(In this personal development article from my book, “Lessons in Love,” you will learn the value of the present moment in making the changes in your life you want. Get what you want “now”!

Personal change begins now, in the present. Our lives take place right now. The present is the place we live, and the only time we have power to change. We feel in the present; emotions are in the now. All of love and life takes place in the present. Knowledge is in the “now”.

By letting go of feelings we no longer need, we are brought closer to the “now.”

Living in the present requires balance and practice. When we plan for the future, we need not get caught by emotion and worry. We may plan and let go. The process of life will provide.

The value of “now” applies to the past. We must rely on past experience to act in the present, but we do not have to live in resentment or fear, repeating the past in a way that does not serve us well.

Ask that your bad feelings be removed; your brain will respond to this demand in a natural and reflexive manner. Our brain takes direction and changes itself as we request, if we practice with intention.

If we center our thoughts on love and strength, we are brought to the present. The present is where love and the best of life dwell.

The present is where we have our power, the power to change the world and enjoy who we are.

(From my book, “Lessons in Love”)

John F. Harrigan
John F. Harrigan

Author, Speaker, Qi Gong Master