We’re Born to Live Forever
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Discover how love, forgiveness and tolerance create physical immortality.
Learn a simple Qigong technique to take you on your path to security, calm and strength … to your eternal soul and a broad understanding of the world.
Hello and Welcome!
Hello, this is John Harrigan, founder of ImmortalNow.com, where we teach the Secret to Immortality.
I’ll take you through this podcast and tell you exactly what to do for physical immortality, peace and love.
You’ll learn how and why it works!
What’s the Secret to Immortality?
What’s the Secret to Immortality, and why is it so important?
I was talking to someone today, and he asked that question. I explained that every spiritual school or religion you can think of, east or west, recent or historic … talks about the importance of love, forgiveness and eternal life.
Every religion talks about love, forgiveness and knowing our timeless self.
The deeper we go into love, the deeper we experience our soul — we find ourselves in peace and bliss, where there is no death.
Your Qigong Master
Hello, This is John Harrigan, your podcast host. I’m an author, Qigong Master and founder of the website ImmortalNow.com where we teach “The Secret to Immortality,” Qigong and Personal Growth.
I’ll take you through the podcast above, and tell you exactly what to do for physical immortality, peace and love.
You’ll learn exactly how and why it works!
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Have the best day of your life! You are immortal now.
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Immortality Quotes

Full Transcript
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Hello, this is John Harrigan, founder of ImmortalNow.com, where we teach the secret to immortality.
What’s the secret to immortality? And why is it so important? I was talking to someone today, and he kind of asked that question. I explained, every spiritual school or religion that you can think of, east or west, recent or historic … they get down to talking about the importance of love, forgiveness, tolerance, and living forever; whether it’s the teachings of Christ, about physical immortality, about treating each other with love, forgiveness and to love your enemy … to love your neighbor as yourself.
Every religion, if you examine them; talks about love, forgiveness, letting go and knowing yourself. And the deeper we get into that love, the deeper we experience our soul, we experience ourselves without death.
What Jesus was saying, really, is that death is the consequence of the way we think, speak, and act. Death is a consequence of killing other lives. Death is the consequence of unkind, aggressive and competitive thoughts where we want to get ahead of somebody, where we want to get above somebody, instead of working with them, to help them.
Imagine if the cells of the liver each decided, I’m going to be better than every other cell; I’m not cooperating anymore. I’m going off on my own. That’s kind of how the secret to immortality works. You know, if you’re, it’s the same thing if you’re a Dallas master in the mountains of China.
Qigong, I’m a Qigong Master; we teach Qigong at our website, ImmortalNow.com That Qigong is about immortality; every single Qigong exercise is about immortality, that I teach. Over time, people kind of forget about it. They go, “Oh, that can’t really be about immortality.” And that’s just, that’s just ridiculous, kind of uneducated thinking. And I suggest to you, it’s — it’s just the opposite!
A healthy body — pure love, gracious and at ease, has no death. We have stopped doing things that create death, sickness, accident and calamity.
And what do we do? Well, we live in a world where somewhere along the line, a mistake was made by some form of life.
If you think of the Garden of Eden, everything was wonderful and going well until self will, egoism, whatever; fear came about, until someone decided they were going to eat another form of life. And that’s how it had to be. And I suggest to you that isn’t how it has to be at all.
When the form of life, whatever that was, decided or even accidentally ate another form of life…
… all hell broke loose.
And if you think about it right now, on the planet, every form of life is, in its own way; running, chasing down another form of life; to capture it, and eat it. And usually without seasoning or cooking. That’s a very bad joke, but true.
But I want you to become aware … you know, death is certainly denial. Denial brings us to death.
The secret to immortality awakens us to our potential, to our development, developmental process of getting better and better, of moving away from the force of death, and into compassion, grace, and love.
That’s ImmortalNow.com where we teach the secret to immortality. I’m a Qigong Master. I’ve learned from a Qigong GrandMaster, who learned in the mountains of China. And he’s part of a lineage, a small lineage that lives in the mountains as immortals.
My teachers teacher is an immortal, very old. It’s nothing unusual, strange or new. It’s simply what goes on with people who have become pure and perfect life on earth.
I’m from the United States and was raised in an Episcopal Church. Think about the teachings of Jesus: immortality, live forever. He didn’t say, “Okay, y’all got to suffer and die and learn bunch of crap. When you’re all dead. I’ll resurrect you.That was a different part of the Bible, and that’s not what Jesus taught.
Jesus came back from the dead to basically say, “I never died, and you don’t have to die either.
And it wasn’t about a Santa Claus God where, if I say “I believe” … good things will happen. It’s no, in Christianity, you got to think love, you got to forgive your enemy, you got to turn the other cheek when somebody insults you. You’ve got to love, love, love; and that’s really hard and difficult work.
