As we experience our true self, love comes alive.
As we are honest with ourselves, we have new life.
Love Is Everything!
Love is our identity; love’s everything we are.
Love is more important than anything else… the air we
breathe, the food we eat, the sleep or shelter we need.
Little in life is of value if there is no love.
Love Is a Necessity
We need love to live; without love we perish and weaken.
We need love to think. We need love to act in an
intelligent way. We need love for clarity.
Without love we suffer and lose direction.
Use Your Will to Love
Love is not a candied treat to buy from a shop.
Love is not a gift bestowed by fate.
Love comes from the use of will when we chose
to love.
Love is not given to some, and denied a few. Love
results from the use of our loving will.
Transform Your Life
By the love we desire and make, we change our lives.
By the love we will into life, we change the day.
Love is a discipline, a difficult choice to make.
Love is something we do by our will, and not by
Love is a choice and a deed.
By our will and behavior, we put love in place.
Life Is Love
Life is love itself. But we must give our love to
life, for life to give its love to us.
Reacting with love, in difficult times, brings us loving
strength. Using love throughout the day gives us loving grace.
Love right now. Don’t wait.
Love right now. You can.
Love yourself and everyone else.
No matter how you think or feel, love right now and
love again.
The Instant We Love
The instant we love, life favors us more than the
instant before.
We can love right now, this instant.
There is no reason not to love. We can love all we want.
Right now, you can love. Chose something to love,
and love all you can. Right now, this instant… love!