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The Greatest Mystery Solved
Have you ever wondered:
- What’s the Purpose of Living?
- What’s the Secret to Life?
- Why Are We Here?
Has it been important to you that life have meaning, purpose and mission? For me, it was essential.
At the age of six, I sat in front of a mirror at my parents’ home. As I looked into the mirror, I could see and experience about 1,500 of my past lives. In every lifetime I had missed one important thing; I had never discovered the secret to life.
In this lifetime, the secret came to me.
Every Human Possibility
In my 1,500 lifetimes, I was successful and unsuccessful; strong and disabled; wealthy, poor and everywhere in-between. Yet, in all of these lifetimes, I missed one important thing — I failed to discover why I was alive and the real purpose of life.
I never realized our full human potential.
In every life, I was caught up in the process of living, the drama or story of life. It was like the movie, “Groundhog Day,” where the same day was lived over and over, without end. In a similar way, I lived again and again without ultimate meaning, because I never fully sought the secret to life.
I was captured by the circumstances of life, and not looking deeper. I was reacting to the world and not taking action to know myself, as deeply as I could.
Yes, I gained wisdom from experience. I grew and expanded. I questioned many things, yet I remained captured by life’s expression and the march of predation.
I did not own my destiny.
I didn’t question death. I never looked at suffering and hardship saying, “No, something else must be possible.”
I accepted the “facts of life” as though they were truly facts and unchangeable. Yet, I was wrong; everything can change and improve … by our actions.
The Meaning of Existence
… this truth is always discovered by earnest people seeking.
In this life, I found the answer for me, the meaning of life and its secret. It’s nothing new, unusual or different.
In the East and West, throughout time, you find spiritual masters talking about fulfillment and how the world is designed: Taoist immortals in the mountains of China, Christians speaking of death overcome, yogi masters in India, Jewish Cabalists, Sufi Masters, American Indians, etc.
Everywhere in time, you can find the idea that humans are not meant to die; but to live fully without death, suffering or disease. In some way, this truth is always discovered by earnest people seeking.
I too found this secret to life. I learned from Masters practicing physical immortality and living joyful lives. I recovered from impossible illnesses. I survived and grew with the help of mentors. I learned techniques for immortality, strength and calm.
Pursue Immortal Consciousness
Anyone can pursue immortal consciousness. You don’t have to be a guru or saint. You don’t have to suffer, sacrifice or endure incredible odds.
You were born to live forever; you are immortal now.
On our website, we give you everything you need for a life of strength, happiness and immortal consciousness.
At, we teach the Secret to Immortality which is:
- Human development
- Becoming all you can be
- Knowing the secret to life
- Living deeply as who you are
- Ending the cycle of death and rebirth
- Living one life here, right now, as ourselves
With the Secret to Immortality, you can be all you want to be. You can find strength, understanding and joy. You can find peace, and an easy way of life.
A Mission of Becoming
At age six, I was looking into a mirror in the front hall of our house. I had this thought, “Well here we go again, another lifetime after 1,500 + lives. What will this life be for me”?
Looking in that mirror, seeing all those lifetimes; I thought, “Okay, in this lifetime I’m on a mission.”
I was keenly aware of my purpose to know the secret to life. It was a fate of choice, something I seemed born to do.
The Human Possibility
Live your full human potential.
As I sat there, in the mirror at age six; I thought, “Maybe the way to the secret to life is to find a wise elder, and ask him to tell me what he knows.” This sounds like crazy thinking at the age of six. I was a regular six-year-old, but I was also this person born to purpose.
While I was thinking these thoughts as a boy, I pondered, “How do I find the secret to life, and how do I live my full human potential”?
As I thought that, I had a vision of a wiseman sitting down; smiling, happy, fulfilled and a bit pudgy. I felt this elder in my vision had the answers I was seeking.
* That elder wiseman, of my childhood vision, is who you’re looking at in the video above and who has written this article.
Not another Lifetime
When I sat down at the age of six, I thought, “How do I live the complete human life? How do I know the secret to life, and live the purpose and mission of why we’re here”?
I didn’t want another lifetime of just living and dying; whether successful and happy, or being cut at the knees having nothing.
I didn’t want just another human life of achievement, failure or something in-between. I wanted more.
There Was a Secret
I knew there was a secret to life; I knew there was a purpose.
