We Were Born to Love
Naturally, relfexively… we love. Love is the human style. Love is what we’re meant to do. When we’re at our best, we love.
But There’s another Side
There is another side to us. We have a predetor brain—we’re designed to hunt and kill. We’re created to survive. We get angry, mad and scared, so we can save our lives. But we can also love. We can care and stop our fear.
Love Is Our Decision
The decision to love is ours. What will we do—use our will to love and care, or stay afraid and mad?
We can choose to love. We can use our will with gentle ease to love and understand. We can change our mind.
We Have Love to Give
When we love, we have love to give. When we care, we can understand. We can love if we choose; love is what we naturally do.
Love Improves our Life
Improve your life today and love. When tomorrow comes, love more. Understand and be kind—the world will know; your life will improve.
Every time we love, with honesty and truth, our life improves. In love, we feel better about ourselves, and others treat us well. Love is a pleasure for everyone on earth. It makes good sense to love.
Three Minute Exercise for Love
This exercise will sound incredibly simple; it is. It’s also incredibly powerful, if we do it every day!
The power to love is in us now. The power to love is superhuman, and we’ve got it!
Use your power to love!
Three times a day: Sit quietly, relax and breathe. Think of love with gentle thoughs. Feel good; be strong.
Do this for three minutes, three times a day. Keep it simple; make it easy. You can do it—love!
How Do You Feel?
How do you feel after each three minute exercise? How did you feel before? After doing this exercise for three days, have your feelings improved? What have you learned?
Keep it simple, only three times a day. Your life will change; you’ll understand.
Keep it simple. Love is pure. Take your love into the world.
For More about Love
See www.LessonsInLove.com. and www.ImmortalNow.com
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