Whether it’s Taoism in China, Kabbalah or certain Hindu practices; it is love and compassion, even in Islam. Jihad is really the internal fight with the predator and us. And that’s the fight in every world religion and every spiritual practice … teaching all of us how to become aware of how we’re harming, competing, and killing other life; aware or unaware … how we’re participating in that aware or unaware … and how to find your core your soul of compassion, love and bliss.
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I suggest to you in all of us, and I’m not coming from any religion; I teach to Die Hard atheist; I teach to extremely religious people. If you’re religious, these teachings at a moral now calm, the secret to immortality will take you
a greater distance deeper into your faith. If you’re an absolute atheist, these teachings, the secret to immortality will take take you deeper into who you are discovering more and more of who you are. But as long as we’re chasing things in the outside world, we’re never going to find that core of perfect love and good, that immortal aspect of who we are, as long as we’re trying to achieve at the expense of our soul. As long as we’re trying to compete at the expense of knowing who we are. We get sick accidents and death happen. pause for a second, relax and breathe. And she Qigong master and Qigong really helps just start breathing in a relaxed way as I talk to you
the secret to immortality that you’ll find at immortal now calm is the result of decades of work that I’ve done. And excuse me the these glasses on, or a lot of reflection and I apologize. And often I forget that the camera is up there and I don’t look into the camera. Instead, I’m looking at my computer screen. And please excuse me for that I’m just probably gonna keep on doing it because I forget the secret to immortality that we teach an immortal now calm, is composed of three simple parts. And the first part is mindfulness for immortality. That’s usually what you see on these YouTube videos, how to think speak and act, to be immortal, to be pure to be of love, of compassion of goodness, to realize
your full potential, we can’t realize our full potential. If we’re angry, afraid and competing. We can’t be a good father, a good friend, a good loved one. If we’re preoccupied with competing with competition with killing, participating in death somehow in some way, we get farther and farther away from ourselves. We feel more stress, more strain, more discomfort and we chase after this and that
more and more. We’ve got to relax and get calm. Ladies and gentlemen, the commune need is already in you is you the peace, the mastery, the bliss, the love, the immortal core, the timeless, you and me is here right now.
Close your eyes. This is just a tad of ci gone. Close your eyes. Now. With me close your eyes and keep your eyes closed and with your eyes closed imagine and your eyes aren’t close if you’re looking at now, with your eyes
closed. Imagine you can see out through your eyelids to the tip of your nose from the tippy tip of your nose out about three or four inches, a ruby red arc. So whenever you get stressed or just want to relax and get to that immortal core of you. Close your eyes, eyes to nose, nose to heart and a Ruby red are not going to tell you why we do that. What that does. You discover that for yourself right now. Breathe gently in and out. You’ve all heard that breathe deeply.
And do not try to control your breath ever. Just observe it. When you observe your breath. Your breath will naturally go to that perfect immortal cadence. I promise you hardwired in your brain, that natural, perfect breath.
Just relax and observe your breath in slowly your breath will calm down and get to that perfect, pure immortal place so your eyes are closed right now is the tip of your nose. Pretend you can see through your eyes to the tip of your nose. Do not strain just know that your vision goes from your eyes to the tip of your nose from the tip of your nose, out about three to four inches and back into your heart.
With a Ruby red our eyes to nose, nose to heart, in a ruby red are breathe easy relax, become eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red are. Now let your attention go down your legs to your feet. Feel your feet,
see your feet vision and imagine that you’re deeply rooted to the earth like a tree. Your feet flat on the ground, wherever you are, you could be 50 stories up. Just imagine you’re on the ground, eyes to nose, nose to heart and a ruby red arc feet rooted to the earth like a tree. We are unified all these visualizations eyes to nose, nose to
heart, feet to ground that connects us within ourselves and it connects us to the heavens into the earth. So we belong to everything with the secret to immortality and keep doing the exercise if you can. Keep your eyes shut. Keep thinking eyes to nose, nose to heart and a Ruby read our feet rooted to the earth. Observe your breath.
As you listen to me. You can do this exercise. It’s a Qigong exercise, I recommend it. It’s the primary one I do very simple all day. And all night eyes, the nose and nose, the heart, feet, the ground while you’re doing that, relax, become relaxed, become Breathe in, breathe out the perfect, immortal, perfect you connected to all the world connected inside you connected to all the immortals and everyone on Earth. I suggest to you that everyone on earth is good, potentially good. No one wants to be a problem. No one wants to be a criminal. No one wants to be someone that harms other people. That’s just how they end up. So our responsibility, our responsibility is to not get caught up with difficult people not jump into their drama, but step back and hold our peace.
If they don’t want our help, maybe turn around and go somewhere else. and deal with somebody that does want your help. Who does want to join and be at peace. Relax, become eyes, close eyes to nose, nose, the heart in a ruby red arc, out about three to four inches into your heart and just hold that visualization, relax, become. Let your attention drop down your bodies, your feet that are rooted deeply into the earth.
