knew God. We did not need to talk. Every thought was immediately known by the other. I was God’s son, and he was my father.
Slowly, this special moment with God came to a close. I focused my attention to the bed where I lay … yet, every thought I had carried the fullness of God’s energy, love and power. Every direction my attention went, the fullness of God and Heaven went also as a flood of perfect compassion.
There Was a Perfect Love
When you have the fullness of Perfect Love within you, there is no death…
To everything on earth I thought about, the fullness of this love flowed — especially to my sisters and family, who had some struggles at this time.
In this miracle moment, I was a young man, yet 100% a conduit of Perfect Love on earth. Heaven and the love of God flowed through my body in an extraordinary manner. At this time I understood, in my own way, the life of Christ, his purpose on earth and what he may have been doing.
When we have the fullness of Perfect Love within us, there is no death, disease or human suffering. It’s exactly as Jesus described and taught. When we are fully connected to this Perfect Love, life on earth becomes wonderful, and our planet becomes a heaven again, a Garden of Eden where everything is purposeful and kind.
I could see our role with this special love was to restore the world to the beautiful place it can be.
I knew it was my mission to do all I could to make this happen.
After this miracle moment, I slowly returned to the teenage boy I was. I was no longer in this perfect Light of God, yet I had been deeply changed. From my troubling injury, I had been healed about 33%. I had hope and felt good enough to continue living. With this experience, I knew the purpose of my life.
I knew that I would have to heal myself the further 66%, with God’s help. I knew my health recovery would take decades and be a slow learning process to embody the Secret to Immortality.
Your Purpose in Life
I knew the purpose of every living person: to live on earth in the fullness of heaven — happy, joyous and free.
Yet I new this message of perfect love, that I intended to give, should not be in religious form, but presented as a human truth that everyone can have: atheist, agnostic or religious.
I new the basic nature of humanity was a deep and perfect love, already present within us — but buried by hardship, trauma and pain.
I knew my purpose was to teach this perfect and immortal love, but not as dogma or creed, instead as a human right that everyone has at their core.
I knew this fullness of love, was the purpose and destiny of every man, woman and child who had ever lived.
Normal Ups and Downs
My life continued as a normal man with ups and downs; with progress, loss and seeming failure. Life was a struggle with every challenge teaching me, making me strong and demanding I ask more of myself.
I kept questioning: how can I become a man of constant love and immortal life on earth? If I were to achieve this purpose and mission, I felt I would need further help.
By accident and illness, that further help appeared. Though I had been healed 33%, the damage to my nerves from strychnine in my teens, continued. In my early 40’s I began to have panic attacks, not one or two a day, but dozens, one after the other without end.
I knew this was the consequence of damage to my nerves, but the question was this: how do I further heal and stop the pain of panic attacks?
The Answer to a Desperate Need

At this time of panic attacks and strong anxiety, I saw an ad in the paper for Traditional Chinese Medicine. I thought it might help and decided to give it a try.
I made an appointment and found myself in the presence of a doctor from Beijing, China. With herbal tea and acupuncture, I was healed dramatically, an additional 33%.
Yet, the doctor said I would need to go to his weekly class in Medical Qi Gong.
I had no idea what Qi Going was, but after the first class, I felt immediate results. I began practicing Qi Going two times a day. The anxiety attacks subsided. The road to full recovery was in sight.
Qi Gong and Lasting Life
I found that my doctor, and Qi Gong teacher, had been taught by Masters from Tibet, China. I learned that my teacher was renowned and considered to be the reincarnation of the Tibetan Healing Buddha.
My doctor and Qi Gong teacher had been further mentored, from his early teens, by Taoist immortals who lived in the mountains of China.
I came to understand the purpose of the Medical Qi Gong we did, was to cultivate happiness, heath and physical immortality on earth.
With this understanding, things came full circle: fate had placed me exactly where I needed to be.
Immortality and Personal Growth
Personal development leads to physical immortality.
Most wisdom schools, throughout time, teach physically immortality as the purpose and end point of human development: Taoism, Yoga, Kabbalah, Sufism, Christianity and more.
If immortality is not present today, in the mainstream of some of these schools, I suspect it has been left out as lessons were transcribed, and possibly misunderstood, from generation to generation.
Be Well and Alive!
A person fully well, healthy and alive — is physically immortal.
In our personal growth, we don’t stop at death and say, “Well, I think I’ll accept this fatal flaw and never become fully well, aware and realized.”
Physical immortality — overcoming death, disease and hardship — is the endpoint and beginning place of any authentic personal growth and development program.
To not address the problem of death, such an outstanding flaw in life, is to sell ourselves short. To live the fullness of Eternal Love, and be all we can be, does not end in a “Circle of Life” moment where we embrace our physical demise.
Heaven is here. We are immortal now, and no longer need respond to death’s seductive call.
With the Secret to Immortality, we take responsibility for awakening ourselves and living our fullest. Physical immortality is the outcome of this approach.
Transform Your Body
With my new Qi Gong teacher, I could feel my body and mind strongly transforming. I could see that my mission on earth of immortality and perfect love was happening.
[Related: Free Qi Gong Video]
I was gaining a strength, connection and vision that I needed for teaching what I had come here to teach.
With each day of Qi Gong practice, I became stronger, more relaxed and happy. I could feel the immortality in my teacher, at his side. This immortality passed to me.
As I practiced with my teacher, I awakened in strength, wellness and eternal physical life.
You Are Immortal Now!
As we awaken ourselves, the world transforms.
Today my purpose is to write, speak and teach the lesson that everyone on earth is immortal now. This is why our website has the name: “Immortal Now.”
Through courses, books, public speaking and our website: I teach the Secret to Immortality, the fact that we are physically eternal, good and full of love.
As we awaken to our true identity, the world transforms to a benevolent place, providing for and protecting all forms of life. Death falls away, and we become sustained by a Greater Power within us and in the world.
Death Is a Problem We Can Solve
The world, as we live it today, has grown to a traumatic consequence of disease, hardship and death.
We suggest, now, that no one has to die … that the world is not intended to be a place of predation where forms of life kill other lives to survive. We suggest this is a confused and unnecessary life course.
We teach instead, that we’re intended to live together in cooperation, peace and love … growing by benevolence.
Begin the Secret to Immortality
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- Read Our Blog Articles
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- Watch Our Youtube Channel
- Listen to the Immortally Podcast
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Be happy, well and free. You are immortal now!