Love Has Immortal Power
Love is the greatest power on earth, stronger than hate, anger or distress.
Love activates of full human abilities. Love makes wellness, strength and human immortality possible.
There is little better we can do — for ourselves and others — than love.
Love is eternal as are we.
Love heals, makes us strong and immortal.
Love makes us happy, calm and comfortable.
Love is always good and right; there’s nothing ever wrong with love.
Synonyms for Love

Do It All with Love

There is nothing we can’t do with love.
We can handle difficult people and harsh situations with love.
We can love when it’s easy to love; we can love when it’s hard to love.
Yes, love falls away when we’re threatened or attacked.
Love can vanish when we fear or are angry … BUT we can quickly pick up love again.
When love stops, we can choose to love again.
Love Is Not Desire
The desire for love is not love, but wanting.
Love is not a greed-driven-impulse or a distant yearning — love is the act of loving, a human choice of compassion, regardless of who loves us, how much or why.
To love is a pleasure and constant bliss, where we love regardless of who loves us.
Love is an action, feeling and thought that stands on its own.
We can always love. We don’t need a reason to love, other than the fact we’re alive and are able to love.
To love is a pleasure and constant bliss, where we love regardless of who loves us.
Acts of Love
Love is an action we take from a place of love. Love is our feeling of love — our directing love to people, places and things.
Love is our Core and Soul; anything we do with Our Authentic Self is love.
When we act honestly, as who we are, we act with love.
Our Core and Soul are love; when we act from this Magnificent-Center-of-Ourselves, we act with love and little else.
Try this Video for Love
When Should We Love?
Love is constant in ourselves, at our core. Love is the furnace that fuels as our lives.
The more authentic we are, the more love we have, the more love we can get and give.
Love is something we choose to do. We can always love if we make a choice with love.
Without love, we die.
To have love, this is what to do — love and always love, in everything you do, say and think. Choose to love.
Love brings us alive and makes us the most powerful persons we can be.
Bring love to what you think, say and do.
To have love, we must love.
The Talk of Love
in my blog posts, I talk about love, a lot. Love is essential and powerful for a life of immortality.
Many times I will talk about how love is our core, our inner-most self … that this core of love is eternal.
Love is talk, as well as action.
Repeat these Thoughts and Words in Your Day:
- Love is my heart.
- Love is my soul.
- Love is essential for my life.
- My inner most self is love.
- My core of love is eternal and good.
The Core of Self Is Love

Love is precious and necessary for our eternal journey. Love is the substance and reality of immortality.
Love is the substance and reality of immortality.
When we’re not conscious with love, we’re often deceived and don’t perceive well.
To be immortal, we need to love. We need love to be who we are.
We have love inside ourselves, at our core: use your core to love.
How Love Dies
Difficult times and pain can steal away our love. Yet, our task and responsibility as adults, on an immortal path, is to love.
We love by choice. We can always choose to love … if we get quiet, focus and think of love.
Choosing to love is an effective way to think.
Love by choice. Love by habit.
Choose to love, and do it. Love.
Exercise Your Power to Love

Doing a love exercise can help:
- Think of the word “love.”
- Think of love in your heart.
- Think of love in your head.
- Think of love in your day.
To have love, think of love. Talk to your heart. Focus on your heart and feel alive with love, but don’t force love or fake it.
If you can’t feel love, think of love — imagine love’s color, love’s warmth and feel in your body, the physical place and physical feeling of love.
Imagine love inside you, in every cell, in your flesh and muscle. Imagine yourself thinking with love, moving with love’s intent.
Love Your Resentments
If you have a problem or resentment, think of it with love. Surround your problem, or troubled person, with love.
See the word, “love,” all around your difficulty. See warm letters of the word, “love,” around the person you may resent.
So… what happens with this love approach? There may be little noticeable effect on the person or situation you imagine with love. Other people have free will.
BUT, with a loving approach, you will relax and feel love. Conflict is hard to sustain when one or the other has compassion.
As you feel love and connect with your soul, solutions will come.
If there is no fast solution, you’ll be more able to wait, productively, until a solution arrives … or until you out live the problem.
Our Source and Strength

We can never love too much. All our power, knowledge and wisdom comes from love.
With love, we think the right thoughts, and do the right thing.
In a previous blog post, “Love, Our Greatest Human Superpower,” I wrote how love never hurts, that it’s human misbehavior around love relationships that injure us by:
- fear
- anger
- jealousy
If you have not read this article, you can see it now, right HERE.
With this article, you’ll love more and know more about love — how to use love, create love and bring love into your life.
Give it a try!
Suggested Reading
Get the love you want. Heal, be strong and calm with this book of Qi Gong techniques and inspirational readings. The author, a Qi Gong Master, shows you how to build a life of happiness, love and physical immortality!