I knew beneath the surface that everyone was living, there was something more meaningful, something real and powerful that nobody around me was really talking about.
Today because of this singular mission, this sole pursuit; I’ve discovered something wonderful, substantial and grand to share with you — the Secret to Immortality.
This mission or secret is who I am. I can’t escape it; I can’t get rid of it. I suggest you can’t either, if you start to experience yourself at a more deep and meaningful level.
A Significant and Powerful Purpose
The Secret to Immortality is a shared mission.
Let’s think about life’s secrets and the mission of your life.
After decades of pursuing the secret to life, I was lucky enough to find something that was deep and significant to me … this was the purpose and secret of my own life. What could that be?
The mission to life that I found is called “The Secret to Immortality,” the culmination of my mission from the age of six. This mission, and its powerful implications, can be yours.
Today, I’m the person that six-year-old was looking at in the mirror; I’m now the elder the six-year-old saw when he wanted to know the secret to life.
You Can Have It Too!
That six-year-old me, looking at over 1,500 past lives, thought maybe the way to the secret of life was talking to a wise elder.
In my mind at age six, I had this vision of a wise older man … and that’s who you’re looking at today in the video above and in these written words. It’s me, and it can also be you.
In reality, I’m not a wiseman. I don’t feel smart, simply human. That six-year-old me was looking at the result of his lifetime, into a future that is now present.
That six-year-old’s wiseman is who you’re looking at in the video and this writing. The wisdom, freedom and power this boy wanted can be yours.
You can start your mission, and get what you may want, at our website, We’ll show you step by step, exactly what to do for the Secret to Immortally.
Make a Promise to Yourself
A plan without action is merely a wish.
No one can promise you something … that only you can do for yourself.
With, there is no promise; what we do is present powerful ideas, methodologies and techniques for you to become who you really want to be.
Our methodologies work, if you do them. If you practice every day, you’ll get results. You’ll grow, advance and find your perfect self — the grand and wonderful you!
The promise to be made, must be a promise to yourself.
Change happens when we consistently do the work of a promise made.
We’re Here to Help
At, we’re here to help, to be your guide and explain; but you must take the steps of your own volition.
If a child learns to walk, this child must take the first step, and step again and again until walking is instinctive.
The Secret to Immortality is the same.
Step Up, and Make a Difference
You can step up and say, “Hey, the rules of this creation are wrong, and I’m going to change them.” That’s what we suggest you do at
We suggest you create a better world by making incremental change in how you think, speak and act. Self-examination is a start, as well as Qigong.
[Related: More about Qigong]
Your Qigong Master
I’m John Harrigan: Author, Qigong Master and founder of the website where we teach the Secret to Immortality, Qigong and Personal Growth.
I’ve spent a lifetime pursuing personal growth and the secret to immortality.
There are wondrous gifts you can find. I share all this with you on our website,
You can awaken and grow with the links below.
Discover the Secret to Immortality
To begin with the Secret to Immortality, go to and read the blog and book. Try our Intro Course; listen to the podcast and join Immortality LAB!
The Course and Lab contain video talks and Qigong lessons.
After you’ve done these five things, over time and with commitment, immortality coaching may be offered.
Have the best day of your life! You are immortal now.
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For progress, strength and inspiration; watch the videos on our YouTube channel.
You’ll find talks, meditations and more!
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Join us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter; where you can participate in our community.
Every day we post “Immortality Quotes” to instruct, assist and help you with your life!
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Try Our Course
To begin today with the Secret to Immortality, we suggest our new course with a simple approach to our best ideas and techniques.
You’ll discover twenty amazing videos covering all aspects of building an immortal life of character, grace and good.
In addition, there’s step by step instruction on powerful Qigong techniques to lay your foundation.
Your Immortality Quotes!

Full Transcript
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Hello, This is John Harrigan, founder of the website,
Have you ever wondered, “What is the secret to life”? “What is the purpose of life”? Or “Why are we here”?
Has it been important for this life to have meaning for you, to have purpose for you, to have a mission? Well, for me, it was. At a very young age, about the age of six, I sat in front of a mirror at my parents home. And as I looked into the mirror, I could see about 1,500 — more than that actually — about 1500 past lives, and in every lifetime I had missed one important thing.
And in those lifetimes, sometimes I was very successful, very poor, disabled, Sick, Sad, never amounting to much, a king, very wealthy — and everywhere in between.
