Course Review of “Introduction to Immortality”
This article will review our new course: Introduction to Immortality.
This is the first online course offered by and will take you through the Secret to Immortality — step by step — with simplicity and ease.
Get stability, strength and calm. Be inspired and awakened as you discover Qi Gong and the path to physical immortality.
Decades in the Making

Anything good takes time.
The making of this powerful course began decades ago, in my teenage years.
A cataclysmic personal event led me to dive deep for a solution that could save my life and get me out of pain.
For months, I struggled to survive. At the end of my ability to cope, I reached out in simple prayer. Instantly, I was taken to a Higher Power, my Origin and Father.
In this Nirvana, I was my perfect self, full-of-love and well. I sat next to God, as his child, and felt God’s presence as my own.
I experienced God’s spirit and force … to be the same as mine.
My body was healed. My mind was eased, and I saw the purpose of life.
I knew my mission on earth.
The Choice of Immortality
I saw we were all beings of light and good, with the choice of immortality on earth … much as described by Christ, Taoists, Yogi Masters and others.
I could see how we created suffering and death, how our harmful behavior had twisted creation and formed a difficult reality.
In this heavenly state, I could see our human core had no death.
As I was healed and transformed, I knew my mission was to demonstrate this Quantum Love and teach a method for eternal life on earth. Today, this method is called the “Secret to Immortality.”
The new course, Introduction to Immortality, is our first major initiative to bring the Secret to Immortality to the world.
If the Secret to Immortality appeals to you, this course is the first step for you to take.
Together, we can make a change that lasts.
What’s in this Course for You?

You’ll find exciting tools, ideas and techniques for personal growth and strength.
There are specific instructions that tell you exactly what to do for eternal life on earth.
Discover how this course can help you, day by day, in making small and incremental change.
If you’re interested in physical immortality and a life of…
- Peace
- Strength
- Personal Power
… please read on!
[To see the new course, click here.]
Your Plan for Physical Immortality
In this new course, you’ll discover the Secret to Immortality; you’ll learn the exact same techniques that Eastern Masters use everyday to generate immortal bodies of wisdom, strength and love.
You’ll see how we create our bodies, the world and everything else by how we think, speak and act.
You will find proven techniques to make your plan for a life of immortality.
An Ancient Chinese Practice for Eternal Physical Life
In this course you’ll discover a simple method, Qi Gong, that will help you find your core of happiness and lasting life.
The Qi Gong you’ll learn is simple: you can do it standing, sitting or even in bed before you sleep.
You can be young, older or in any physical condition and do the Qi Gong we teach.
This ancient technique will help you heal, gain strength and be calm. It will activate your innate physical immortality.
With Qi Gong, you’ll find a wonderful strength inside you of compassion, peace and love.
This NEW Immortality Course can be a powerful assist for your life!
Turn Daily Habits to Immortality Actions

We think, speak and act…all day long.
In this new course, you’ll learn specific thoughts, words and actions to “move the needle” from death to lasting life.
You’ll learn powerful habits for immortality, peace and love.
It’s almost too easy to think the Secret to Immortality can be something as simple as changing our thoughts and practicing an ancient Chinese technique.
YES, the idea is simple, but the practice can be challenging as any new endeavor can be. For this reason, mentoring is available.
With a little effort, the Secret to Immortality can be fulfilling, exciting and physically transforming in an unimaginable way!
Don’t forget, we’re here to help you any time, in any way you need. If you’re serious, we’re serious about our mission to help you with physical immortality.
Are You Excited?
We hope you’re excited by the challenge of immortality.
There’s challenge to anything of value that we build or develop. Time and effort are required, but the path to immortality is a wonderful and rewarding way of life.

Few things are instant in life but destruction, and who wants that? So let’s get going and make something great!
As we become aware of our thoughts and behavior, in a deep and powerful way, we can turn around our unconscious march toward death.
We can practice new behaviors and thoughts that give rise to immortality and eternal love. The Qi Gong we teach is essential in learning to do this.
Practice and patience are involved in manifesting our immortal self. This course will be of help every day, showing you exactly what to do for:
- Peace
- Stability
- Strength
- Immortal physicality
A Step by Step Course…
In this course, Introduction to Immortality, there are 10 instructional sections and 20 videos with downloadable resources dedicated to creating your physically immortal life.
The videos will take you through the process of the Secret to Immortality in a simple way, with easy to follow instructions.
You’ll discover a 3 step approach that includes:
- Mindfulness for Immortality
- Qi Gong for Lasting Life
- Mentorship and Coaching
Mindfulness for Immortality

Mindfulness for Immortality is where we capture the power of our thinking, words and action to successively build our physical immortality.
Our course videos will show you exactly what to do, think and say for powerful results.
The videos will show you how to take stock and watch how you speak and act, with motives revealed, where you get control.
You’ll find how to gain the ability to move out of human predatory reactions … to benevolent behaviors that active immortal life.
[To see the new course, click here.]
Qi Gong

Qi Gong is an ancient Chinese healing art that balances energy and brings forth our physically immortal self.
In this new course, you’ll find three Qi Going videos:
- Qi Gong Warm-up
- Nai Dan Gong
- Qi Gong Closing
These videos will help you get strong, calm and grounded … in touch with your immortal core.
Turn Around the Force of Death
With Qi Gong, you’ll discover how to turn around the force of death and move toward eternal physical expression.
The Qi Gong videos can:
- Awaken your human compassion
- Help you build deep inner strength
- Lead you to your core of physical immortality
Anyone can do the Qi Gong we present in this course: young or old, sick or well. The exercises can be done standing, sitting or in bed.
Simply watching the Qi Gong videos, and doing nothing else, can have a powerful effect.
Mentorship and Coaching
In mentorship and coaching, we gain by association with someone further upon the path.
It’s been helpful for me to have a teacher with a lineage of immortality and Qi Gong. I can feel his immortal energy, his state of eternal physical life — it has a powerful effect.
Immortality does transfer by osmosis when you’re physically close to a teacher who has relationships with immortals on his chain of instructors.
My teacher does not offer online courses or internet teaching … but we do.
You can watch the videos of this course every day, over and over, listening to my voice and getting the feel of my lineage — this is a type of mentorship.
As you work through this course with commitment and dedication, one-on-one mentorship will be offered.