The secret to immortality is getting deeply profoundly at ease and calm so you can feel what’s inside you. As you can feel your core or your soul. I think soul does mean core and French core soul. Core. So heart. I’m sorry, I think I think core means heart and French. You all tell me in the comments below. I can’t quite remember my French with a long time ago, but I did take several years of it.
Eyes closed eyes to nose, eyelids close nose to heart and a ruby red arc feet to ground. We’re getting deeply relaxed and calm. That is the secret to immortality. So you can feel that core of you and I tell you I would like to say I suggest but it’s much more than a suggestion. When you find your core. It is the timeless infinite you that’s blissful, happy at peace. I’m feeling my core. I’m going to Qigong state now you can be too. If you’re not rewind this tape, go back to the beginning. Eyes closed eyes to nose, nose, the heart and really read our feet grounded to the earth deeply. Eyes to nose, nose to heart.
All I’m doing at immortal now calm through mindfulness, which is what I’m talking about in Now mindfulness for immortality, specifically, thinking that maybe immortality is the way to go. immortality isn’t really a choice. It’s not a path that you choose opposed to another path. It’s just simply who we are. And do you want to live in suffering pain, agony and death? By defying yourself by not living true to yourself, or you want to be happy, joyous and free, a peace, eternal, developing, growing, doing whatever you want, but within the context of bliss, happiness, hope? That’s kind of a choice. But it’s not going to be this going to be that I’m gonna go this way or that way. It’s the choice Do you want to use the right fuel for your design? Or do you want to use crappy fuel that’s going to destroy the engine. And think about that, very serious. And very literally, there are some engines that require very specific type of fuel and care. And if you don’t give them that type of fuel and care and that exact type of oil, the engine will eventually not work, and be destroyed. If we don’t operate ourselves within our life, the way we’re designed to be. We get tired, we break, get sick and fall apart. This secret to immortality really isn’t an individual thing. It’s about all of us joining together with the same mindset, in the same understanding of how we want to live and who we are, wherever two or more gathered, in the name of a higher power and good, it becomes greater.
immortality is not a solitary pursuit like a superhero, I suggest to you that there’s no such thing as a superhero and never has been.
That idea is born of fear and trauma, or I’m going to be stronger than anybody else in the world. Nobody can hurt me, I shall prevail. That’s a predatory idea
of predators consciousness, we are going to put down the sword put down our anger, our competitiveness, we’re going to look within to see how our competitive to see how our predators to see how we’re not contributing well to the world, we’re going to put down our sword, we’re going to put down how we hurt ourselves and other people. And instead, we’re going to join with other people doing good. Instead, we’re going to join with other people of a similar mind. And when we join other people, pure of heart of good intent, thinking of immortality, and not planning to die, when we join other people, we come alive, we get connected within ourselves,
you know a lot, a lot is written about healing. You know how to heal how to be whole people, healing isn’t an individual thing. real deep, honest, healing is about connecting with other people that are well and strong. And when you connect with other people that are well in strong part of a group or lineage that are well in strong, you change inside you reconnect to your true circuitry, to how you’re really designed to be, you can call that healing if you want, but it’s really just becoming yourself who you really are, and giving up false ideas that cause you pain and misery.
When we’re connected with our neighbor and peace and love when we’re living in a family together at ease and in harmony, we become well, because we’re connected to all the world to ourselves inside, secret to immortality, three parts, mindfulness for immortality, how we think, speak and act. That’s what I’m talking about. Now, we did a tiny bit of she gone, she gone, we’re connecting within ourselves,and we’re connecting to the earth we’re connecting to each other and all theworld.
The third part of the secret to immortality is coaching.
I’ve had great mentors upon this path beginning with my mother when I was a child, and expanding and working with other people. My mentor now 23 years as a Qi Gong Grandmaster, and Chinese physician from Beijing, China, and he was trained in some mountains in China, by Taoist Immortals and also by Buddhists from Tibet.
I don’t teach any religion. We aren’t learning any religion, just the opposite The secret to immortality is for everyone everywhere. Religious, non religious, atheistic, doubtful or certain secret to immortality is for everyone. Because we’re all the same species, we all have the same goodness, the same purity, the same love, an eternal core, in ourselves as who we are. That’s all for now. Please go to immortal now.com. We have some free Qigong exercises, explanations of Qigong, we have a podcast you can find there. We have blog articles that go in depth about everything I’m talking now, if you want to go even farther, we have a book she Gong and spiritual growth. And I’ll read from this in other videos, we have a book you can buy at our website. And we also have a monthly membership where you’ll get every couple of weeks you’ll get a Qigong class and a few lectures every month. That’s a membership you can join called immortality lab and we have an introductory course the result of decades of work of refinement, of experimentation, trial and error. That is in our menu. Its introduction to immortality, and you can take a look at that course. bless you and keep you keep forgetting to look at that camera.
bless youand keep you
you are immortal now.
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