The point being, in all of those lifetimes I was looking at in the mirror, at the age six … in all of those lifetimes — I had missed one important thing — and that was discovering in this life, in the flesh: why I was here, the ultimate purpose in life, becoming all I could be as a human being …
At, we teach the Secret to Immortality … and that really is human development, becoming all we can be, knowing the secret to life, living deeply, living thoroughly as who we are and ending the cycle of death and rebirth to live in one life right here, right now.
So at the age of six, I was Sitting on some steps, looking into a mirror and the front hall of our house. And I just had this thought which was, Well, here we are, again. Here we are in another lifetime, after over 1000.
And in this lifetime at that moment at the age of six looking in that mirror, seeing all those lifetimes really alive, they weren’t memories, they were all alive, and I experienced them all at once. I just thought, Okay, this time, this lifetime, this birth, I am on a mission. And I felt this before I was ever born. But at the age of six, I was just keenly aware of it.
“I’m on a mission, to know the secret to life into live the full potential of what a human life can be.
And as I sat there and looked at that, I thought, you know, probably probably One of the ways to do that, and this sounds like crazy thinking at the age of six, but that was just me as a regular six year old, but I was also this person. And while I was thinking those thoughts, I thought, “How do I find out what the secret to life is and how to live to my full human potential.”
As I thought that, I saw an old man, (an old man to a six year old), sitting down, smiling, happy and fulfilled. And that old man is who you’re looking at, at this very moment in the video.
When I sat down at the age of six, and I thought, How do I live the complete human life how I know the secret to life, and live the purpose the mission of why we’re really here.
I don’t want another lifetime of just living and dying, whether successful, whether happy whether working very, very hard to achieve a lot of In life and doing it, or whether being cut at the knees and never achieving anything, or everywhere in between. I didn’t want just another human life, whether it was failure, success, or somewhere in between.
I didn’t want just another human life, whether it was sadness, suffering and despondency, or joy, happiness and freedom. I didn’t want just another human life.
I knew there was a secret to life. I knew there was a purpose. I knew beneath the surface that everyone was living. there was really something more meaningful, something real and something very powerful that nobody around me was really talking about, not at the age six, …but later on they were when I pursued this.
So today, my lifetime because of that singular mission that singular pursuit,overturning many rocks and getting hit in the head, many times by big heavy rocks, buried on earth and up again in this lifetime, by a lot of ups and downs and struggles, that mission has pursued continued and kept going. Because that mission to find the secret to life is in me as who I am. I can’t escape it, I can’t get rid of it. I can’t get away from it. And I suggest none of you can either, if you started to get to know yourselves at a deeper level.
So let’s think about the secret to life, the mission of your life.
After decades of pursuing the secret to life, I was lucky enough to find out something that had deep and significant to me … deep and significant meaning to me, and that, for me was the purpose and the secret to life. And that’s the secret to immortality today, the culmination of my mission from the age of six.
Now, in my 60s, I’m the person that that six year old was looking at … that six year old wanted to know the secret to life. That six year old me, looking at over 1500 lives.
That six year old thought maybe the way to the secret to life is talking to a wise man, very, very old. And in my mind, I had this vision and this picture of this wise old man, and that’s who you’re looking at today. That’s me.
I’m not a wise man. I don’t feel very smart, or very wise, but that little six year old was looking at the result of his lifetime … that little six year old was looking where his mission would take him.
