We receive what we pursue, the vision we have of ourselves and life.
- Is it possible that we have become comfortable with outrageous and harmful ideas?
- Is it possible we have become attached to outcomes that are no good for anyone?
- Have we accepted bad life situations as fact, without trying to change much about it?
We Are Taught to Accept Death as a Natural Part of Life?
Yes, we all want to be healthy, strong and live a good life. We want health, happiness and material goods. But then comes death, sickness and accident?
For no one, on earth, is there escape from tragedy and the hardship of life. We will all be touched by death, suffering and difficult times before we ever die. No one escapes this fate. Yet we accept life as it is, as if these hardships are simply part of living… “lessons to learn” perhaps? At best, maybe we can learn “lessons” from each difficult event?
Yet these difficult events are usually of our own making, the making of humanity. It is obvious when wars of little purpose wreck havoc, but what about our individual experiences of difficulty, suffering and lose? What if death, disease and misfortune, in any type or form, are completely unnecessary and not the true design of life?
What if the “Lesson of Life,” Is that We Can Change How Things Go… Completely?
What if the lesson is that there need be no suffering, death or calamity? And what if we can begin to make all this fact by changing the way we:
- think
- feel
- and act?
If we are creating all this hardship, if we are forming the laws of nature to act against us… why not begin to change things NOW? And improve our lives?
If we want to begin change, perhaps the first thought to have may be the want of something different for yourself and the word, something better than you have?
Peace of course would be fine, we HAVE to have that. But how about something for yourself? How about changing a bit of your thinking and behavior to a manner that benefits you more?
A World Where Suffering and Death Are Minimized, Is an Interesting Idea?
In medicine, aging and death are seen as a disease. Science understands some of the genes involved in aging and how they act. There will be a time where we can mechanically change the life-span of an individual.
However, there still remains the dilemma of life quality: How good is the life you are living if you live forever? How long would you like to live a world that is painful–filled with war, calamity and human problems?
What if Perfect Health and The Solution to Any Life Problem, Is within Our Human Ability?
…but an ability we often do not employ?
What if we live with a human design of immortality and goodness, but do not recognize this fact? What if we are the ones making death and disease happen? What if a life of ease and pleasure could be acted out in an immortal fashion?
What if Our Thoughts, Emotions and Actions Craft our Lives?
Most things in life, on a individual or mass scale, do not happen by accident. It takes planning and diligent behavior to accomplish something important, something meaningful and good.
An artist, an architect or wood carver has to practice his craft and plan for a project. He or she has a skill that must be learned over time, with great dedication and effort.
A project begins with an idea and is successfully completed with skill, practice and work over time.
Immortality and a Good Life Are the Same:
To accomplish a feat, to design a good life, it requires:
- an idea
- a plan
- a skill
- diligent work
Life improvement and immortality begin with an idea and continue as a plan. There are requirements of practice: new behaviors, habits and thoughts. This is the work of changing yourself and the world to a more accurate and appropriate place, that reflects our true design.
We can live a life that continues, where there is goodness and little harm… if this is what we practice and design into our lives: our thoughts, feelings and actions.