And that six year old mission, in the search for the secret to life … that six year old’s mission is who you’re looking at right now and what we teach at the website
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the mortal there’s a link below this video at a mortal we teach the secret to immortality. So how is the secret to immortality this secret to life? I’ll tell you through calamity, accident, injury, suffering through high aspirations through a sense of mission through overcoming hardship through good times and bad. I’ve lived in this life, about every difficult thing that can happen to a human and have lived and worked Through that, and found a core in myself, a divine me. And if you’re not into divine things, I found just my deep inner self, a powerful being that is connected to all of life, all of the world and beyond. I grew up in kind of a traditional, yet very open minded, Episcopalian home and church, where my higher power my first mentor, my mother said, God is whatever you define it as and maybe she never said that at all. But that was just my decision. And I thought right away, God is all the love in the universe. God has more love, more compassion, more consciousness, awareness and strength than I could ever imagine. Because I experienced and in presence and omnipresence,
and on the prowl
I experienced a consciousness of love and compassion and all the world. At a very young age as early as I can remember the age of two and three were my first memories arose, I experienced a consciousness I would call God within me within all of life, deeper than all of life and beyond kind of a guiding observing consciousness. I don’t want to get into too much definition, because I want you to discover your own deep, powerful, powerful self. If you’re religious, I want you to discover deeper and deeper levels of your faith. I’m teaching here what I’ve discovered over a lifetime called the secret to immortality and we go into that at immortal where we have books, we go into that at it at immortal now calm, where we have books, where we have a course called intuitive to immortality, where we have a podcast where you can hear the audio version of this talk, and where we have a monthly membership where you’ll find Qigong classes and lectures similar to this one, but, um, longer and then much more depth specifically for people in that membership called immortality lab. So I’m John Harrigan the founder of Immortal now bringing you the secret to immortality, which to me and which I would suggest to you is the secret to life. And that secret is that I believe as many spiritual masters have taught throughout history. I believe that we’re born immortal. We don’t have to become immortal. We don’t have to become saints and do this and that and do this secret code and that secret thing and change our chromosomes. I suggest You that we have a natural design of immortality. It’s how we’re really designed to be physically. I suggest you that we’re living in Heaven on Earth right now. But we’ve messed up heaven a bit by behaving thinking and acting in ways that didn’t fully
honor life. And
how does that happen?
Well, this may be if you’re if you have a religious perspective, this may be a world created by the higher power of your belief or your understanding. If you’re an atheist, it’s not I’m teaching to everyone and both. I suggest that regardless, we are creating our lives. I’m creating this video to you today. I just set up lights, I had to figure out my camera. I have to put it all together every time I do that. I’d like a separate room for making videos. But I don’t have one right now. By my free will. I’ve done quite Bit today to get to you with this video. And you’ve done a lot just to get through this day, however long it’s been for you, whether this is the morning, noon or night, free will, free will. And when I suggest to you and it’s not a new suggestion, and it’s not mine, and it’s not a new idea, I think the first time this was written down was by zero asked or thousands and thousands of years ago, I suggest to you that we’re creating our lives by our thoughts, our words, and our physical actions by what we do by what we think, by how we feel. I suggest to you that we have control over what we think, what we say, and what we do. Our words are so incredibly important. Our words impact us. Our words are creating our reality as we speak, or don’t speak. Our words are impacting other people in our day, no matter what We think no matter what we’re aware of, or not aware of, I suggest part of the secret to immortality, the secret to life is that we’re creating this reality by our thoughts, our
feelings, words and our actions.
And if we’re creating this reality, it means what we have is what we’ve created. I suggest to you that what we have is what we’ve created over eons of time, perhaps what we have a world where people get sick and die where there are accidents, a really kind of terrible creations, were almost every life form is chasing after another life form to kill it and then eat the darn thing. And that’s how life forms think they have to act to survive. Almost every life form even plants and trees. Trees feed their own species, their own offspring through their roof. system to help those small little trees grow. And if there is a tree or another form of life around a related group of trees, they will strangle it out.
Even the the beautiful
Flora of the world are competing, competing with other growing animals for what they have evolved to perceive as a scarcity of supply. In a big huge forest old growth trees the Pacific Northwest, where I’ve been in big growth forest had a little saplings or it’s dark down there, I had those little saplings ever get enough sunlight to become a big tree. They don’t. The big trees that are maybe their mother, their father, whatever the big trees that gave life to them that they sprang out of grew out of those big trees give them nutrients, the big trees connect their roots to their offspring root And give them nutrients until they can grow up into the sunlight. So that’s maybe what I’m doing for you, perhaps I’ve grown a little bit more into the sunlight than you, and I’m tapping into your root system, or you can tap into the root system of what I teach to start growing. And that root system really is within you, your soul deep within, we all have, in a way, kind of the same soul the same perfect soul of love, compassion, bliss, happiness and strength. But because we’re always looking outside of ourselves, to get what we need, we need air to breathe. That air to breathe doesn’t come from within me. We don’t think about oxygen much unless we don’t get it for a while underwater, or somebody holding our breath. But where do we get what we need to survive oxygen from outside us? water from outside us food from outside us. somehow, some way It seems that everything we need to sustain ourselves comes from outside of ourselves. So that’s that puts us in a competition with all of creation, a creation where almost everything is competing for what it thinks it imagines to be scarce resources. I need that water not you. I need that food source not you. I need protection I need more and more and more Gino and studies of human beings psychological sociological studies, not everyone but for most people when they get wealthier and wealthier. Do you know what
they want? They want to get
even more wealthy and more wealthy. When humans and other animals other predators get control. They want more control more control. When they want land. They want more land and more land by law. Logically, that’s how a predator is designed to act to think, to fear and to react with the secret to immortality, I’m suggesting just the opposite.
At one point in time,
a living creature, something in preparation of awareness, made a decision to kill and consume. And I suggest that’s where it all went wrong. And you may think of Adam and Eve as maybe a mythological representation of that. Almost every civilization has an Adam and Eve story. And in the Bible, in Genesis, you can find a variety of creation stories, but
in all of these stories, there’s at
some point where humans started to make bad decisions and all hell broke loose. I suggest you we live in the Garden of Eden, but we’re behaving in ways that don’t honor life. When we act as predators in Yes, predation is part of our neurological design. You know, when you act as a predator over and over for eons, you end up getting in neurology of a predator. It’s in us, but we can quiet it down and instead, find the divine the deep, powerful, immortal self. The secret to immortality is that we are immortal beings, I suggest living in the Garden of Eden, but by killing and killing behaviors and everything associated with that, we create illness, death, accident and disease. And you may say, Well, I haven’t killed anyone, or you may be a vegetarian or an extreme vegetarian and say, there’s no violence involved in anything that I do. And I would suggest you, there probably is a lot of violence in what you do. The secret to immortality takes you into awareness, becoming aware of what you’re doing. If you’re a vegan, do you think you’re better than people that aren’t vegans? Well, I suggest to you that that’s aggression. And that’s predation. Those are predator thoughts. I’m a vegan, I’m a vegetarian, so I’m better than you. If you’re not, I’m doing what’s right and you’re doing what’s wrong. I suggest you that’s predation, boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, that’s predation. Anything that isn’t loving combat and compassion, and giving from our soul, I suggest you is the behavior of a predator. If I’m not loving and compassionate, I’m stuck in my predator self and I can certainly do that it still happens. I’m getting better at not doing that. I’m suggesting that you go to immortal and simply read what’s there about the secret to immortality? There’s a podcast there there are articles there. There are free ci Gong videos. What is specifically the secret to immortality there are three parts In one part is what I talk about in most of these lectures that you’ll see on YouTube. I go into much more depth in the membership part at immortal now calm our immortality lab membership, but for now, this may be enough, just a YouTube video for you to know that there may be something further, there may be something deeper and more meaningful about life there for you. And I suggest that’s what we teach it immortal now calm the secret to immortality in three parts. I can you see that? I’m looking for the camera in three parts. The secret to immortality, one mindfulness for immortality. That’s what I’m talking about right now, how we think how we speak.
How we speak how we
act is mindfulness for immortality. The second part part two, is ci Gong for immortality Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese meditative art. I teach the part of it for physical immortality that I’ve learned from my mentor from Beijing, China, the mountains of China and from teas from his teachers are from Tibet, and also das masters in the mountains of China. I learned this from him, and he learns it from his teachers and I’m teaching it to you. On our website, you can find a free exercise of Qigong, you can find more explanation of that go there. We also have a book, Qigong and spiritual growth. The secret to immortality, the combination the culmination of decades of my lifetime, the culmination, perhaps, of over 1500 lifetimes is where I see what happened in all those lifetimes is this. Yes, there’s experience to be had in living many lifetimes, but you don’t have to live that one lifetime. You only have to live one lifetime and nothing else. Just one lifetime. there’s value in the experience of living many lifetimes. There’s value, but I’m here to tell you you only need the one. You only need to live one lifetime the one you’re living now, the one I’m living now. So let’s live that together at a mortal Go to mortal
See the blog,
look at the podcast or listen to it. Look at the book. And if you’re interested in want more, there’s a course introduction to immortality. It’s up in the top menu. And if you want daily contact in a deeper, more meaningful way perhaps and she gone classes, sign up for our membership. That’s a monthly membership called the immortality lab. bless you and keep you That’s all for now.
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